Will returns from nerd heaven!
Just returned from New Orleans where I attended the Experimental Biology Conference (FASEB). The full article on this conference can be found HERE. The FASEB conference brings in scientists from all over the world, with more then 10,000 in attendance this year. Topics covered are wide ranging, including topics essential to aging, cancer, cardio vascular disease, weight loss, genetics, to name just a few. It’s truly the place many of the worlds top scientists converge to discuss and display the most cutting edge research in their respective areas of specialty.

Various scientific societies make up the FASEB conference: The American Association of Anatomists (AAA); The American Physiological Society (APS): American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB); American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP): American Society for Nutrition (ASN); American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET); are all represented at FASEB.

Needless to say, this is a big conference! A great deal of the information presented at FASEB is of direct relevance to BrinkZone blog members, some of which can be applied to their everyday lives. Much of the research directly supports what we already know; various naturally occurring compounds can prevent disease both directly and or indirectly, improve performance and health, etc. As I am just starting to pile through all the studies, poster sessions, session notes, etc I have on my desk to read through, what follows is a fraction of what will follow in future blog posts and or articles.

Follow up: 8.9.2009, I put pen to paper (which today really = electrons to screen…) and wrote up what I thought was some of the more interesting and compelling research presented at this conference. The full article can be found on the BrinkZone HERE.

  1. Makster 16 years ago

    Sounds interesting. Would like to hear more.

  2. Matthew Keenan 16 years ago

    Thanks for the heads-up on the conference. Will be looking forward to more in depth info. Am excited to be on your site and hooked up with your blog.
    Sincerely, Matthew K.

  3. Mike T Nelson 16 years ago

    I am excited to hear more and sad that I could not make the conference.
    I will be at ACSM if you are going there.
    Looking forward to hearing more!
    Rock on
    Mike T Nelson
    PhD(c), CSCS

  4. Author
    Will Brink 16 years ago

    Mike, jist put up some info from the conference and will be adding more at regular intervals. When/where is the ACSM this year? I was not planning to attend, but you never know….

  5. Janny 16 years ago

    I’m realizing more and more how little I know about so many important matters. Also I am never too old to learn new skills
    I enjoy your blogs

  6. Dan 16 years ago

    Hi Will
    The Conference looks and sounds very interesting i am looking forward to what you will write about it in the future. I am sure i will find someyhing to help me with my bodybuilding training.
    Many thanks Dan

  7. Author
    Will Brink 16 years ago

    Folks, full article on this conference with research highlights. etc., is now up on the brinkzone site and linked above. Enjoy!

  8. comus inn 14 years ago

    A mutual associate said I should come check your site out. Glad I clicked on the url! I like how you really scrutinize and get to the bottom line but can you run through that last part again? Just a little? –Miguel

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