A common question actually. Counting Calories, is it essential for reaching your goals of gaining or losing weight? In this vid, I give the simple answer and a formula for those who do decide they need to count calories to make progress.

Will Brink is the owner of the Brinkzone Blog. Will has over 30 years experience as a respected author, columnist and consultant, to the supplement, fitness, bodybuilding, and weight loss industry and has been extensively published. Will graduated from Harvard University with a concentration in the natural sciences, and is a consultant to major supplement, dairy, and pharmaceutical companies.
His often ground breaking articles can be found in publications such as Lets Live, Muscle Media 2000, MuscleMag International, The Life Extension Magazine, Muscle n Fitness, Inside Karate, Exercise For Men Only, Body International, Power, Oxygen, Penthouse, Women’s World and The Townsend Letter For Doctors.
He’s also been published in peer reviewed journals.
Will is the author of the popular e-books, both accompanied by private members forum access , Bodybuilding Revealed & Fat Loss Revealed.
You can also buy Will’s other books on Amazon, Apple iBook, and Barnes and Noble.
What’s the formula in US standard weight measurements, or the kilo to lb. conversions? Thanks for another good video Will.
You’ll have to look up the conversions to fill in the formula, 1 kilo = approx 2.2lb (2.20462 exact)
Thnk you sir…have a great day.
Hi Will. Once again you’re spot on. I used ‘My Fitness Friend’ for a couple of months to get lean to go on holiday. Got my BF down to 8 per cent and looked pretty good. I’m 60 and have never looked so good in my life although I’ve always kept very fit running marathons and doing triathlons (I was a runner with a weight training problem). I stopped using the app and now have a good idea of my cal intake and manage to stay looking ripped. There are guys in the gym who think I’m on the ‘juice’. No way! By the way I downloaded your ebook The Supplement Bible. Now Im on something of a crusade telling the guys at the gym how bad or useless some of stuff they’re selling here (UK) is. I’d like to send you a pic of myself if that’s ok. 60 is just a number.
After reading your post I went and downloaded “my fitness pal” on my android phone. Love this app. Quite an extensive food data base and really helps me count my caloric intake…thanks.
Thanks Will for a simplified and straight answer on calorie counting. Depending upon who you talk to, the responses are all over the map. :-). In recent years, I’ve been going with portion control and that has worked. I can gauge whether I’ve even over eaten by my portion sizes. BTW:Are your books The Sports Suppliment Bible and the other one on supplements available in hardback? I know you have a print version. Thanks again.
On the right side of the web page you have direct links to hard copy or e pub in the different format for The Supplement Bible and The Skinny on Diet Supplements. The others (BBR/FLR) are full programs. If portion control without counting calories is yielding the results you wanted, then its all good.
I am a member of Will’s Body Building Revealed and Fatloss Revealed programs and would easily recommend either one. Will has the best, extensive, and no fluff information on the planet. I’m sure his other books are just as professionally done.
Thanx Wade! Your check is in the mail 🙂
Same on the formula… is it someplace I’m not looking.
Also, what’s the name of the tune (violin and piano). Good video & music.
Did you watch the entire video?
I’m confused TEF? 10-15% (total energy????_ what?)
10% to total calories you came up with for weight gain,
or subtract 10% for weight loss, am I right?
Also, I’m right now sedentary but plan on going back to the gym for (light exercise 1-3 days) so do I use the sedentary numbers of 1.2 for my total, or the light numbers of 1.375 to start? 🙂
AH HA! Thermal Effect of Food….
Hi Will. Some great tips for those who are having a tough time attaining their goals weight wise,or not being able to attain the muscle and body composition they are looking for.
I personally have never counted calories, and thankfully never had to because I’m a nutbar when it comes to eating properly and working out.
I think it’s an important topic,and for those of us who do have these issues,you should count calories and macros,even though you would hate it with a passion.
Thanks will.
Mark—somewhere just south of constitution park
Hi Will,
What do you make of Gary Taubes books, “Why We Get Fat” and “Good Calories Bad Calories”, where he exhaustively goes through the lack of evidence supporting the caloric paradigm and exercise requirements for fat loss?
He is essentially saying that the medical community has erroneously assumed that decreasing calories or increasing caloric expenditure leads to fat loss.
His explanation for the basis is fat loss is essentially controlling insulin levels. Increasing exercise simply increases appetite and long term fat isn’t possible. He also claims that as we reduce calories, we also decrease our metabolic rate with the exception of starvation.
Those that have lost weight in various studies are claimed to have inadvertently also reduced carbohydrates, leading to fat loss and confusing the researcher.
I have not read his books, but anyone who reduces human physiology down to a single or simple premise, invariably wrong. The “just control insulin” approach is not new or original and comes and goes. I’d have to read his books to fully comment.
Found the formula. For some reason it didn’t show up the first time. Thank you. I’m always confident in the info I get from your vids. I’d still like to know the tune. My daughter & I are somewhat of a piano/violin duo.
Thanks again.