As you know, I have been involved in one form or another with law enforcement, and to a lesser extent, military, via articles, seminars, and some training. This was all peripheral work to my regular gig in the bodybuilding, fitness, weight loss, and longevity industry.

My articles, vids, etc, relating to law enforcement and military was sort of mish mash on my Brinkzone site and such, so I decided it was time to put something specific and focused to the tactical LEO and (hopefully) SOF community to place related stuff in one place. I present to you Optimal SWAT.

  1. Corey Bachmeier, M.Ed 17 years ago

    Love the videos on the website.
    Good stuff!!

  2. Author
    Will Brink 17 years ago

    Corey, a new one (week 11) was just put up BTW. Glad you enjoy them. At least 1-2 more vids to come with this group.

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