The term “undenatured whey” gets used in marketing whey all the time, but what does it actually mean and why is it important? I cover why and how undenatured whey is essential for its biological activity and the true reason undenatured whey is essential to its benefits on glutathione production, immunity, etc.

  1. Candice Adams 2 years ago

    Dear Will,
    I certainly appreciate your new podcast on undenatured whey, with references to Dr. Bounous’ research. I knew Dr. Bounous personally, meeting him in Montreal, over 20 years ago. I’d be happy to share with you the CURRENT compiled published studies on Immunocal…from the time of Dr. Bounous and Dr. Kongshavn, through the studies made with Dr. Wulf Droge, John Molson, and up through the present time. I have met all of these individuals personally on many occasions. Also, the Method-of-Use Patents are quite impressive, as well as the slide presentation to the FDA. I could also send you a document on Immunocal Platinum, which contains 25% more lactoferrin, which you mentioned in your podcast, than the Classic Immunocal. I am aware that you take Immunocal on a regular basis, from one of your other videos or posts. I believe you would appreciate the current compiled research that prove the efficacy of Immunocal over any other undenatured whey protein, for you stated that you didn’t really know which undenatured whey was best. Of course, Immunocal is listed as a ‘Glutathione Precursor’ in the drug section of the US PDR and as well as in the Canadian Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties. Thus, indeed, the $20+ million dollars spent on research for this particular whey does give the consumer the benefit of knowing that they are not throwing away their money on something that has not been scientifically validated. Thanks for your continued enlightening posts and videos. Glutathione is the foundation of the Human Immune System and elevating and sustaining it can is critical for anyone today concerned with maintaining or regaining their health, as you well know.
    I can attach the Summary of Medical Publications and other items mentioned through an email to you, with your permission.
    “This book was produced in an effort to make the majority of Immunotec’s published studies
    easily available to any reader wanting to see the tremendous body of work done to support
    the scientific validation behind Immunocal.
    For over 20 years I’ve received requests to compile these studies into one place. The reader
    will be able to see all levels of development involved in taking steps through conception,
    theory, lab studies, animal studies, and ultimately what counts the most: human studies.
    Traditionally, every study published in modern peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals
    open with an ‘abstract’. This abstract is essentially an executive summary of the paper or
    study. Rather that print entire journal articles (which would take up many hundreds of
    pages) the abstracts are presented. Each abstract is followed by my comments which try
    to put the findings into plain language and put the article in context.
    This was truly a work of passion—going through these articles gave me a fresh perspective
    on the wealth of information and a renewed admiration for all the authors and scientists
    who spent countless time bringing this most valuable contribution to science and medicine.” Dr. Gutman

    With kindest regards,
    Candice Adams
    Certified Nutritional Consultant

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