Epicatechin is a naturally occurring flavonoid found in highest levels in cocoa and dark chocolate. Other foods containing smaller...
6 search results for: Epicatechin
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Cocoa Reduced CVD Death By An Astounding 27%
Will Brink, , Articles, Bomb-Proof Coffee, Nutritional Science, Supplement Science, 2An important study just out found cocoa flavanol supplementation at just 500mg per day reduced CVD death by an...
Over the years I have kept close track of the studies on the various benefits of cocoa, the main...
As if there were not enough benefits to regularly ingesting a quality cocoa source, recent data suggests improvements in...
The Science Of Bomb Proof Coffee/AlphaJoe Coffee
Will Brink, , Anti-Aging and HRT, Articles, Bomb-Proof Coffee, Brinkisms And Other Stuff, General Brinkzone Stuff, General Health, Longevity, Nutritional Science, Supplement Science, 432021 Update! A decade plus of giving away this recipe, I’m now able to offer it as...
We Are What We Absorb!
Will Brink, , General Brinkzone Stuff, Nutritional Science, Supplement Science, 19“You are what you eat” is an old expression your grandmother’s grandmother probably used, but it’s not actually correct...