[kleo_testimonials number=3]

[testimonial author_name=”Eamonn Donnellan – USA” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/eamonn.png”] Will Brink’s Body Building Revealed (BBR) has taught me the correct timing and ratios of my meals; how to maximise my workouts in the gym through pre/post workout drinks and the important post workout mealtime.

The results I have gotten with the BBR have made my training more enjoyable (my BF level has gone from 14% down to 9% in 5 weeks of a cutting phase), and I am now seeing the benefits of a healthy eating and training schedule.

There is excellent support on the BBR forum, with real experts at hand to give expert advice on diet, nutrition, supplements and of course the doc, Evan Peck who deals with all the injury questions. It teaches you that through hard work in the gym and a disciplined attitude towards healthy eating, you can get the body you desire. ”

To sum it up, it’s awesome! [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Naz Epply Pennsylvania – USA” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/naz.png”] I’ve gained an inch on my arms inaround 12 weeks.! I’ve also added 15-20 lbs of lean muscle on me.

My overall confidence has skyrocketed. I’m now able to squat & bench an ever-increasing 300 and 200lbs, respectively, let alone significant strength increases in all other exercises.

Previously 150 had been my max squat and bench for several years. Nothing has been as powerful for me personally as Body Building Revealed. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Jim Donaldson, USA” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/jim.png”] I don’t think there is a more complete teaching tool on the subject of fitness and nutrition out on the market than Will Brinks Body Building Revealed.

When you start setting goals for your future the first thing you do is select someone to help you get there that is well qualified in the field you’ve selected, health and fitness are no exception; you need the best in the business if you’re serious about achieving the best results.

Will and his program has enabled me to reach every one of mine and I didn’t start until I was in my 50’s, now I feel as good as when I was in my 20’s and look forward to many more years of added success. This program is perfect for anyone wanting the very best of health and fitness, taught by the very best in the business, regardless of your age. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Sergio Lares” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/sergio.png”] It was obvious to me that I had to do something about my weight problem. The problem was I did not know where to start, what to eat, what exercise for my body-type, or what supplements worked or didn’t. I had tried pretty much every diet and ebook system I could find online, but basically ended up giving up frustrated with my lack of progress, I had almost given up on finding something different that would actually make a real difference.

In the end I came across Will’s Fat Loss Revealed , program purely by accident from a recommended link on a fitness web site, I liked Will’s straight up style and a quick search around the web told me he was somebody I could trust.

I purchased FLR in April and immediately knew this was a real fat loss program with a diet and nutrition plan I could stick to.

The program is like a “fat-loss blueprint” that clearly lays-out on a “step by step” basis how to lose fat whether the goal is for better health (my initial goal) or getting ripped.

It covers everything needed to achieve fat-loss Including the essentials like nutrition, fat loss supplement reviews and advice, on-line meal planner, work-outs exercise videos. But to be honest the most amazing part of the FLR system is the advisors and other people following FLR found in the members area on the private forum and so forth.

The advice forum is staffed with highly competent advisors that truly care and are ready to answer and advise on the most confusing question(s) about supplements (that do and don’t work!) and fat-loss methods.

I was honored when the man himself, Will Brink, who writes for popular magazines and who has trained world class champions answered questions that I posted on the forum.

I have definitely surpassed my initial goal of just “loosing extra baggage” I’ve achieved a condition I just didn’t think possible thanks to Will Brink’s information. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Peter Eckart” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/peter.png”] I love the scientific bent of the Body Building Revealed Inner Circle.

I.E, let’s see the research . The straight up info from Will on supplements and ingredients is a real time saver and the professionalism and expert advice I get from his support team and moderators has been priceless.I do not remember what I paid many years back when I joined, but It has paid dividends many times over. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Dave Higby” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/dave.png”] I’ll keep this short , my goals were simple to be honest:

1 Drop my body fat
2 Maintain my muscle and gain a little
3 Do it all in 12 weeks

I always knew I could do it. When I finally decided to meet the challenge I wanted a nutrition plan that could be customized for me.

The FLR diet and Will (Brink) did a great job of teaching me what I needed to know and outlining a nutrition plan that even I could follow.

I did run into problems but when I did the FLR trainers and even the man himself Will Brink, were there to answer questions, give advice and support. [/testimonial]

[testimonial author_name=”Alison Brown – Australia” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/alison.png”] There is so much information out there about health and fitness and some of it can be very misleading, I have come to respect and trust what Will Brink has to say about any topic and through putting his training theories into practice I have achieved the goals and results that I aspired too.

Nothing gives r esults like perseverance, combined with accurate knowledge like one gets from Body Building Revealed.

