To understand this one, we have to go back in time to the days of print magazines, when the ‘net was still in its infancy. Yes folks, there was a time when we only had the print magazines to read for our information on topics of interest. For those too young to remember, I wrote for pretty much all the major bodybuilding focused publications at one time, as well as pubs focused on other related health related topics. When creatine first hit the market in the early 90’s (as creatine monohydrate), there was a handful of producers offering it. At that time, and even to some extent today, there was a “creatine is creatine” attitude. Mid 90’s I obtained tests that examined the purity of different creatine as well as chemicals such as Dicyandiamide, Dihydrotriazine, Creatinine, and sodium, as the major chems tested. The original article and test results can be found HERE. In some circles it’s ‘old news’ that not all creatine is created equal purity/quality wise, but I was the guy who actually exposed that reality and continued to do so from that time forward. Readers will note the German sourced product was consistent for quality and purity. From that day forward, I only used and recommend German sourced creatine to my readers and the companies I have done consulting work for over the decades

My second article on the topic in the late 90s, with additional tests, can be found HERE. Due to the amount of heat the first article created from advertisers who didn’t appreciate my exposing the reality not all creatine is created equal, my second article was refused by MMI, and was posted on the now budding ‘net. That was my first real experience to the fact the magazines were no longer focused on making their reader/subscriber base happy, but their advertisers. Note again, the German sourced product tested highest in purity and lowest in chems tested.
More recently, a group in Italy tested a large selection of creatine monohydrate (CM) products, and found a whopping 50% of them “…exceeded the maximum level recommended by EFSA for organic contaminants,” and with mercury detectable amounts (<1 mg/kg) in some samples, which I discuss briefly HERE. The paper does not supply the source manufacturers of the products, but what it does show me is that quality and purity of CM is still a major issue. Those who follow my stuff no doubt watched my vids over the years and read my articles covering the various creatine related issues, from purity/quality, to debunking claims of side effects, covering the long list of potential health/anti aging benefits, and so forth.

Hence, when it came time to offer my own product containing CM, via AlphaJoe Coffee Booster, it was an obvious choice which I would use, even though it costs more. German produced creatine via Alzchem goes by the trade name Creapure®, and I will tell you first hand they take it very seriously as to who can put their logo on a product and claim use of their CM. The process for approval to do so was lengthy, but worth it if I wanted to offer what I felt was the highest grade CM on the market, that has been produced by the company who was determined to do it right from the start all those years ago.
Various companies use Creapure® as their source of CM and people should look for the logo on the product and or web site. As for non-German sourced CM, would I use it? Yes, but only if it came from a company I knew personally to extensively test their raw materials, which few do. Such a company is NutraBio, who also makes AlphaJoe Coffee Booster. My visit to the facility and personal experiences with the owner mark G. convinced me (1) he tested everything to within a nanogram of its life and I’d be comfortable using or recommending their creatine and other products and (2) it would be the perfect place to produce AlphaJoe.
Here is some additional thoughts on the above article as a vid via YT:

Will Brink is the owner of the Brinkzone Blog. Will has over 30 years experience as a respected author, columnist and consultant, to the supplement, fitness, bodybuilding, and weight loss industry and has been extensively published. Will graduated from Harvard University with a concentration in the natural sciences, and is a consultant to major supplement, dairy, and pharmaceutical companies.
His often ground breaking articles can be found in publications such as Lets Live, Muscle Media 2000, MuscleMag International, The Life Extension Magazine, Muscle n Fitness, Inside Karate, Exercise For Men Only, Body International, Power, Oxygen, Penthouse, Women’s World and The Townsend Letter For Doctors.
He’s also been published in peer reviewed journals.
Will is the author of the popular e-books, both accompanied by private members forum access , Bodybuilding Revealed & Fat Loss Revealed.
You can also buy Will’s other books on Amazon, Apple iBook, and Barnes and Noble.
I love creatine but in 2005 I had a couple of kidney stone surgeries and again in Nov 2020. My Orthology Dr told me creatine was fine just drink a lot of water. When I did use it over time I did get stomach cramps doing sit-ups etc. I believe I was drinking a lot of water. I thought if I put my creatine in hot water tea or coffee maybe I could get the cramps to go away. Just recently you confirm on the SHR Podcast to do just that. I really want to start taking creatine again just know sure if there is a connection to kidney Stones. I would love to start taking your products with creatine. Your Thoughts
I remember reading that article as a teenager lol. Now I’m a SWAT/K9 guy and still use creatine as my basis for all things awesome. Good stuff and thanks for the blast from the past