Been getting a fair number of questions from women who have no donk, no butt, lack O booty syndrome! If you have a nice round butt you are happy with, this aint the vid for you. If you have a flat backside, and it’s not a naturally good bodypart for you, this vid is directed at you… :mrgreen:

  1. Edith 15 years ago

    Will, right on with the booty speach. It took me a while to recognize that the leaner I was getting the flatter my butt was becoming…That, until during my last figure competition one of the judges screamed: 'stop running those freaking marathons!' I took 2nd place and was told to 'grow some ass' LOL. Now, I weight 124-5 with 5'6 h, how much do you think I should squat? I am noticing that the more I squat the more calories I burn, which consequently leaves me even leaner (don't want to drop below the weight I'm at).
    Second, calories…I probably don't do the best job on this one (not enough), but what's your take on the best calorie source to feed 'da booty?' Last thing I want is to sabotage my abs by chowing on highly caloric foods in order to grow my butt. Any suggestions?

    • Author
      willbrink 15 years ago

      "judges screamed: 'stop running those freaking marathons!' I took 2nd place and was told to 'grow some ass' "
      That judge was a disrespectful idiot. As far a s training, calories, macro nutrients, etc, etc, that's not easy to answer quickly. I recommend you read my many free articles here which cover such topics, and or consider my Bodybuilding Revealed Program which will save you years of wasted time and $$$$. Take a look at the section "Sumi's Hybrid Program Journal" here and check out her 12 week program using my Hybrid program to gain LBM. She covers cals, etc.

  2. Elissa 15 years ago

    Oh honestly Will, always with the exercise, exercise, exercise! This is sooooo much simpler:… : -D

    • Author
      willbrink 15 years ago

      Wow, you think I could get a "male enhancement" spell done?

  3. bodybuilding 14 years ago

    Great blog and really like the layout! I´ll be back 😉

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