I have to admit I had a couple of doubts about writing this piece, but I figure my 3 year old is too young to read this just yet, and by the time she is able to do so, I would have done at least a million things far more embarrassing.
Among the many, many positive side effects of picking up some heavy metal and pounding the weights is that it can boost your libido, and tremendously.
Feeling strong and looking strong is sexy.
Everyone, man or woman, wants to look and FEEL great naked. If you’ve never thought that picking up a barbell or stroking the steel in the power cage could be fiercely sexy and empowering, maybe you should give it a try.
So, why the post about sex and strength training? I was joking around with a good friend about how few women rarely talk about the other, lesser known side effect of strength training (improved sex drive and appetite) and she turned me on to this article on low libido, reduced sex-drive in women, and the use and need for “female Viagra” in women as young as 18 and as old as 98. http://www.usatoday.com/yourlife/health/medical/womenshealth/2010-09-17-sex-drive_N.htm
The article makes no mention of the use of strength training as a means to boost libido. In actuality it’s probably not that simple because of the possible multitude of factors that might be influencing sex drive. After all, it’s not like you’re going to wander in a gym, do a set of deadlifts, and POOF, you’re a sex goddess. Studies have shown that regular exercisers report a higher sex drive, possibly related to surges of testosterone that can occur immediately after resistance training like lifting heavy weights. I’ve heard time and time again that complex, compound movements (e.g., squats and deadlifts, another reason why we love squats and deadlifts!) are great libido boosters.

I considered the fun I might have, interviewing my fellow gym rats about their sex drive after a 5X5 leg day workout, but I really don’t HAVE to do that. All my close friends who regularly strength train ALL know what I’m talking about here- resistance exercise boosts your own libido – your body image improves, you feel and look better naked, you’re more confident in yourself and your body; you know you look good; and best of all, you get to spend time around sweaty, fit bodies (pheromones!) For many of us, popping a pill should be the last resort, especially if you’ve never gotten a boost through a good, hard sweat session surrounded by hard bodies. 🙂

–Sumi Singh is a Personal Trainer in Austin, TX and an online diet coach. Her website is www.shailafitness.com

Sumi Singh is an Austin-based personal trainer with nearly 2 decades of experience in fitness. She holds specializations in pre-and post natal fitness, group fitness, and sports nutrition. She’s the author of Stay at Home Strong, a complete workout program for new moms. She’s also an online diet coach, a busy single mom, has set various world, National and state records as a powerlifter, and holds an BSc from Tufts, and a Masters from Duke University.
Hi Sumi, awesome article and pictures.Just curious, have you/are you compensated by Will Brink for articles and pictorials ???
Believe it or not- I did Hybrid because I recognized it was a FANTASTIC program, closely matched with my goals at the time (gain LBM and become stronger). I enjoy writing on brinkzone ( I have my own blog at http://www.goddessoffitness.com) because I love inspiring women (and men) to pick up barbells and strive to be strong. No compensation for the pics, I did that as a treat to me, though maybe Will should start paying me, LOL!!!
What, writing for a blog that has almost 10k subscribers and 100k mailing list is not decent compensation? :p
I'll by the drinks at the Arnold….
You better!
You are a 'stand up' guy Will , in a deceiptful industry . Great site Sumi—keep up the hard work !!
I try Tom!
Good article, althogh most people fail in achieving their weightloss goals due to lack of consistency in their diet or exercise plans. I think weightloss requires constant motivation and a group support to be effective in long term despite of all the advices given in such blogs. A good article nonetheless.
Although the article wasn't really about weight loss, but thanks!
Hey great article and I can relate to that story. Lifting weights does make you feel good because when u look good from ur hard work in the gym then that makes u feel good and when u feel good u do good in anything. I guess thats true with the whole weightlifting raising ur libido because my is always through the roof lol. I wish my girl worked out like u. I love that about women when they have muscle and definition in their body.You definitley fit the bill.
Holy crap you are fit!!! You should be so proud girl!! Go gettem!!
Why thank you! 😀
Having read the article, I reflected on the fact that the most women I see at the gym are occupying the cardio machines for fear of developing muscle while, many of them, in need of gaining some LBM. I’m trying to encourage my friends to lift some weights, especially my significant other. She used to be into martial arts in the past but no longer, and I think it will be very sexy to see some more muscle on her.