I was at EUROPA Battle of Champions & Sports & Fitness EXPO in Hartford CT yesterday. The Europa is a new show, and is a sports nutrition, fitness, bbing show with expo. Show had grappling, strong man, arm wresting, and other competitions going on. Vid below… The show will be there again next year, and has other locations (For more info: www.visionstarinc.com) so put this one on your schedule for future shows to attend!

Will Brink is the owner of the Brinkzone Blog. Will has over 30 years experience as a respected author, columnist and consultant, to the supplement, fitness, bodybuilding, and weight loss industry and has been extensively published. Will graduated from Harvard University with a concentration in the natural sciences, and is a consultant to major supplement, dairy, and pharmaceutical companies.
His often ground breaking articles can be found in publications such as Lets Live, Muscle Media 2000, MuscleMag International, The Life Extension Magazine, Muscle n Fitness, Inside Karate, Exercise For Men Only, Body International, Power, Oxygen, Penthouse, Women’s World and The Townsend Letter For Doctors.
He’s also been published in peer reviewed journals.
Will is the author of the popular e-books, both accompanied by private members forum access , Bodybuilding Revealed & Fat Loss Revealed.
You can also buy Will’s other books on Amazon, Apple iBook, and Barnes and Noble.
How cool was that bodybuilding chick who did a rear double biceps pose while doing a full split? Amazing!
Yes, that was Cassandra Floyd. She's the schnizzle… 😉
Probably the best 20 dollars I have spent in a long time. I think I left with at least 100.00 bucks in free supplements plus Kai Greene and the American Strongmen were IMPRESSIVE!!!!
A good show, especially as a first time show. Will be even better next year!
Did you discover any cool new products you love?
Can't say any new jumped out at me at this show.
Looks like a good time was had by all. The girls definately had some muscle. Cassandra Floyd, wow.
Excellent show indeed, a welcome addition to the east coast schedule!
I have always been interested in pre workout drinks and I have been a happy guinea pig this week! Right now CytoMax Monster Pump is my favorite. Goes down pretty smooth for a carbonated drink and I did feel pretty invincible durning and after my workout! Still have a bunch of brands to give a try so the jury is still out on my favorite! Beats going to gnc or vitamin shoppe and buying a container of a product only to be dissapointed!
Thanks again will for the Heads up about the show…..especially since I live in the hartford area! Glad to hear it will be back next year!
That's awesome. I was at Europa Hartford both days. It's too bad I missed you. I was working the Muscleology (www.muscleology.com) booth on both days. I will be at Europa Dallas on August 13-14th, as well. Will you be there?
Check out our photos on facebook & videos on youtube too!
Will do Carol! See you at the Arnold?