Nutritional supplement companies want people to believe the products they sell are made by them in pharmaceutical grade facilities using the best possible ingredients using the latest science, and designed people with qualifications to formulate such products. The actual truth is nothing like that. In this episode of BrinkZone radio I reveal how the vast majority of nutritional supplements are Actually produced from start to finish with an industry insider (me!) breaking it down and giving the facts the slick marketing fails to show.

Learn the facts once and for all from an industry insider!

Listen to show click HERE

  1. Liam 12 years ago

    Great information! Fair but firm. Thanks Will

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      Thanx Liam!

  2. david dondero 12 years ago

    my friend will, i am very hard of earing. is it possible to have a written report? as to sopplements, i have been a manager of three different stores, and can tell you, buyer be where.

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