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  1. Justin 15 years ago

    Thanks Will, appreciate all you do, supplement company secrets is excellent.

  2. Norbert 15 years ago

    Hi Will! I’m from Hungary.
    Your blog is very functionally and the articles from site are so good constructed.
    Now i’m in a “growing” period so i would to earn some fat-free muscle. I hope that your blogplace will help me to get a serious and fine muscularity.

  3. Alan 15 years ago

    Hi Will,
    What is your opinion on the ACIA beryy hype?

  4. Author
    Will Brink 15 years ago

    Hype is the right word to describe it Alan…

  5. Alan 15 years ago

    Enough said, thanks.

  6. Bill 15 years ago

    Thanks Will!

  7. Richard Kennedy 15 years ago

    Thank you for the free e-books. I look forward to reading them. Just recently returned to weight training. Have been getting more confused with all the sites I’ve visited. Your site and credentials prompted me to sign up. Regards. Rich

  8. Revai Shylock Musvazvi 15 years ago

    Thanks for the downloads. I am new to body-building and I think this will help me a lot.

  9. Linda 15 years ago

    Thank you for having this great website. So far, I liked everything I read and watched. It’s very informative and I like the fact that you have a lot of information for women, most website I’m subscribing with hardly have anything related to female athletes. So thanks again for everything.

  10. abood` 15 years ago

    thank you

  11. sarora 15 years ago

    Thank You…Will

    • Author
      Will Brink 11 years ago


  12. joe 15 years ago

    Hi Will, Answer me this question,you show a guy with your fat grips on bench press,I hope it was 200 lbs,he don't even touch his chest.Does he think this is a rep.Not in my book.I see no use for the fat grips on bench press,because I put my thumbs on the same side as my fingers.The weight just sits their,advance move.Not many lifters do this old school,but I do. I have seen another dude on blast my bench,he don't toch his chest either,have i been doing it wring for 51 years?Thanks Joe.

    • Author
      willbrink 15 years ago

      Joe, why post a Q on fatgripz in a section of the blog nothing to do with them? Two, I show no one doing any such thing. The owners of Fatgripz on their web page do. Three, I make no mention of any benefits to bench pressing using them in my write up, so your comments don't apply. I outline what I feel the fatgripz are good for, which is grip strength, etc, Thanx…

  13. skipper 15 years ago

    I just signed up on this web site and read the articles on creatine,and was very helpful. It took away alot of my misinformation by the media.I have a fifteen year old son who plays football and wrestles. I also played both of these sports and am now 47 y/o. I also coach wrestling to the youth,middleschool, and High school. I understand that creatine worked well with those who are involved in sports such as football which use short bursts of energy but not much study done on endurance athletes such as long distance runners. Wrestling uses endurance along with strength until fatigue. Not sure if they ever tested wrestlers but now that I have learned the truth about creatine I will start myself on it and my son. Even if it does not provide energy during the sport (wrestling) i think it should be noted that any time you can increase strength in any sport you have an advantage over a weaker opponent. Will be eager to see if the creatine makes a difference in the sport of wrestling

  14. Mo Nizamdeen 15 years ago

    Just got the complete set of all your work and I must say the information, level of details is amazing! All provided with research and proof to back it up.
    1. The creatine report; its fascinating the different advantages that creatine provides, before reading it I only thought it increases strength, size, etc…
    2. The perfect rep is so simple yet really effective. Going to start implementing these in the gym and should be good 😀
    Also, the other articles I am still reading but they're really helpful and give a big insight into bodybuilding.
    Thanks a lot

  15. Frank G. Major 15 years ago

    Thanks Will. i come to your site first before i buy anything, i research everything as best i can but i have been taken to the cleaners more than once. Your site is honest and you are a person of integrity (very few people have it today.) I am a retired martial artists with 35 years experience and believe honesty is the only way to go.
    frank G. major

    • Author
      willbrink 15 years ago

      Thanx Frank! 😉

  16. Andrew Kirby 15 years ago

    Cheers will for all theese free godies

  17. zulfikar 14 years ago

    thnks will

  18. fatlosswinner 14 years ago

    thank you for the free ebooks!

