Happy Labor Day weekend to all my US based blog members. I hope you have a relaxed three day weekend planned. Me, I’m going to a classic Labor Day cookout, and bringing banana bread, pasta salad, and wine glasses (for the new home owners throwing the party) and plan to blow off some steam! Man I need it…

This has been a busy summer for me, with working with SWAT teams, working to expand the Internet Publications biz (which publishes my ebooks and other stuff), write articles, competing in IDPA, work on this here blog, answer questions for members of my BBR and FLR forums, pay the freakin’ bills (they never get any smaller do they?!) and still make it to the gym! 😯
I hope you have a mello low stress holiday weekend!

  1. Kat 17 years ago

    Hope you have a great holiday Will, same to everybody.

  2. Gen Weedmark 17 years ago

    Sept 22 I’m going to Vegas to watch the Olympia. I’m so excited.

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