I’ve judged NPC shows on the regional level in New England for approximately twenty years, as well as a few Fitness America shows and a few other now defunct organizations.

Meme of thickness division

Like most old-school purists, I didn’t love the inclusion of new divisions such as bikini and I got all grumpy about dudes wearing long, flamboyant surfer shorts in the Men’s Physique division.

Dad Bod Division meme
Dad Bod Division?

Still, while I may have had my issues with the inclusion of those divisions (where’s the muscle?!), I acknowledge that they were at least all based on the foundational concepts of physique sport: proportions, symmetry, and balance.

Not so with the new “Wellness” division that makes room for women who have thick legs and glutes but a bikini competitor’s top half.

Cont. on T Nation HERE


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