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  1. Mark Hemphill 13 years ago

    Your comments on embellishing “bios” as they apply to “gurus” in all facets of the health industry come as no surprise. This has been the practice since the industry started. For example, one of the oldest and most known names in supplementation has claimed his PH.D to be from the University of Beverly Hills. This is an unaccredited school which lacks both a campus and laboratory facilities. Another well known and respected writer from the same period also claimed a PH.D which was valid but in broadcasting. An all too extensive number of these “experts” and “authorities” have similar issues with their alleged backgrounds. What makes it worse is that even those with verifiable backgrounds aren’t beneath peddling snake oils which they must know are fakes. To make matters even worse yet, it’s not that uncommon that some of these respected names to have promoted products that later prove to be less than effective, useless and in some cases even detrimental. So none of this really comes with a guarantee. The reader has to weigh the issues and decide validity by weight for themselves.

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      None come with a guarantee. Am MD, or PhD in an applicable science does not guarantee good info, and yes, people must weigh the info themselves at the end of the day. I know a man with a PhD in history, who puts out excellent info on health! My point being however is that people should not take their claimed creds and background at face value. There’s a bunch of “guru” types on the ‘net who’s bios are more fantasy over reality.

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