“Back in the day” as they say, I exposed the fact that not all creatine is created equal (yet, many still don’t know it…), by showing test results from different manufacturers. The first article:

What’s In Your Creatine?

This article, as expected, got a lot of attention: very positive from consumers with some not so happy sellers. The article had major effects on the creatine industry at the time. My follow up article, with additional testing, was refused by the magazine who published the first, due to the amount of (unexpected I suspect) heat they received from advertisers, etc. Follow up was:

“What’s Really in Your Supplements? – An Update on Creatine Purity”

So, fast forward to late 2010. The creatine industry has changed considerably since writing the two above articles. I’m planning to do a new version for 2011, but I’ll add this study below, that found a few sample tested had AAS in them, probably added. The study below is interesting, and a breakthrough in terms of how one creatine can be tested for its origin using IRMS looking at different ratios of isotopes. I recommend reading the full paper if the topic is of real interest, as the abstract gives little details. Warning: the full paper is one mind bender of a paper that will challenge all neurons.  :mrgreen:

Analytical Methods Authenticity control and identification of origin of synthetic creatine-monohydrate by isotope ratio mass spectrometry

Food Chemistry Volume 125, Issue 2 , 15 March 2011, Pages 767-772

Frank Hülsemann. et al. a Institute of Biochemistry, German Sport University Cologne, Germany b The German Research Centre of Elite Sport, German Sport University Cologne, Germany


Synthetic creatine-monohydrate is consumed as a dietary supplement (DS) worldwide. Up to now no analytical technique for authenticity control or identification of origin of creatine-monohydrate products has been reported. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) of different creatine-monohydrate samples was performed allowing to differentiate between production sites located either in Germany or China. The results obtained indicate that the carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of industrially synthesised creatine-monohydrate depends on the isotopic composition of the raw materials rather than on different production processes. Statistical pattern recognition of isotope data allowed for classification of most of the creatine-monohydrates sold as DS into German and non-German origin, respectively. Four DS, cross-contaminated with anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), could not be allocated to a single producer. This suggests that contamination with AAS did not occur during synthesis, but during handling by the distributors.

Stay tuned…

  1. maxirex review 14 years ago

    Hi, good post. Great work once again. I love coming to your website for the reason that you often write informative postsExcellent writeups. I plan to put this blog in my favorites list. I believe I shall subscribe to your feed as well. I love sporting…

  2. Richard Hargreaves 14 years ago

    Is that study date meant to be 2010? (Food Chemistry Volume 125, Issue 2 , 15 March 2011, Pages 767-772)

  3. Paul 14 years ago

    Will, why would a company add steroids to a product, considering:
    #1 Financial, assuming the steroids are being obtained at a certain cost doesn't this cut into margin of profit ?? Cost of steroids relative to cost of creatine (creatine $2 per pound !)
    #1 Effect of minuscule amount of steroids on development. Are these minuscule amounts even producing any muscle growth ???

    • Author
      willbrink 14 years ago

      Paul, the study didn't give the levels found, so can't say it was trace amounts. I tend to think it was trace amounts, and probably due to cross contamination some where along the production chain, vs added for some performance effect. However, that will still get a person testing positive for anabolics, etc, so still not something one wants in their creatine products.

    • Derek 13 years ago

      Companies have done this before–they do is so that the product WORKS. Steroids work, most supplements don’t. In the same vein, some “male assistance” products that supposedly just had herbs and vitamins actually contained viagra. Those products produced results, so sales increased. That’s why you might add steroids to any supplement product: increased sales due to better results.

  4. David Zamora 14 years ago

    My question is with these products testing positive for anabolic steroids. Is the dosage in them enough to give you a positive urine test. I work for a company that I do constant physicals and urine tests and would hate to test positive for something that i didnt know that was in my supplement.

    • Author
      willbrink 14 years ago

      Yes, very possible even trace amounts would have you test pos for steroids if you were tested. I know at least one cop for example who lost his job that way. Most companies do not test for steroids, so my guess is it's not an issue for you, but it it just confirms my standard advice: use products and companies of known quality, etc, to best avoid such problems coming up.

  5. muzica 14 years ago

    Q. Did you hear about the new blonde paint? A. It’s not real bright, but its cheap, and spreads easy.

  6. Vaccine Awareness 14 years ago

    Great post, I believe website owners should learn a lot from this website its rattling user genial .

  7. Micki Seung 14 years ago

    lastly found somewhere with some helpful details. thanks alot and preserve it coming 🙂

  8. bert 13 years ago

    do you by any chance, have an official report stating that some creatine products have steroids…any clinical studies or any type of study done by someone that i can read online…

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      Not sure I understand the question. The above is a study published in Food Chemistry Volume 125, Issue 2 , 15 March 2011, Pages 767-772. You can probably find the full study online if you search around.

  9. Kyle Rich 12 years ago

    I’m a molecular biologist and the fundamental biochemistry behind the components. After all, in a healthy diet, you will need these amino acids in less concentrated forms. Hence, none of this is foreign to your body and you are just consuming more of what your muscles need during a workout. It would be reasonable to assume therefore that noxide is likely not habit forming.
    Dr. Max Powers Anabolic Stack is what I recommend. It worked for me, and I recommended it to all my clients, and they have all seen fantastic results. This is what I do. I’ve been using this for about two months and I am developing excellent muscle tone (and density!). Furthermore, this product really enhances running endurance so you can run longer, faster. I would say it can add up to a 20% increase in your workout potential, but you must accompany it by a healthy diet and good rest to really have effective workouts.

    • Author
      Will Brink 9 years ago

      If you’re a molecular biologist you should ask for your money back from the college you got that degree and spamming that goofy product is LOL worthy. Please go.

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