  19. Wazzup 14 years ago

    Doing 12-15 continuous reps with a 10RM ? You gotta be kidding.

  20. Jon 14 years ago

    just started using kre-ex after several friends gave rave reviews and wanted to know your thoughts… also is it ok to take monohydrate at the same time or should i stick to one or the other. thanks for the great info.

    • Author
      willbrink 14 years ago

      You'll find plenty of creatine related threads here, so I would look at those for more info. I would stick to one or the other and read my "creatine graveyard" post also.

  21. Jaime 14 years ago

    Hey will,
    I came upon one of your videoson youtube the other day when looking for information on creatine and found what you said helpful so i decided to visit your site,
    after looking through some more of your videos and some articles i found alot of useful information and just wanted to thank you for the great posts.

  22. Raul 14 years ago

    Does glutamine make a difference in my recovery? I workout boxing 5 days a week, but feel lethargic by Thursday..whilst cutting weight.

  23. Ronald 14 years ago

    thanks for the information.

  24. James Flynn 14 years ago

    Will, Just order your membership and looking forward to reading all the material. I am little nervous with this computer stuff,more of a "old school" type! I have been a natural bodybuilder for 30 years, been a police officer for 22 years working shift work, non-smoker and non-drinker, I am 46 yrs old, 6-05 and 255 lbs, looking to learn your system. Sir, I have hit the wall! It seems like "father time" has come, losing some strength and size. Spent a lot of money on supplements looking for the answer. I am willing to change up and follow your routine or a workout schedule. Where would a person start on your site? Any routines that I could down load?

  25. Author
    willbrink 14 years ago

    Did you purchase Bodybuilding Revealed or Fat Loss Revealed? It's unclear from what you wrote above. If you purchased either, you will have access to the private forums, which has sections on exactly where and how to get started. BTW, we have a fair amount of LEO and or mil on the forums.

  26. Gerrit 14 years ago

    Trying to download. Keeps telling me can’t in acrobat reader pdf. Any suggestions?

    • Author
      Will Brink 11 years ago

      Update your reader perhaps? I’m not technical savvy on that area. They are standard PDFs and should open with Adobe readers.

  27. Surap 14 years ago

    Hey Will
    Many thanks for the fantastic freebies that are high in quality and are unbiased … all these have unfortunately become extinct but because of you the spirit is alive … so thanks again 🙂

  28. Vimal 14 years ago

    Hi Will,
    You are doing a great job here. Your articles and videos rock !!! I came to know a lot of new stuff from your webpage…
    Thanks a lot and keep on going..

  29. krishna 14 years ago

    thanx for your free e-books…please let me know about some of the best growth capsules that can be found in common medical stores in India….thanking you

  30. LJ 14 years ago

    Now, I have spent the entire day reading. Thank you. I will be getting Creapure from some where. I have a lot of issues. I will benefit from this I am sure. Thank you again so much. I down loaded the others no time to look, now. It took all day for me to get through the Creatine. I am very slow. I just saw the comment from Justin about the suppliment companies. It will be hard but I will have to hold off until tomorrow. Maybe a glance! I have some muscle under here! I know with exercise and proper nutrition and now some suppliments,I can find them. If I like do something with the quads it totally drains me of everything, air everything, all my blood. Not just the burn, I am wiped out in seconds, can’t do anything. I think the creatine will help. I have a lot of health issues, that were mentioned in your book. Now to study,it and get me some 3grams a day. Thank you for all of the research you have done and documented. You rock Will

  31. Stuart 14 years ago

    Hi will can u tell me the best way to get motivated about my work outs many thanks stuart

  32. Paul 14 years ago

    Soooo informative, particularly the creatine report which I have read right through. Great informed knowledge.
    Thank you.