I find invaluable information within the members area and refer to it often when I want to find something out about my training or nutrition. The members and Will Brink’s team of advisors are so supportive and answer your questions very promptly.

I constantly utilized the information that Will Brink has written, as I find it easy to understand, factual and supported with evidence. [/testimonial]

[testimonial author_name=”Pamela Blackburn | Mother of two” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/pamela_blackburn.jpg”] My favorite source of healthy nutrition and fat loss diet info came from Will (Brink) and his FLR fat loss system.

His information was my first line of defense in eating correctly to lose the body fat.

I recommend it without hesitation to my friends & family and continue to do so.

As I’ve said many times before . I know from experience, you can’t fail if you follow what Will says. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Pat Sitton” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/bf.jpg”] pat loses 50 pounds

Here are my before and after pictures.

The “after” was taken on my 48th birthday after a workout.

I’ve made more progress in 5 months following the principles in your information than the entire (almost) 3 years of dieting and exercise. I never would’ve thought a guy my age could’ve done this! [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Stefan Uhrik” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/stephan.png”] My fat loss journey started after looking in the mirror one day and noticing my gut poking out more than ever, so I got a friend to take a picture of how bad I let myself go (without my head in it because I was too ashamed it was my gut!) and I began my mission to lose it.

I became a member of FLR just out of curiosity , I had no real hopes but in it I found everything I needed to know on how to lose fat – straight to the point information that really works.

First thing I did was I set my self goals and recorded my results as explained in the motivation section. . Then I went into the members forum where I punched in my details in the Calorie Planner which worked out my macronutrient requirements per day, I also used the diet planner, it’s an amazing piece of software, it’s allowed me to keep total control over my diet , I couldn’t be without it.

I stuck to the diet, did my training as laid out in the book and the gut began to disappear.

In the before picture using the 3 site Accu-measure pinch test I measured; pec: 7mm, ab: 11mm, quad: 8mm, and my weight was 195lbs.

Sticking to the FLR diet I got down to pec: 3mm, abs: 4mm, quad: 4mm with a body weight of 173 lbs. So I lost around 20 lbs of fat and even gained about 6 lbs of muscle mass .

I never thought I could get this lean. FLR made it happen. And the best part about purchasing the e-book is the members area where expert advice is given to any question you may have and it’s filled with tons of useful information. Thanks FLR! [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Gareth Edwards – Northamptonshire, UK” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/bf4.jpg”] I have been overweight for as long as I remember. I have tried (and failed) to lose weight many, many times over the last 10 years as I just could not stick to any of the ‘diets’ that a lot of people would believe you have to be on in order to lose weight (i.e. salad, salad and nothing but salad!) Towards the end of last year I had hit my highest weight ever – and even close friends and family started to comment about my increased size… that’s when I decided to take action.

I first came across FLR after searching online for weight loss supplement reviews, and thought ‘what the heck’ and gave FLR a try – which turned out to be by far the best decision i’d made all year! I quickly learned that my extreme diet was all wrong, and that it was making my weight loss goals near on impossible! The extensive information and instruction about diet, exercise and supplements set me on the right path to achieve my goals… a path which i’m happily still following over 6 months later without a second thought. The forums are also incredibly helpful, with brilliant advice from other members about everything from meal recipe ideas, through to advice on training routines. I have found the answers to a lot of my own queries simply by searching through the forum.

I would not hesitate to recommend the FLR package to anyone who wants to take control of their health (and waistline!) once and for all without the fads and gimmicks that will lead you astray. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Amy Fox” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/amy_after.jpg”] I was hopelessly overweight and quite down on myself. I wasted so much money on fat loss pills and creams, I think I must have tried every diet in the universe. I did lose weight, a few pounds here and there I was a classic yo – yo dieter but I always gained it back and more.

I feel so glad, I finally found your FLR program Will, what it’s done for me is something I can’t put into words.

In total, “I have lost over 50 pounds of fat while gaining lean muscle to give me that toned look I always wanted, my friends and family still can’t believe it and I recommend FLR to all of them, I think you have half my family tree as FLR members now.

