Below are three recent papers of interest that further support regular cocoa ingestion for health and possibly, performance, and...
11 search results for: cocoa
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Cocoa Reduced CVD Death By An Astounding 27%
Will Brink, , Articles, Bomb-Proof Coffee, Nutritional Science, Supplement Science, 2An important study just out found cocoa flavanol supplementation at just 500mg per day reduced CVD death by an...
As if there were not enough benefits to regularly ingesting a quality cocoa source, recent data suggests improvements in...
Cocoa has a long list of potential benefits, some of which are covered in my Bomb Proof Coffee write...
More Coffee Less Inflammation?
Will Brink, , Bomb-Proof Coffee, General Health, Nutritional Science, 0Chronic systemic inflammation (CSI) plays a role in a long list of diseases. I just did a seminar that...
Chocolate Love, The Video!
Will Brink, , Bomb-Proof Coffee, Nutritional Science, Supplement Science, Videos, 0In this vid, I cover the potential benefits of chocolate and cocoa, using the article linked below the vid:
Over the years I have kept close track of the studies on the various benefits of cocoa, the main...
The Science Of Bomb Proof Coffee/AlphaJoe Coffee
Will Brink, , Anti-Aging and HRT, Articles, Bomb-Proof Coffee, Brinkisms And Other Stuff, General Brinkzone Stuff, General Health, Longevity, Nutritional Science, Supplement Science, 432021 Update! A decade plus of giving away this recipe, I’m now able to offer it as...
Bomb Proof Coffee Confirmation
Will Brink, , Articles, Bomb-Proof Coffee, General Health, Longevity, Nutritional Science, Supplement Science, 2A new study adds additional scientific confirmation that combining Cocoa with coffee has numerous cognitive benefits over coffee alone....