In this vid, I cover the classic marketing angle used by many supplement companies, which is to claim the product is “Doctor Recommended”

  1. makster 14 years ago

    It really is gettiong hard to believe anything the Sup companies say anymore. I agree that when it says "Dr. Recommended" it usually means the " Dr. " is pocketing the cash.

  2. Paul Afek, MD 14 years ago

    Well, I'm a doctor, and I am in some of your ads for Bodybuilding Revealed! You can make out the checks to my Swiss bank account. Kidding aside, I do agree with you. Most doctors don't know much about bodybuilding, or even nutrition for that matter, yet are probably happy to lend their "expertise" to an advertisment for a fee. Nobody has approached me yet, though…..

  3. Lynn Powers 14 years ago

    I would like to "share" your videos on my facebook page but I don't see where to do that??? NOt the comments just the videos that you do.

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