I didn’t do it as a crash, or quick fix diet, but as a steady healthy reduction in bodyweight as outlined in your program.Your direction and knowledge of diet and supplements has been more than invaluable to my success. Thank you Will. [/testimonial]

[testimonial author_name=”Dave – USA” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/dblbigrn2005.jpg”]”Information, Integrity, Intensity..”
What else can I say? I’ve had access to the inner circle members area now for 5 months. I’ve learned so much from Will and the team it’s been a great help and a great resource. From learning about cortisol and insulin levels, to overstraining and ephedra, these guys have kept me up to date with the latest findings and facts. I enjoy the in depth critiques of bogus supplements and the level of advice on training from Dr Evan Peck MD is just plain amazing. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Kychynal – Belgium ” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/KBike.jpg”]”First off, I wanted to say that you have written a great book. I’ve always been involved in sports, but have had a tough time putting on muscle. After getting your book, improving my nutrition, adding a couple of supplements, I finally started making gains. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Dale Srebniak Townsville ,Queensland, Australia. sreb25 @ hotmail.com” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/dale.jpg”] I have been a little quite of late,but i will say the information between the Members Forum and the Body Building Revealed Ebook would have to be in the top 10% in the world in regards to all facets of the Art.Because thats how i see bodybuilding its like creating a sculpture, working with the earths elements. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Pamela Blackburn – USA” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/pam.jpg”] Will’s books and forums, both BBR and FLR are awesome and my ultimate guide for nutrition!

I recommend them freely and without hesitation to my friends, family and clients.

As I’ve said many times before, you just can’t lose with this information! [/testimonial]

[testimonial author_name=”Jawine Westland :Greater Belfast, Northern Ireland jawine @ gmx.net” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/testimonial-jawine.jpg”] The BBR book is great, very informative but what I love most is the forum. So many forums are full of trolls/hecklers but there is a great atmosphere here, everybody is keen to help each other and there’s a lot of fun to be had also in the gossip, humour threads where people relax and talk a bit of nonsense. You really get to know the regulars and the moderators/regulars have a wide experience in different types of lifting so there is always someone who can help talking from experience. People also respect each other there are no stupid mean remarks. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Elissa Lowe – USA” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/ellissa.jpg”] Will’s “no BS” approach stands in stark contrast to the hype you see elsewhere on the internet, where the “information” is designed to sell supplements and additional products. Thanks to the BBR e-book and forum, I’m in the best shape of my life. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Scott Brouse USA” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/sco1.jpg”] This is by far the best, complete and up to date internet fitness/nutrition site there is.The information is top notch and the response to any questions are always answered clear and precise.

This site is for anyone serious about fitness and nutrition and want the truth.

My main goal is to have a great looking physique and in order to accomplish that training hard and eating correctly with proper supplementation is of paramount concern to me. Body Building Revealed is where I get all my information and advice. When I need answers to any fitness/nutrition concern BBR is where I turn to for top-notch advice in the field. Whether I am trying to shed body fat or pack on muscle Will Brink and his team at BBR always help with my concerns. I would recommend this site to anyone who is serious about getting real guidance and real results. Thanks to Will and everyone at BBR, you have helped me out tremendously. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Robert McAfee – USA” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/robert.jpg”] After about a year of fumbling around at the gym with bad training, and nutrition habits, I found BBR. I am not an impulse buyer so when I buy something I have to think long and hard about it.

I had noticed the ads and links for Body Building Revealed for several months on some very respectable bodybuilding sites but never paid much attention.

Finally I saw an endorsement for (BBR) from a natural bodybuilder that I respect very much, so I sprang for it. Little did I realize what a gold mine of resources I had found.

After a year and a half, I am still overwhelmed with the endless knowledge available from BBR. The e–book is like none other and the biggest bonus of all have been the BBR Member Forums with the super trainers like Elissa, Simon, Dr. Peck, and Will Brink himself.

I just don’t think anything can touch BBR. [/testimonial]

[testimonial author_name=”Kevin Little – USA” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/kevin.jpg”] I joined BBR back in 2003. I have spent countless hours searching the web and magazines for good reliable and useful information. I had read many of Will’s articles and finally ended up ordering the e-book and joining the forum section.

The info in the e-book is truly outstanding – I printed it out and have practically worn out the pages with highlights and notes.

It is really like a “bible” for those seeking the best health and nutrition information. The forums are really second to none in my opinion. I have narrowed down my sources for info to about 3-4 different sites and BBR is still on the top of that list. The contributions by the Will, the moderators and the members have been a big help in answering many of my questions and concerns about dieting, exercise and bodybuilding.

Actually, more than a big help. The feedback you get is almost instant, and the camaraderie on the board is really something as well. I would recommend the e-book to anyone whether it be someone new to exercise and nutrition or a seasoned bodybuilder. The information is straight to the point, well thought out, and honest. Using the info provided will enable anyone to reach their goals and go beyond. Also, it will enable anyone to save a ton of money on useless supplements and falling prey to the latest supplement schemes.