  33. LJ 14 years ago

    I was so absorbed with the creatine report. I have been telling everyone I know (that cares), (or not) about the facts in the reports. Awesome hard work Will Brink, (You da bomb, dude 🙂

  34. Sylvain 14 years ago

    Just want to thank you big time Will. Thanks to your fat loss tips, recepies and supplements reports you transformed me from a 6 feet 265pouds caouch patato to a 180 pounds week-end worrior!!! I can never thank you enough, even my doctor says thanks!!!!!

  35. patrick 14 years ago

    hi will thank you so much for the helpful free stuff
    do you know the supplements called 7 keto ?
    thanks again

  36. Robb 14 years ago

    Excellent work Will. So refreshing to have a straight-shooting source of information in a sea of hype & advertising.
    After seeing your piece on DHEA (w/ respect to women) my wife started using it and has had great results with her work-outs and road cycling. We are curious though, unless I missed it I didn’t see any information on dose and whether or not to cycle it or use it continiously?
    Thanks again for all that you do,
    Robb and Anne Marie

    • Robb 14 years ago

      Whooops, blonde moment on my first question above. I reread the article and you clearly stated the dose in the Conclusion paragraph. Still unclear as to whether or not DHEA should be cycled or taken daily.
      Thanks again,
      Robb and Anne Marie

  37. Linda 14 years ago

    I can’t download the e-books from this link, only the “image”? Thanks.

  38. k miller 14 years ago

    I teach weight training at a college. I am recommending your site to all my students present and past as well as other teachers who also teach the same class as I.
    Thank you for being such a professional
    ken, Philly

  39. jesulito 14 years ago

    I’m a 52 yrs old guy height – 5’11 weight – 220lbs. I would like to ask you to help me how to have a productive workout (well defined body).Hoping to here from you thank you very much

  40. Mohamed 14 years ago

    Hey Will
    Thanks for the excellent life time worthy job, I really enjoy your experience.

  41. miguel miranda 14 years ago

    i have a mac and i just purchased BBR and it dowloaded in .exe. what should i do

    • Author
      Will Brink 14 years ago

      I would post your Q to the forums that came with the ebook for assistance. I use a Mac and it downloads as a standard PDF file for me. See you on the forums!

  42. Patrick McGuire 14 years ago

    Will these eBooks are some of the best available, but then again would anyone doubt your brains and ability… never.
    Thanks for such amazing information.

  43. Kristbjorn from iceland! 14 years ago

    thanks man, I look forward to read this!

  44. Ali 13 years ago

    Thanks a lot Will, appreciate the help that you’re giving us.

  45. Kay 13 years ago

    Thx a lot for providing the downloads

  46. Sean 13 years ago

    Will, Thanks a million for these books. I look forward to learning from them. You always have such great information.

  47. Rudolph 13 years ago

    Thanks very much for the e-books. I will read them right away.
    Best regards

  48. Cengiz Selina 13 years ago

    Hey man,
    thank you very much for that e books… You are a great guy….
    Greetings from Germany

  49. Paul 13 years ago

    Excellent collection and many thanks for taking the time to write these ebooks.
    Many Thanks and happy Christmas/New Year for 2012!

  50. bee 13 years ago

    Hey Will,
    Thanks so much for the free E-books! I’m 56 and I’m fighting the ‘menopause thing’. I’m taking the HRT, dieting, working out, aerobics but the only results I’ve gotten so far …. is tired. So I’ve come to ‘The Man’ (you) to see if I can figure out what I’m doing wrong. I’m sure I’m going to learn alot.
    Thanks Man!

  51. saber khan 13 years ago

    thanks will for your no BS approach. im a medical doctor so i came to believe the same things which you suggest. however i wasnt 100% about some of them before i found your articles. thanks a lot for putting my mind to rest and i really hope more people take the advice of real experts in fitness nutrition not the overly analytical no practical approach of scientists or the gym locker science methodologies most people tune into

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      Glad you enjoy the info doc. Fighting the bro science/marketing hype, etc is a constant up hill battle. This site has many medical professionals, scientists, etc as members. Pass it around there is a place on the ‘net to get the straight objective info 🙂

  52. DJ 13 years ago

    Hey Will, thanks heaps bro, much appreciated.

