Versatility of the Slayer Barbell

In my prior post and video with the Slayer Barbell I focused on arm training, the “bread and butter” of this bar. However, as this latest video shows,  it’s a very versatile piece of equipment for  home or commercial gym use.  This whole body program I did with figure competitor and model Kelly Anne DeCollibus shows this to be an effective piece of equipment that has a very small foot print. A workout like this can be done in minimum space and easily finished in under and hour depending on the pace you keep and number off sets of each exercise you perform. It’s going to hit all major muscle groups and allow for a wide variety of workouts.

One can do it as circuits, complexes, or straight sets, depending on goals. Beginners might do one set of each exercise 2-3 times per week, while more advanced trainers might do 3 sets per exercise while increasing the weight, and or reps, as they progress. One could also do the lower body workout one day, followed the the upper body portion the next day, then take a day off. Just a few possibilities on how to construct a program using the Slayer. Obviously it would change if there was additional equipment involved, etc.

If you’re looking for a piece of equipment that allows whole body training for conditioning, metabolic work, ‘burning’ calories, and general fitness, that takes up minimal space, the Slayer Barbell would be on my short list. If I was looking to build a highly effective home gym for around 1k, a Slayer Barbell with stand, TRX suspension Trainer, set of sand bags from Ultimate Sandbag, a balance ball, and perhaps a kettle bell or two, would cover it well for overall fitness, conditioning, “functional” training, metabolic work, etc.


  1. Mark. 12 years ago

    Not that impressed with this Will. Most of these exercises could be done with a standard EZ bar at a fraction of the cost.

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      Some yes, most no. It’s just another possible tool in the tool box, but it allows a surprising number of exercises in a small space. Some of which are unique to that bar, and no, a curl with it does not feel the same as a curl with an EZ bar (see other vid linked and comments below the linked vid for more info) so even standard arm training is not the same as an EZ bar.
      Might look like an EZ bar, but no, most of the exercises done you either can’t do with a standard EZ bar, wouldn’t to do (like the front squats which are surprisingly comfortable, the bridges, the core work, etc) or will notice a difference between an EX curl bar vs the Slayer due to reasons covered in other vid and or their home page.
      No, it’s not magic, but it’s a versatile product and in my home gym.

  2. Javier 12 years ago

    Interesting bit of a equipment, but can’t see much of an advantage of this over an ez curl bar and a pair of push up stands. What makes this superior than that?

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      Have you ever tried front squats with an EX curl bar? Not fun…. Two, the design makes for a very different feel than other bars due to the offset of the weight, the way it locks yours arms into a specific position, etc. Have you ever done say deadlifts with a trap bar? Change is good…
      Yes, one can get a good workout with an EZ curl bar, push up station, O bar, and other stuff to be sure. But, I enjoy this bar and find it adds a new dimension to training, especially for a home gym if space is at a premium and for one single bar, allows a lot of variety.

  3. Leonardo 12 years ago

    Uma barra multiusos muito eficaz nunca vi nada igual parabens

  4. Neil Brown 12 years ago

    As a manager of “Supplement Solutions” , I think this exercises is very much helpful for bodybuilding supplements. We also supply few products about bodybuilding. Please visit our website & give us your opinion.

  5. Jeff Lane 12 years ago

    Sorry, but this is so gimmicky…what’s next? The Shake Weight? And how many people are going to actually lug that thing to the gym? Not many, but I can’t wait till some British guy tries to sell it to me on a late night infomercial 🙂

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      If something delivers what it promises, I don’t see the “Gimmicky” part. This product delivers what it promises assuming you’re not expecting to look like “Anold” from the simple use of it. As I said, and see comments below the other vid, its a tool in the tool box and those who use it are generally happy with it.
      Watch the other vid, bar is great for arm training, but I also wanted to show it versatility. Lug to the gym. I have or it sits in my home gym.
      The Shake Weight is a goofy POS that delivers nothing it promises and you can see my vid review if it here on this site.

  6. James Morgan 12 years ago

    Great video. Congratulations. Just wondering if you can tell me anything about a product called WOW ? The company list all the ingredients, with the preface (proprietary blend), which you have aptly warned us about. The product does work in eliminating pain…however, the company is not taking any more orders for the tablets…without saying exactly why. Can’t seem to find out what’s going on…just rumors that the FDA has shut them down!
    Thanks, J. E. Morgan

  7. James Morgan 12 years ago

    Hi, I left a reply earlier, but thought I’d give you some more info on the WOW product. The company says the product is actually mfg in Mexico…whatever that tells you…don’t know if it’s the ingredients only or what. The following are the actual ingredients:
    • Guaisma – It is commonly used for stomach pains, inflammations, and digestive aid, dysentery, and diarrhea. This herb was used for asthma, uterine pain, and hemorrhages by the Mixe Indians.
    • Holm Oak – Anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.
    • Calcium – Is used to help blood vessels move blood throughout the body and to help release hormones and enzymes that affect almost every function in the human body.
    • Eastern Teaberry – Anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, antineuralgic.
    • Hemiangium Excelsum – It is used for diarrhea and vomiting in some communities also used to kill lice and other parasites of man. In the state of Morelos is used for gastric problems, kidney problems and strokes.
    • Matarique – Is used primarily against diabetes, as well as for other gastrointestinal ailments.
    • Shark Cartilage – Has anti-inflammatory properties, relief from arthritis, helps diminish psoriasis, immune booster.
    • White Willow – Anti-inflammatory, fever reducer. Used for symptoms associated with arthritis, bursitis, menstrual cramps, migraine headaches, tension headaches and tendonitis.
    • Glucosamine – Is commonly used for arthritis. Scientists have studied it extensively for this use. It is most often used for a type of arthritis called osteoarthritis. This is the most common type of arthritis.
    • Magnesium – Every organ in the body — especially the heart, muscles, and kidneys — needs the mineral magnesium. It also contributes to the makeup of teeth and bones. Most important, it activates enzymes, contributes to energy production, and helps regulate calcium levels.
    • Vitamin C – may include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling.
    • Vitamin E – is also important in the formation of red blood cells and it helps the body use vitamin K. It also helps widen blood vessels and keep blood from clotting inside them.
    • Curcumin –May help inflammatory ailments such as carpal tunnel, arthritis and gout.

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