A paper making the rounds on the ‘net has concerned some over a possible connection between creatine and cancer. Here’s the non technical truth about it, and what people need to know to make rational evidence based decisions on this popular supplement.

Can NAC Cause Cancer?

Creatine As Cancer Fighter?

Paper discussed in vid, requires purchase to read the full paper:

The two sides of creatine in cancer

  1. Arpad Steven Schummer 2 years ago

    I’ve done some personal research to address my own issues, so please do your own research on this subject. Information that I’ve run across tells me that cancer is related to a deficiency in iodine. I’ve read specifically that if there is no iodine present at the instant a new cell is born it can become a cancer cell, it can be a normal cell, but have short telomere length or it can simply die immediately. This would indicate to me that creatine use may be a factor if the individual is also deficient in iodine. Which 90% of the population actually is. This seems to be much more prevalent in fluoridated water drinking populations since fluoride, bromine, chlorine and iodine are the 4 halogens on the periodic table. All of which are toxic, except iodine and fluoride is known in the scientific community, “AS THE MOST VIOLENT PROTOPLASMIC POISON KNOWN TO SCIENCE.” ! Fluoride does not have a threshold limit value, (tlv), because even the tiniest amount can be deadly if a living organism is exposed to it long enough. It’s in drinking, & all potable water, oral care products, antibiotics, bone density drugs, applied as a non-stick coating to cookware, added to lubricants, and if ingested will enable aluminum to cross the blood-brain barrier where it can cause virtually any brain or muscle disease, palsy, etc., I’ve seen it referred to as a possible cause for all disease. Please do your own research and never blindly trust your health to those who benefit from you being sick!

  2. Vicki 2 years ago

    Not having read the paper (too cheap to pay the price and probably would not understand most of it anyway), I am curious about the mechanism, how would creatine increase cancer metastasis.

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