  53. rod 13 years ago

    Just to say thanks for the free ebooks, great site, excellent Will, such a lot of rubbish out there, its good to come across information as good as this.

  54. Jeff Spicer 13 years ago

    Enjoy your blog very much take your advice as gosple. One question Iam 67 had my testosterone levels checked last year insurance only pays for one blood test per year my l4evels were below what I think is low 265 my dr. said that was normal and would offer no treatment are any of the supplements on the market worth trying. Have been doing high protein and resistance training for sometime with very little result am going to be getting new blood test soon.
    Thanks Jeff

    • Jeff Spicer 13 years ago

      In answer to your question as to goals, mainly trying to lose wieght but sence the prevailing opinion seems to be building muscle seems to be the best way to do both decided building muscle would be good. In the past past being 30 years plus seemed to able to build fairly easy haveing the proper genetics quit then due to tendeitous problems which still esists moved from elbows to shoulders.

  55. mahmood 13 years ago

    thank you very much sir its really interested bye

  56. Michael J 13 years ago

    Thanks Will! Its very nice of such an experience professional to help educate on such an important healthy lifestlyle practice. Many blessings!

  57. Gerardo 13 years ago

    thanks Will, just came over from Darrin’s worldfitnessnetwork page, to check it out myself, looks nice but will take me little while to go over all material though … nothing better than factual unbiased data, helps people see what they do so you don’t go blind. Thanks again man.

  58. john 13 years ago

    thanks for the e books

  59. Jay 13 years ago

    Thanks for the downloads

  60. Daniel 13 years ago

    Thank u sir for sharing me this important information. My full name is Daniel Kebrit Muluye and i’m from Ethiopia. I’m a first year MSc student to the department of Sport science at Haramaya University. My specialization is Coaching and rehabilitation therapy. Now, i plan to conduct a research on the effect of creatine monohydrate supplement on sprinting performance among Haramaya University student athletes.
    So, please send for me important informations on creatine supplement and it’s relationship with sprinting performance.
    Thank You in advance
    Daniel K.
    Haramaya University, Ethiopia
    phone no: +251 912 808 043
    Email: dan2007et@gmail.com

  61. labib 13 years ago

    well will, i cant thank you enough man, great, simple info , and very very helpful.AND FREE , thats too damn generous!!!

  62. eddie 13 years ago

    Will thanks very much. 75 years young but still trying to maintain some muscle mass. Very difficult at this age….Again, thanks very much.

  63. Ronald 13 years ago

    Many thanks for the books, i will let you know my befindings after reading it

  64. robert shaner 13 years ago

    Will, thanks for the ebooks; I can’t wait to read them. Thanks for service to the bodybuilding community.

  65. Nathan 13 years ago

    This is a great idea. Easily sucked me into subscribing to the website, and boy I’m glad I did. Thanks Will.

  66. Jeremy 13 years ago

    Thanks for the E books, Will. I found your site through scoobysworkshop. Looking forward to reading these books.

  67. Vladi 13 years ago

    Thanks for the E-books Will !!!

  68. Ugoo 12 years ago

    Thanks Will, but I was wondering if you will help me with my body…I am a 6 feet 11 inches tall guy and I have been working on my upper shoulders to grow but all my efforts failed…I can send my pics if you need it…Thanks Again Will…

  69. John Montgomery 12 years ago

    I just want to thank you for the opportunity. i will study your books and accomplish greatness.

  70. Nitin 12 years ago

    Hey Will, thanks for the ebooks. Just downloaded.

  71. avi katz 12 years ago


  72. Lou 12 years ago

    Hi Will what is your advise for getting motivated? I have just gone through a move to another city and a new job and I am having a hard time getting back into the fitness routine. Thanks, Lou

  73. Sandra Broughton 12 years ago

    Thanks Will, these are a great way to have so much useful information at your fingertips. I love your programs.

  74. Lalo Mir 12 years ago

    Thanks so much for sharing so valuable information!
    Happy New Year!

