Examine.com Research Digest (ERD)

Whether you’re a health/fitness professional or just interested science minded health buff, you know finding objective, balanced, accurate information on health/fitness/nutrition/supplements is both difficult and time consuming.  I know many rely on BrinkZone.com for their info, and I’ll be using the ERD as one resource for my information.


The ERD is easy to read on mobile devices

It’s a challenge even for yours truly to dig through piles of primary published studies, web sites I trust, and other resources,  to distill complex information into useful info for readers, so anything that can help me with that job is a winner in my view.
I received a copy of the ERD and was both impressed with the quality of the content and the layout and graphics, but the process to publication. The ERD is not one person, or a few people sitting around deciding what topic to push to increase sales of some product, but has a legit peer review-like process of editors (some of whom I know personally) to fact check for accuracy and objectivity.*
The ERD distills the latest research for people “in the biz” like me (possibly alerting me to something I need to dig further into) or those looking for an accurate source to rely on as supplement to BrinkZone.com.
A resource that helps me save time, is well written, objective, accurate, puts things in the proper context, and involves a peer review process? I’m in. Highly recommended for anyone looking to save time and energy getting the latest info.
Get more info on the ERD HERE:
* = 5 researchers, 4 editors, and 7 reviewers.

  1. mark grove 10 years ago

    Hi Will.
    Never heard of ERD. Not really interested.
    But I know I’ll listen and read your take on things fitness,supplement and health wise. Because I know I’ll get the straight scoop from someone who’s been in the trenches of the supplement,health and training world.
    My favorite topic is your take on protein. Most might find it dull and boring—I think it’s fascinating! Thanks Will.

    • Author
      Will Brink 10 years ago

      Mark you’ll not have heard of the ERD because it’s brand new. I rarely recommend such things, but they have done a solid job of what I heave read so far.

  2. Nathan B. 10 years ago

    Greetings Will,
    Appreciate the reviews. As you said clearly, it is difficult to find solid resources on the web and the BrinkZone is one I go to regularly. I trust your professional opinion and will definitely have to check out ERD.

    • Author
      Will Brink 10 years ago

      Believe me, I know how difficult it is. For the most part, I tend to read the primary journals and distill that information for readers. Finding a source that does something similar, likely covering topics I may miss (and or confirming what I do cover) in a competent way as the ERD, is a good service worth having.

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