FatGripz Extreme
If you have read my articles and seen my vids, you know I’m a fan of thick bar/FatGripz training for anyone interested in improving their grip, arm strength, and overall functional strength for sports such as strongman, MMA, power lifting, and daily life. It’s a “must have” tool in the training tool box in my view. If you need a refresher on the benefits of thick bar/FatGripz training, take a look at the write up and vid I did a while back HERE, then come back to this page. I can wait!
The makers of FatGripz have come out with the FatGripz Extreme. The Extreme model is thicker than the standard FatGripz, getting closer in size to what strong man competitors actually train and compete with. World class power lifter, top coach, and Founder of Elite Fitness had this to say about these new Extreme grips:
“…these are the best grips I have ever used. While they all serve slightly different purposes these Fat Gripz Extremes have more uses than all the others combined.
If you are looking to add variety to your training, work around minor shoulder/elbow aches, and increase neuro-muscular activation, give FAT GRIPZ EXTREME a try!”
I would agree with Dave. While I personally tend to stick with the standard sized FatGripz for most exercises when looking to increase grip width on an exercise – such as chin ups, farmers walks, trap bar dead lifts, etc, – the addition of the new Extreme grips adds yet another dimension.
These grips are not for everyone. If you’re new to thick bar/FatGripz training, I’d recommend the standard sized FatGripz. However, if you have been using standard FatGripz for a while or have had access to thick bars, then the Extreme is a tool in your training tool box you’ll want for sure.
Here’s Dave Tate doing a set transformation curls using three different grips. I have tried these myself and they are killer. I have also tried this technique with chin ups and deadlifts, and it’s brutal!

Will Brink is the owner of the Brinkzone Blog. Will has over 30 years experience as a respected author, columnist and consultant, to the supplement, fitness, bodybuilding, and weight loss industry and has been extensively published. Will graduated from Harvard University with a concentration in the natural sciences, and is a consultant to major supplement, dairy, and pharmaceutical companies.
His often ground breaking articles can be found in publications such as Lets Live, Muscle Media 2000, MuscleMag International, The Life Extension Magazine, Muscle n Fitness, Inside Karate, Exercise For Men Only, Body International, Power, Oxygen, Penthouse, Women’s World and The Townsend Letter For Doctors.
He’s also been published in peer reviewed journals.
Will is the author of the popular e-books, both accompanied by private members forum access , Bodybuilding Revealed & Fat Loss Revealed.
You can also buy Will’s other books on Amazon, Apple iBook, and Barnes and Noble.
Those things must be really good, he was so pooped…couldn’t even put the weight down. Had to drop it on the floor.
And Dave T is one very strong dude BTW,
thanks for all the info. don’t know if you remember the first mr. o, larry scott, but he me taught me about large grip bars twenty years ago. sad, very few people didn’t pick up on it.good luck and god bless.
I can double my towel and get the same effect…need to crush that bar bro!!
You will not get the same effect as the towel with compress. That does not mean one has to have fat gripz to work their grip strength, but I have seen people try all sorts of things that were simply not as effective. Thick bar training is not the same as simply wrapping towels around stuff
Wow! I can see the difference. What a good idea.
Dave Tate is juiced out…just trying to make a buck. If were talking about improving grip strength I will favor grip4orce over fgz. the feedback form grip4orce keeps the hands engaging all the time…very important. Also impossible for fgz to do, especially someone new to the grip game.
Your comments are nonsensical. If your hands are not engaged with fgz, you’d drop the bar. Your statement makes no sense. As for Dave T, he uses and recommends grip4orce grips and wrote:
” Some grips work better with some methods of training while others don’t fair so well. For example, I do not like the Grip4orce for JM Press while the Fat Gripz are excellent for this movement. I like the Grip4orce much better for barbell curls but the Fat Gripz are better for pressing movements. This list goes on and on and is why we have several pair of each type of grips in our gym.”
So I guess his recommending grip4orce is due to being “juiced out…just trying to make a buck”? Maybe do a tad more research before commenting….
Sorry…touched a soft spot. “If your hands are not engaged with fgz, you’d drop the bar”. makes no since
my brother. We are talking engaging (dynamic) not a static grip. I’ve been in the grip game for
awhile now. Like I said before he and yourself are just trying to make a buck. This is why most
people are so backwards or confused when it comes to training. good night and all the best
with selling your toys
Ah so the grip4force is good according to you (and neither I or Dave would seen to disagree there), Dave T uses and recommends them, but he’s only trying to make a buck? Logic not your strong point I see. Me, I don’t tend to recommend anything I don’t actually use (and Dave is well known for that attitude too from what I understand) and if that helps to pay the bills to boot, all good.
I also regularly recommend things I don’t make a dime from because I feel they have value to people. I’m funny like that…
All the best 🙂
Just got a pair of Fat Gripz(standard),did a few curls and pull ups with them and felt the difference immediately in my forearms and biceps.
For sure. That’s one thing you don’t have to wait to feel a difference. I don’t use them all the time myself, but they are a “must have” item for me and I wish I had thought of the idea myself!
I got some of the original FatGripz after the review you did last Summer, Will – I could barely hold a pen for several days afterwards!! 😉 I think they’re fantastic and use them most of the time now – even for push exercises, where I find the dumbells don’t roll around so much in my big hands.
I tell you, the Extreme version makes the standard version seem easy! 🙂
Fat Grips are awesome, ive been using them for a month and my arms, forearms ache like hell. I know this is good. Deload when using these babies and squeeze.
Not much ROM in those bicep curls – looked like the hamstrings had more of a workout to me 😉