My only disappointment is that I did not find the e-book sooner as it would have saved me “a lot” of time and effort. Keep up the excellent work as it is greatly appreciated. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Anna Lieb Fitness Model & Television Actress” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/anna2.jpg”] I’ve relied on Will’s nutrition and supplement information for many years. It’s always up to date, honest and effective. I’m always looking for what works , I don’t have time for pseudo experts, I need the real thing , I can rely on will and use his information to stay happy with my looks. He know’s his stuff. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Carlos Torres” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/carlos.jpg”] This is the best book on bodybuilding I have ever read.The supplement reviews have informed me on what supplements work and which are a total waste of money. This has saved me $100’s of dollars a year.

The inner circle area is great too. Any questions I have on nutrition, supplementation, and strength training can be answered by top experts.Having this information at my disposal has been a great asset to my personal training business and for my own workouts! Thank you for this great book! [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Sarah Louk” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/2sarahcmas05.jpg”] So I have been on BBS members forum for about 4 weeks. I have been religiously trying to read every single post..it takes forever!

Right away I felt really good about everything and was excited. I was going to write my testimonial at that point but after reading the existing ones I thought I would wait until I had something unique to say.

Well, today I went to a gym to get a personal trainer. I have everything I need at home (thanks to my super sweet fiance). The salesman at the gym didn’t really buy it when I told him I had everything so I listed it off…I really really do have EVERYTHING.

So the reason I am so thrilled to have “met” Wil and his wonderful moderators is that I went into a high pressure situation looking for a trainer and came out a huge winner.

I kicked their butts having knowledge that the average person probably doesn’t have when they walk into the gym. Right away I let them know what I wanted…a drill Srgt. to kick my butt into gear but I wouldn’t be staying long term.

I also told them I didn’t want any of their products (Apex) included into my nutrition as I had already done some research and had gotten advice from knowledgable and trustworthy people.

They tried to charge me for a session on meal planning to determine my macronutrient needs and caloric intake. I pulled out a printed page from todays diet menu and said “Already have it.”. That took $120 off my bill.

They still tried to add some of their products into my menu and I kept taking them out..I showed them my replacements (LEF Whey) and LEF Multi. I carry the multi bottle around and let them compare…they quit bugging me.

So I walked out with just what I wanted…a super cheap membership ($24 a month) with 2 months free and 30 sessions with a trainer for $44 per session. All because I had the confidence that I knew something about what they were trying to sell me.

I posted my 6wk mark pictures in my photo album…you just wait and see how good I look in 4 more weeks.

Thanks so much Wil and all the kick butt mods. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Dr. Paul Afek Physician – Arizona USA” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/doc.jpg”] I have gotten lots of valuable information from the Body Building Revealed system and the Inner Circle. There is so much information and misinformation out there, and Will’s information takes a rational and reasonable approach to it all. As a Doctor I am extremely picky on where and who I take advice from but this is information that can be trusted. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Mark Macgillivray – USA” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/markm.jpg”] As I quasi–retired from doing research and consulting with corporate and government clients, and began doing more of it with health and fitness clients, I got to spend a lot of time reading and reviewing various fitness–information resources. The majority of stuff I came across was factually wrong, intentionally misleading, or scientifically suspect. But then I found Body Building Revealed, and immediately I knew it was a cut above.

The book’s information is explanation–oriented, not sales–oriented, and its references are the results from clinical studies, not anecdotes. The forum provides additional depth and discussion that go way beyond the type of postings found on most health sites. Members are open and frank, and even when they debate a topic they are respectful and supportive. It has been fun and rewarding to participate and help out moderating. [/testimonial]

[testimonial author_name=”Kim Kruger – New Zealand.” img=”https://brinkzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/kim.jpg”] I always want to investigate new ways to improve my nutrition, training and supplement intake to produce the best results. The private members area and the forum is the best there is – instant access to experts on nutrition, supplements and training routines.

The information is clear, easy to understand and backed by real world experience. To be honest, I would have paid 10x the price just for the supplement section. Normally these forums have 1 million threads per supplement, not BBR, just one neat thread per brand name supplement, makes life so easy to find what you want.

