The First annual Charity Prowler event has finally been completed. The event ran smoothly, and for a first ever event like this, a solid turn out of both competitors and spectators. The event was to support the Wounded Warrior Project Charity, and some solid money was raised.
ElifeFTS were the primary sponsors of the event, and supplied some great prizes for the competitors, such as a drag sled and blast straps. Of course EliteFTS is also maker of my favorite strength and conditioning tool, and focus of the competition, the Prowler sled.
The event was held at Gold’s Gym in Natick MA, which due to their indoor turf, made for a perfect location to push the beast that is a Prowler sled!
There were additional prizes generously supplied by these sponsors:
Gold’s Gym Natick
Labrada Nutrition
Fein Energy Drink
Hugo Rivera
iGrunt T-Shirts
The rules for the event were simple: he or she that pushed the most weight the length of the turf without dying, won! OK, a little more complicated then that, but not much. Basic rules were:
• Push the sled from rear skids lined up with orange cones to the end of the turf (75’)
• One minute to complete the run.
• Belts were allowed, Cleats were not.
• Competitors could waive a weight up to 3 times.
• Men could “waive” after 3 plates per side (6 total) had been done; women could waive after 2 plates per side (4 total) had been completed.
• Progression 45lbs per side followed by 25lbs per side for women, and 45 per side for men.
• If more then one person pushes the same max weight the full distance and within the time limit, the person who weighs the least wins.
• Official prowler flu bucket was there if someone needed it! Happy to report, no one did!
That’s essentially it; simple and brutally difficult. Frankly, I’m tired of all the foo foo endurance oriented/quasi “functional” stuff that’s all the rage these days. You want “functional” whole body kick-your-ass hard? Push a Prowler sled for max weight 75’ a few times and you’ll know what hard really feels like…
What’s the “waiving” of weights mentioned above? I wanted there to be some ability to use strategy with this competition, so a competitor could waive off an attempted weight up to three times, both saving his or her energy for heavier weights and keeping the event moving quickly. For example, if one felt they were able to do 6 plates per side (12 total) they might “waive” off 4 per side (8 total) and 5 per side (10 total) and go for the 6 per side (12 total) not unlike other strength sports where one has their opening lift, etc.
As expected, this ability to waive off weights worked out well for some, not so well for others, hence it added some real strategy which either paid off, or it didn’t….several guys waved off 10 and 12 plates total to attempt 14 total (7 per side) but didn’t make it, so they were only credited for the early attempts. However, several competitors, such as Chris Vaughn did 12 total (6 per side) and due to the others missing heavier attempts, put him in a tie with David Ho, which went to Chris due to weighing less then David, who was bumped to third place.
A perfect example of where waiving off lighter runs worked perfectly was for the men’s winner Tyler Easson, who waved off 10,12, and 14 total (or 5, 6, and 7 plates per side respectively) and went for 16 plates, and did it!
The ladies competing were warriors one and all, and everyone of them gave no quarter to the sled, and pushed for all they were worth! I was most impressed with the female turn out for this event and their “can do” attitudes. Women are so much stronger than they often give themselves credit for, and so much stronger then people realize, but that’s another topic!
I pushed hard for a good women’s turn out for the event, and they didn’t let me down! Check out some of the weights they were pushing!
“Why no weight classes?” you might ask. Not knowing what the turn out would be for this first ever event, I decided not to add any weight classes. However, if/when I do another, I will probably add at least an over/under 200lb class in the men’s and an over/under 150lb class for the women’s.
That’s my basic write up of the first ever Prowler competition. I hope to have more in the future. If you want to see more video and pics of this event, as well as comments from second place finisher Chris Vaughn, you can check out his blog on the EliteETS site HERE.
See you in the gym!
With first place finisher men Tyler Easson:
Second place finisher Chris Vaughn:
Third place finisher David Ho:
First Place Women Lori Steele:
Second place finisher Kelly DeCollibus:
Third place finisher Angela Mellen:
And of course, the all important Prowler Flu Bucket!

Will Brink is the owner of the Brinkzone Blog. Will has over 30 years experience as a respected author, columnist and consultant, to the supplement, fitness, bodybuilding, and weight loss industry and has been extensively published. Will graduated from Harvard University with a concentration in the natural sciences, and is a consultant to major supplement, dairy, and pharmaceutical companies.
His often ground breaking articles can be found in publications such as Lets Live, Muscle Media 2000, MuscleMag International, The Life Extension Magazine, Muscle n Fitness, Inside Karate, Exercise For Men Only, Body International, Power, Oxygen, Penthouse, Women’s World and The Townsend Letter For Doctors.
He’s also been published in peer reviewed journals.
Will is the author of the popular e-books, both accompanied by private members forum access , Bodybuilding Revealed & Fat Loss Revealed.
You can also buy Will’s other books on Amazon, Apple iBook, and Barnes and Noble.
If I was there I could take the First place in women. ! 🙂
When we have another event, I hope you can show up and prove it! 🙂
Thanks Will for believing in me. I would love to show up for next time if I can make it to get there from here in UK….. 🙂
“The rules for the event were simple: he or she that pushed the most weight the length of the turf without dying, won”
I’m sure it felt that way for those pushing the sled!