  75. Justin Applegate 12 years ago

    Thanks! Very informative, good read! Much appreciated! Looking forward to more knowledge.

  76. pigs 12 years ago

    Great stuff!
    Joined the forum, joined BBR. Just wish I had it earlier would of saved a few dollars on supps.

  77. John 12 years ago

    Hey Will,
    Nothing downloaded! Right click did not offer the download option.

  78. Djordje 12 years ago

    Thanx a lot!
    can’t wait to read it!

  79. Amy Crain 12 years ago

    Thanks for the free downloads—I look forward to reading every one of them. I’ve been working out with a certified personal trainer for the past month & he has formulated a diet plan for me but couldn’t understand why I wasn’t losing weight. I told him I had Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis & he did further research & found I would do best on a gluten free diet. My biggest problem is my midsection! I need to do more research on my own & find the right doctor to properly treat my condition. 🙁

  80. Alex Arizmendi 12 years ago

    Thank you. Appreciate all the tips and info.

  81. Nelida 12 years ago

    Hi will, thanks for the free e books, specially the one on creatine I knew about Whey but never thought about creatine , like you said I just thought it was something that bodybuilders used to gain muscle , but after reading this I will definitively look into getting some,I just retired 2 years ago and after 12 years on being constantly moving and on my feet all day I feel so out of whack and lacking energy that I hope this will help in regaining some of my muscle strength, I just started to increas my exercise with some resistance work plus walking and dancing to keep my body in good shape. I also like the other books and the one on the supplements , I already suspected they were not all that they claim to be!1 so I never went for any of them. Again thanks for the information .

  82. Bruce Clare 12 years ago

    Thanks Will,
    can’t wait to read them, thanks again

  83. Steve M 12 years ago

    thanks Will. Free things of good use is rare in our society. Youre a good man my friend, yeah.

  84. Nitin 12 years ago

    Excellent source of information.

  85. Skip 12 years ago

    Thanks looking forward to reading them . Got the Body Building Revealed and I mus say it is a wealth of information well done. Thanks

  86. Tony 12 years ago

    Thanks Will for the free Ebooks.I have a question that with ur science back ground would more likely be able to answer,or at least an honest opinion would be much appreciated,I have had Crohn’s disease for more than 15 years now,and due to a dysplastic mass blocking off my ascending colon I have had a proctocolectomy last year and have a permanent ileostomy.Iam a 50 year old man who has always kept fit playing rugby league,squash etc.I have started boxing training with intermittent light weights also.to get to my point,would creatine be a supplement to be alright to use?and any other supplementation which would be of benefit if any.Kind regards,Aussie battler.

  87. Inthego 12 years ago

    Thanks for the free PDFs!

  88. Ernie 12 years ago

    Hello Will. My question in on protein. All these protein company’s put thereakn there claims, have you done any research on this. What are the top 5 brands for purity and do you have an opinion or heard of the protein factory.com and there products? Thank you will brink.

  89. luong hung 12 years ago

    Thank you for this gift!!!!

  90. luiz augusto 12 years ago

    hi,thank youou very much about the article HIIT,i love it…and now just i have to do some more deep reseach….sincerely
    p.s.tks for the free download….the creatine stuff all the others they are great tku very much

  91. Mo 12 years ago

    Love your work bro…

  92. Russel 11 years ago

    I’ve been getting your emails for a while now. They are simple, to the point and very informative! I just downloaded your e-books… I look forward to reading them! Good job on your publishing! They are put together well. I haven’t seen someone as selfless as you trying to get people fit.

  93. Dan Tinjala 11 years ago

    Thanks for e-books

  94. feroz khambaty 11 years ago

    Thank u for the free 5 e books

  95. Trilok 11 years ago

    Hi Will,
    Its been a couple of weeks that i am reading your articles. They are excellent and gives a great insight into several things. Excellent job.

  96. chip 11 years ago

    Will,thanks for the e books and the T-supplement imfo

  97. Manuel Perez 11 years ago

    I was listening to a SealFit podcast while driving and I got home to take a look at your site and learn more. Definitely a lot of motivation! Thanks!!!