I like the fact that when I need answers to questions I can get them instantly and without having to consult 50 different resources, this is an all in one package. Body Building Revealed is helping me to continue to push myself to achieve my goals If you want abs and not flab, Will is the man. [/testimonial]

[testimonial author_name=”Markus P. – Germany sb221 @ yahoo.com”] This is my 2nd testimonial, I wanted to comment again as I’ve had access to the Inner Ring and ebook for about 4 months now. I’ve gained about 12 lbs of muscle, doesn’t sound to much but I’m only 5’2″ and it looks a lot let me tell you, but in the same amount of time I’ve lost nearly 18lbs of fat, I tell you I look totally different, all down to BBR, but not just the info in the book, it’s the inner circle, seriously i don’t think anything else out there compares to guys like Evan Peck MD and Will, elissa , the effort all the staff put in to help with my questions has been outstanding , i never ever expected that level of help considering how little BBR costs, you should honestly charge a whack more, you would easy get it. Cant’ speak highly enough of BBR, I got my brother and his wife to join as well and we keep emailing it each other about what a find this was, talk about overdelivering. Just a big thanks to Will, Simon, Ellisa, Markus, Evan and everybody. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Lyle Williams – USA lyle_williams75 @ hotmail.com “] It was out of a little frustration that I decided to fix up my body building program. The results I was achieve out of my workout’s were very confusing. Since I had no clue what was wrong, I figured it must be everything. I thought that if I could fix up my eating and my resting, then I’d at least know it was my workout which were at fault.

The best thing I have ever done for my body building routine was to purchase Will Brink’s Body Building Revealed Nutrution guide. The guide has allowed me to concentrate totally on my workout’s and I’ve have put on 10 kgs of body weight during this period while maintaining a similar bodyfat ratio.

Another great benifit of Body Building Revealed was the free years membership to the BBR website. Here I used other members stories as a source of inspiration when I felt a little down about my progress. It comforting to know that other people have progessed through problems similar to what I was experiencing at the moment.

Finally, body building is an experience filled with obstacles. I think that you can only succeed in it with proper knowledge and support. I’ve recieved both from BBR and I thank you. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Jason Halstead -USA “] I’ve had BBR for about 9 months now and I’ve used the knowledge I’ve gained from it and the support and advice from those on the website forums to drop from 220 pounds and around 22% bodyfat to 185 and 13%. From there I’ve used those same principles to bring myself back up to 206 pounds and 12.5% bodyfat, an overall loss of 22 pounds of fat and a gain of 8 pounds of muscle. And this is only the beginning.

I consider it money very well spent. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Ron Lein – Canada”] Will Brink provides top notch muscle building information in an easy to follow and understand manner. The Charles Poliquin wieght training section is a MUST READ for any serious trainer. The absolue BIGGEST value is not just the book itself, but the muscle building forum. The continual support of the members and the information and guidance from the moderators makes the process even easier.

Read the book. Talk to the group. Ask any questions you may have (hint…many may have already been answered and are just a quick search away on the forum). Then, apply the information and you will literally save yourself YEARS of trial and error, while building as much muscle as you are capable of putting on naturally. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Ron Stewert – Canada”] I have been a fairly quiet member on this forum for almost 3 years now. In comparison, I joined this forum around the same time that erp7e joined, but with only 32 posts, I realize that I am not getting the full benefit, nor contributing to the forum, that I could. So before giving testimony, I wanted to spend some time and ask myself what BBR has meant to me.

The information in this e-book is top notch. I have not found a more concise source of information on nutrition and fitness than what I find here. But it’s Will Brink, the moderators, and the members who make this forum an unending wealth of information. Do you need breaking news on new supplements and government regulations? You can bet that Will and Elissalowe will give you an unbiased report on the subject. Need to find information about an exercise program that you found on the internet, in a book, in a magazine, or on television? Erp7e is guaranteed to give you the low-down on the results you should expect to receive from the program. And what good would this forum be without Simes? Not only is he helpful in all the above topics, his moderating ability keeps this forum friendly, ensuring members will be comfortable posting about any topic. But it’s more than just a centralized source of information. They have built a community and a family. Members together have celebrated their achievements as well as help others break through plateaus. You can guarantee there will be someone who will help you break out of a slump you might be in.

Not being very articulate, it has taken me many, many hours just to come up with what I have written here. But I have realized that I am not taking full advantage of the benefits you receive here. So one of my New Year’s resolutions for this year; become more of an active member of BBR. I look forward to contributing more to this community. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Neil Mackinnon – Manchester, England.”] Your ebook is full of all the necessary information for successful weight training, it is easy to home in on any info you are searching for, a most professional job all round. The forum and social contact are a great bonus.
Many thanks [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Mark A. White Brisbane, Australia”] The end result has been 10lbs of rock solid muscle gained in just over 1 month simply by training less and eating more and better.”

