Recent studies have shown some controversial findings that high-rep training is as effective as the traditional medium rep training...
62 search results for: whey
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We Are What We Absorb II: Proteins, amino acids, and peptides

This is a topic so large it could take stacks of text books (and it does!) and many...
BrinkZone Radio!

Each show will cover a wide range of topics important to anyone interested in accurate, science based, and objective...
10 Easy Recipes For Busy Moms and Lazy Cooks

10 Easy Recipes for Busy Moms and Lazy Cooks. Fitness model, mom and trainer Sumi Singh shared clean eating...
Lactoferrin: The Bioactive Peptide that Fights Disease Part II

In 2000, I wrote an extensive article on lactoferrin, a peptide with some truly interesting studies that suggest it...
Knowledge is power! How To Save Years of Wasted Time and Money!!!

“Knowledge is power” – Sir Francis Bacon By Will Brink The above title is one of the best-known expressions...
Success Stories
Will Brink’s Body Building Revealed (BBR) has taught me the correct timing and ratios of my meals;...
Make it Happen While You’re Away on Travel, Part 2: Getting to The Gym

Busy professionals like us have a laundry list of excuses of why we are justified in abandoning our fitness...
Below is a collection of products or services that I personally use, personally developed, or personally recommend. If I...
Folks. Just did a podcast interview for Muscular Development. We covered various topics, such as creatine, whey, and others...