    • Author
      Will Brink 11 years ago

      Mark and the crew at Seal Fit are great bunch for sure. Glad you enjoyed the show

  98. joa 11 years ago

    thank you for all the info and your insight into men’s issues. I am most grateful. peace
    and good prosperity going into the new year.

  99. Eduardo 11 years ago

    Hey Will… Could not download e-books…Any suggestions? Thanks

    • Author
      Will Brink 11 years ago

      Update your Adobe reader perhaps? I’m not technical savvy on that area. They are standard PDFs and should open with Adobe reader.

  100. Mike Rice 11 years ago

    Thanks for the info Will, have been playing with the thought of T boosters for awhile, starting in mid 2012 I changed things up a bit. I lost over 60 pounds and have kept it off, I was trying to lift weights but had back problems and had to see a chiropractor for quite some time. Just finished with that and am ready to start again, I hope your books come in handy and I will be back for more advice, and to probably pick up the MI40 program and yours as well.

  101. Billy Morgan 11 years ago

    I do appreciate the free books, I do have a question in respect to creatine. Which creatine is most efectife Monohaydrate or Amplified 189%? The sales person in the store informed be that amplified was better. Also, is there a great difference between pills and powder? Thank you for your time and your expertise. Have a great day.

    • Author
      Will Brink 11 years ago

      Bill, read the article “The Creatine Graveyard” found on this site for the answer of “best” forms of creatine.

  102. emil 11 years ago

    I seems to have problem downloading the books,is it on my site? Or what might be the problem?

  103. David Horner 10 years ago

    Thanks Will, for your time and effort in bring us this information… Look forward to reading your books.. Thanks..

  104. Larry 10 years ago

    Thanks so much for the e-books. I can’t wait to start going over each one of them.

  105. Marshal Davis 10 years ago

    Thank You.

  106. Wynn 10 years ago

    Hi Will,
    I’,m a personal trainer from The Nederlands, originally from the UK.
    I have subscribed to your Brinkzone site and to download your e-books. Just to say I hope the information I will glean from you is up to date and factual, as I believe it is watching you videos.
    I hear and watch so much crap from so call “professionals” that after finishing my own research, my message to to them is “What a load of BS”
    Trying to keep up with my studies, personal trainer.
    P.S What you’ve said so far make sense.

  107. Manuel Rodrigues 10 years ago

    I’m suffer from “Myophosphorylase (Mcardle’s) ” desease since 17, i’m 73 years old now very severe, but i’m only been diagnostic to 6 years ago on Syences Center University of London Ontario, but give me nathing to Help. A year ago i find a Dr. of this deasese at Mcamester University on Hamilton Ontario so the give me Creatine plus vitamine B6, but the way i see you information i don’t take the way you said well dissolve in warm water. Also i have severe arthritis and few years ago i had colon and liver cancer’ all this stuff afet very sever my nerves system.If you have something else to help me please i apreciate , Thanks very mucth

  108. Karen 10 years ago

    Thanks a lot, Will! Great Job!

    • Raquel 9 years ago

      Hi Will!
      I don’t know if you can do this, but I’m now looking for some reference / trustworthy / good quality – price brands on supplements, and just don’t know what /who to trust.
      Could you recommend some brands?
      I am now particularly interested in buying some herbs supplements (so, no whey, etc!).
      Thank you in advanced. Really appreciate!

  109. Waltenator 8 years ago

    G’Day Will.
    Thank so very much for your news letters and all the healthy body information you provide from your years of efforts and dedication. I live in Perth Western Australia and at 67 years young, I am working hard to not get old as I get older, by natural food based nutritional supplements and a healthy diet, including things like bone broths, Kefir and organic foods.
    Cheers Mate !!!

  110. Billy Bob 7 years ago

    Hello Will, thank you for all the information.
    It comes over very complete and relevant, though a bit out dated.
    Thanks for the books , YouTube movies and coffee recepy.
    Greatings from the Netherlands , Billy Bob

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