“The best read ever on the subject of gaining lean muscle. I can now say that after several weeks of getting used to the meal planning and food calculations I now know the caloric value and nutritional content of everything I eat. I can also now pick up any food, look at the label and instantly know what it all means. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Martin J (Last Name Witheld) – Germany”] Been a member since last february of 2005. First post. I am usually a listener not a talker, but BBR has been absolutelly the best investment in myself i have ever made. I have tried a lot of things in my life to help in my muscle building and weight lose. I have made more progress since i purchased the e-book and started visiting the forum than i ever have before. I am 49 years old 5′ 8″ and now weigh in at 164 lbs. i am at about 9% bf. before getting the e-book i was at about 178 lbs and 17% bf. All this improvement came from BBR. I would and do recommend it to everyone. Thanks again !!! [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Forum Name DML65 – Real Name Witheld”] No matter what your level of experience or years of training “BBR” is a must have for any fitness enthusiast, trainer, or coach. The e-book has proven to be a valuable resource for myself and is a welcome addition to anyones fitness/nutrition library.

Will Brink has done his homework as has written a book based on scientific, well researched fact! Great Job Will! But wait, there is more. If your a thinking man like myself, reading only one source of information, and then accepting it as gosspil just doesn’t cut it. The BBR forum is by far the greatest tool available for those who belong to the BBR community.

With the BBR forum, you have 24 hour access to some of the most intellegent minds in the finess/nutrition arena. Real people who have gone down the same path that many of us have, and endured some of the same disappointments along the way. But as the saying goes – “He who makes no mistakes, learns nothing”. So what you get on the forum is nothing short of true WISDOM. Thanks Will and members of the Forum – I learn something new every day. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Eric Lee – Worcestershire – UK – England”] The knowledge I have gained since purchasing this book is incredible. I have simplified my approach to supplement buying, this includes which supplements and where to buy them. I have saved time and money by no longer buying useless supplements and by no longer waiting in line at the supplement store and paying for overpriced products. The exercise section of the e-book really cleared up many myths about bodybuilding that I believed were truths. Accumulation + Intensification = results.

If you aren’t sure how well you have set your workout program you can post it in the forum and you will get help, GUARANTEED.If you have read the e-book and have set up your Diet but it just doesn’t seem to be working for you, post it in the forum and you will get help, GUARANTEED.

Then again if you have read the e-book and are still not sure how to set up your diet, all you have to do is search the forum and you will find plenty of examples.Buying this e-book is the best purchase I have made. The knowledge acquired was something I was hoping for when I bought this e-book. The friends I have made on the forum was something I really didn’t expect but am very grateful for. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Jon Cochise Indiana USA”] I bought both the Body Building Revealed e-book and the Fat Loss Revealed e-book. For me, they represent a major find, a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The books are easy to read and packed with up-to-date information. But, even more important for me was the practical application they represent in my life. I found two books that I could read just follow the instructions and actually DO. What a concept!

Since I have bought the books, I have lost 10 inches in my waist, dropped from 32% body fat to 22 % body fat, increased my biceps by 3 inches, gained 2 inches in my thighs and love doing in the gym what I learned from your books.

And even bigger surprise came later, when I logged on to the forum. What a wonderful place. I think I have only asked one question in my entire time on the forum and elissalowe answered it. I have to say what an answer. She was so patient, clear and concise. From that point forward, the forum has turned into my gateway into the world of bodybuilding. It is really hard to think of a question to ask, when all I have to read and ‘olla’ there is my question and answer. This forum brings the e-books alive for me. SIMES, elissalowe, erp7e, and WillBrink you all make it work so well. SIMES you pull this site together so well. erp7e you are the MAN. I have learned so much from your wisdom, advice and experience. Elissalowe you have my utmost respect and it is a pleasure to read what you have to say. Will, I just want to say thank you so much for all that you provide in both the publications and the support. It is first rate. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Bill Tait – BC – Canada”] When I re-started training a few months ago, I wanted to do it right, unlike the first time I worked out at university. As I am now (much) older and wiser I did a lot of research on the internet, and discovered what a minefield of misinformation, and often disinformation, there is out there. Thankfully I stumbled across BBR, which on the face of it, seemed genuine.

Thank goodness I decided to go with BBR. The e-book coupled with the forum has been one of my most powerful learning experiences. I cannot imagine having made the same progress that I have without the use of BBR. The forum moderators, as well as the members themselves, are not just incredibly helpful but have a wealth of wisdom to be shared.
Fantastic and long may it continue. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Members Forum name – Daleg – Real Name Withheld.”] When I first purchased the e-book, I found that it contained all the basic information a person needs to get into shape. The nutritional information isn’t just a fad like so many other books, but actually based on a well balanced diet. Instead of telling you that a specific type of food is the enemy (which isn’t just untrue, but also unhealthy), it goes into *why* you should eat a variety of foods and the role they play in building muscle/losing weight. Ofcourse, we can’t leave out the great section by Charles P on building exercise programs that fit your goals.

While all of this is a great deal in itself for less than 50 dollars (especially when you consider how many books you could purchase for that much money–each–before finding a single one that will actually teach you good nutritional habits), the forums are what blew me away. I’ve purchased about 400 dollars in nutritional books, searched forum after forum, and even gone through the N.A.S.M. personal training course, but nothing has made it quite so easy to find the answers to the questions I have as the BBR forums. It’s not unusual to get responses back from the staff–including Will Brinks himself–within hours of posting. They all do their best to explain things to you, and don’t hesitate to break things down in multiple posts.

All in all, I was expecting a solid book with the basics and maybe a few new tricks to pick up, and that would have been fine. Instead, I got access to a site which, to be honest, contains more practical information than I’ve found in the past few years.

Great site, and I’m proud to say that I’m a part of it! [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Forum Name : Ray2nite : Real Name Withheld”] Not everyone is a muscle building advocate and wants to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. But everyone should want to be healthy and feel good and, from the countless diet books and gyms (and plastic surgery), I know everyone wants to look good. But to look good, one must be healthy and feel good. The best way to be healthy is by increasing muscle and keeping body fat in check. This takes more than counting calories and walking on a treadmill.

In my quest to be as healthy as I can be, I have read myriad books and articles, scoured the internet and visited countless forums. Nowhere have I found the depth of knowledge and unbiased opinions (based on scientific evidence) as in the BBR. It is more than worth its weight in good health. The e-book gives you all the information you need to learn the ins and outs of nutrition and exercise. Will Brink then writes new articles and keeps you abreast of the latest scientific research on nutrition and exercise.

The best part is the forum. It is not only friendly and enjoyable but full of people willing to share their stories and ready to help out. But it is the response to questions that is so amazing. Will Brink himself is always there to answer questions, as well as others who are very knowledge in their related fields. Just awesome.

If you want to gain lean muscle, be healthy, and look good in a bathing suit, it’s the way to go. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Forum Name : Torelli Real Name Withheld”] As a researcher in the Health and Nutrition Industry at a major university I often get discouraged at the many worthless supplements and information on the market.

3 Years ago I bought BBR and joined Will Brinks forum and was extremely impressed with the information they provided. You really do get the inside look at what is a good product on the market.

Unlike most online forums they still continue to surprise me with the in depth information, quick responses, and wealth of users on the forum. Not to mention you get 24/7 access to Will Brink himself!

Without a doubt this was the best purchase online for me, and I look forward to what they will come up with in the future.

Great job! [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Peter Jones – Tenby England UK. gastanking4@gmail.com”] Hello Will, I took my measurements and got on the scale again yesterday, I am now 12lbs up of lean solid muscle (YES!!!) and down 6lbs of fat, I am using the hand calipers you recommended and I am sure the fat measurement is correct, so that’s 12lbs of muscle in 13 weeks and the fat loss on my stomach and chest, and I was not new to training so that is impressive. BBR is an amazing program. Feel free to use this if you wish to, you have my permission.
Thank you. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Brian Nassar”] I’ve read almost EVERY book (e-book or otherwise) and Body Building Revealed rates as the best that I have read…PERIOD! Will does not try and confuse the reader with charts, graphs, over complicated routines, etc., that seem to be the rage nowadays. He just writes it with staight forward good common sense. Thank you Will!! [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Chris Collier, USA”] I’ve never had this amount of knowledge at my fingertips…book is very informative without spending tens of pages defining obscure concepts and training techniques that have no meaning to anyone except doctors and possibly muscletech product developers…On that note, I really appreciate the honesty about supplements…very detailed descriptions and actual research!!

Thanks Will and everyone else who has contributed to the book and the site [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Real Name: Jonathon Healy”] 21 lbs of solid awesome muscle in under 5 months, and lost some fat around my abs as well, went down town yesterday with a friend, and took my top off and people were staring for the good reasons now, before I could never have felt confident enough to do that. not much more to say about it , I love Body Building Revealed. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Larry P Cross”] I’m still pretty new to the site and am definitely still new to weightlifting (just over 1 year). I don’t know how I stumbled on to this nutrition and fitness “Treasure” but I’m really glad that I did. The eBook is very very well written, and the paper version that I printed out (a pBook ?) is wrinked, torn & pretty much worn out from from me reading it and referring back to it over and over.

I’m 46, only have one lung (lost the other during an accident in my youth) and characterize myself as a “hard gainer”. I started going to the gym to workout a little over a year ago, only in an effort to try to spend time with my wife, who was going there at least 5-6 days a week (over-training would be an understatement…..but she looks fantastic). I eventually figured out that as long as I was spending lots of time there, I might as well try to get in a little better shape.

I pretty much floundered in my facsimile of a “workout” until I came across Will Brinks, the eBook and this website.

When I originally started working out last year I was at 6′ 2″ (I’m still there by the way) and 185 lbs – and much to my dismay the more and harder I worked, the more weight I would lose….until I was down to about 165 lbs. This was not really what I was hoping for. To cut to the chase….after reading and assimilating the information in the ebook and the wise advice from this forum, I am now at 195 lbs of reasonably solid/lean material. This is the most I’ve ever weighed in my life, but I still have a 33 waist and have arms and shoulders that I’m not embarassed to reveal in public. The other problem I had going into this was a sunken chest from where the steering wheel of the car I was driving hit me, breaking my left shoulder, breaking all the ribs on my left side and necessitating the removal of my torn and shattered lung. This gave me a rather compressed profile in the chest area, which not really all that flattering. The advice I received in this forum on chest exercises helped me build out the left side of my chest to the point that it looks essentially the same as my right side. So at this point in time I have gotten back to square 1 in my physique. The next step is to start building some good definition and increasing my strength.

I am really grateful for Will and the contributors/moderators here. The information and advice regarding training and nutrition provided here are straightforward, understandable, and based on research, experience and best practice. Having an education and background in the sciences enables me to appreciate the thorough, scientific and fact based methodology used to arrive at the principles and practices that Will and the others teach and advocate.

I would have to say though, that the #1 thing that will keep me coming back to this site is the generous, honest, respectful and helpful way that everyone is treated here. Standing firm in any discipline requires determination, motivation and committment. This site helped me maintain my enthusiasm and helped me ignore the many negative factors and forces (some of which are self-imposed, or just self-perceived) that worked to keep me from reaching beyond myself towards something better.

Thanks a lot. I hope that at some point I will be able to contribute something of value to the other members here. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Forum Name : BurnBabyBurn”] Thanks to this wonderful informative truthful e-book full of wisdom and knowledge, i will,some day but in a shorter time reach my full potential achieving the body and well-being i have always envisioned of. jam packed with easy to read all there is to know about bodybuilding,health,supplements, and nutrition.

as for the online memebers area…very useful indeed. there is always someone patient and experienced person to guide you and answer any questions you may have.i think their honesty, directness and straightforwardness should be regarded as honourable and appreciated to a great extent because i believe without people like these who are willing to help others with passion, diligence,truthfullness, we can’t go far in life.at least in the fitness & Health area. so they gain my utmost respect and trust!…..

Excellent! [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Forum Name : Centurion – Full Name Withheld”] One Heck of a Bargain”I believe I’m one of those early veterans of BBR. I don’t post often, because I’m afflicted with a curse placed on many old soldiers – I get started talking and I can’t shut it off.

(I also think I have more to say than I really do.) I’ll try to limit this to three points:1. From what I have observed, both the staff and members of BBR are knowledgable, honest, courteous, of good humor, and always willing to help. I can vouch for the fact that this is not true of many websites in this field.

I expect the staff to be professional and I have not been disappointed. I want to give a big HOOAH! to the members for their part in making this a first rate experience.2.

The site is very well organized and easy to navigate. Finding what you want, when you want it, without having to shed blood, is great.3. The Diet Planner is worth the price of membership by itself. (Please don’t feel that you must raise rate on the strength of this statement.) The planner combined with the Food Database is a very powerful and easily used tool. It has been a great help.Keep up the great work.

Warm Regards,
Centurion [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Innner Circle Name : Bollywood Hogan”] Hello Will or whoever get’s these, through the use of the ebook and this forum I went from 145 lbs to 205 in six months. About 40 lbs of that was muscle. I never expected anything close to that from my self. I would have been happy at 160. Now I am greedy, I want to do more because I know what is possible. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Real Name : Mark A White”] The best read ever on the subject of gaining lean muscle. I can now say that after several weeks of getting used to the meal planning and food calculations I now know the caloric value and nutritional content of everything I eat. I can also now pick up any food, look at the label and instantly know what it all means. “The end result has been 10lbs of rock solid muscle gained in just over 1 month simply by training less and eating more and better. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author_name=”Inner Circle Name : Makster”] Been a member since last february of 2005. First post. I am usually a listener not a talker, but BBR has been absolutely the best investment in myself i have ever made. I have tried a lot of things in my life to help in my muscle building and weight lose. I have made more progress since i purchased the e-book and started visiting the forum than i ever have before. I am 49 years old 5′ 8″ and now weigh in at 164 lbs. i am at about 9% bf. before getting the e-book i was at about 178 lbs and 17% bf. All this improvement came from BBR. I would and do recommend it to everyone. Thanks again !!! [/testimonial]

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