Metabolic Burnout, does it really exist? People claim they suffer this condition, others offer ways to fix it or cure it, but what is it? Can it be tested for? I answer those Qs in this latest vid!

Will Brink is the owner of the Brinkzone Blog. Will has over 30 years experience as a respected author, columnist and consultant, to the supplement, fitness, bodybuilding, and weight loss industry and has been extensively published. Will graduated from Harvard University with a concentration in the natural sciences, and is a consultant to major supplement, dairy, and pharmaceutical companies.
His often ground breaking articles can be found in publications such as Lets Live, Muscle Media 2000, MuscleMag International, The Life Extension Magazine, Muscle n Fitness, Inside Karate, Exercise For Men Only, Body International, Power, Oxygen, Penthouse, Women’s World and The Townsend Letter For Doctors.
He’s also been published in peer reviewed journals.
Will is the author of the popular e-books, both accompanied by private members forum access , Bodybuilding Revealed & Fat Loss Revealed.
You can also buy Will’s other books on Amazon, Apple iBook, and Barnes and Noble.
This Guy, together with Tom Venuto, lyle mcdonald, Brad Schoenfield, Eric Helms and Alan Aragon
Are the most clever and honest guys regarding training, nutrition and lifestyle/mindset.
Shout out from the Netherlands.
Interesting video Will, thanks. Always good stuff.
I couldn’t stand watching him say that there’s no evidence to support metabolic burnout/exhaust. And then say that all our thyroids are just fine?! I like a lot of your work Will but you’re either very under read or a big pharma shill. Lets start with he thyroid. Metabolic exhaustion is hypo-thyroidism. It’s an under active thyroid, not producing enough of the appropriate hormones. Our thyroid is under constant attack from halogens like bromine, fluoride and now lithium that’s being added to our water supply that mineralize and slow down he thyroid and pineal gland. The only beneficial halogen is iodine and everyone is deficient in that mineral. Iodine fills in the spaces and protects the thyroid from the other halogens. Our thyroid is also being destroyed by Monsanto and Dow chemicals like Parabens and BPA which act like estrogen and cause feminization in men and hyper-feminization in women. Women need extra iodine and this is why hypo-thyroidism is so prevalent in women.
Metabolic exhaustion absolutely exists as hypo-thyroidism, caused by an iodine deficiency and consumption of toxic elements. Solution: take a high-quality iodine supplement (like myself) and stop drinking tap water.
While we’re on the topic. People on the west coast should especially invest in iodine since a giant cloud of radiation from the Fukushima Meltdown in Japan will hit the west coast early 2014.
He didn’t say that hypothyroidism doesn’t exist. He said that the evidence for Metabolic Burnout is lacking.
I haven’t the term metabolic burnout before. Hypothyroidism is not uncommon as we age. Virtually all the hormones start to decline after a certain age and are responsible for a number of the degenerative diseases.
Yes you are correct that xenoestrogens are a problem, however their source is not limited to the corporations you listed.
Many Americans are deficient in Iodine, however this is not going to fix all problems associated the hypothyroidism, and certainly isn’t going to address the other hormone deficiencies that many of us have.
Lastly you may be confusing a cortisol deficiency with metabolic burnout. About 1/3 of middle aged Americans are outside of the optimal cortisol range. This will impact a number of hormones, including thyroid.
Evil Monsanto? EVERYONE (blanket-statement) is Iodine deficient? Evil drinking water (as-in ALL drinking water is created equal)? Radioactive clouds on-par to hit Cali soon?
You sound like a supplement-industry shill & QUACK!
also, obviously, the burnout being discussed in the vid is pertaining to post-DIET burnout, but you still didn’t let that stop you from soap-boxing your agenda.
(misinformation pisses me off)
“I couldn’t stand watching him say that there’s no evidence to support metabolic burnout/exhaust. And then say that all our thyroids are just fine?! ”
Sadly, what’s clear is you either didn’t actually understand what I said, or you didn’t actually watch the vid. Hypothyroidism, has nothing to do with the topic being covered, although very low cal diets combined with excessive exercise can indeed negatively impact thyroid production, mainly t4 -> T3 conversion. The effect is not permanent however. To clarify, some claim long term restrictive diets leads to permanent “metabolic burnout” but the science does not seem to support that contention.
Your ramble about iodine again, has nadda to do with the actual topic…
That’s cool. Will just totally brushed me off and didn’t really address any of my points.
Here’s a blanket statement for you Jonny “all our thyroids are fine, they’re really strong” uttered by your god Will Brink of course it is law.
The only thing he said in his video titled Metsbolic Burnout Facts” was that there are no facts lol.
I did respond. You made no points worth addressing and made it clear you didn’t understand what I was
actually saying. Now you post in quotes “all our thyroids are fine, they’re really strong”
which I never said, so you’re also an intellectually dishonest person and a troll, in addition to
having a poor understanding of the topic being discussed here.
I suggest another web site to troll. Thanx
reply below was directed @ Daniel btw
Hi – I agree with you on many counts here. I have worked with many clients that seem, for whatever reason, to have difficulty losing weight after a period of restriction (or many restrictive diets) – one thought is in regard to the psychological aspect. It is tough to go back on that very restrictive protocol again and the client has in their mind that is the only way they can lose weight. They try to follow that “perfect” plan but cannot mentally wrap their minds around it again and “cheat”. Consequently, they hit frustration. I have had success educating them on the importance of healthy fats and protein and their role in proper metabolism and body function. It is a long process and for many women the fear of dietary fat is a hard one to break. Often, after a period of time, they convince the body that it will be fed properly and the body gradually levels out at a proper weight. My son heard you speak at Windham High School and really enjoyed what you had to say. Noreen Gallo MSRD Your Forever Diet
As you say Noreen, perhaps the long term issue is more psychologically based than physiological. That’s perfectly possible, if not probable.
What are all the symptoms of metabolic burnout?
There are no symptoms per se, and it’s unclear if it’s even a legit “syndrome.” Some people feel that after long term severely restrictive diets – usually combined with excessive volumes of exercise – their metabolism is permanently damaged to the point they can’t shed fat regardless of what they do. The science however does not see to support that and I do find most people, once they really get a handle on what it takes to lose fat correctly long term (See my reportt “The Big Picture of Permanent Weight Loss” for more info on that) can and will lose the fat they want.
Thanks for your reply, Will.
I should of also asked what is the definition of metabolic burnout on my first post?
But I pretty much got the definition of metabolic burnout from your reply.
Can’t lose weight by any means.
Or body does not respond to anything you want to do to it.
I first thought it meant using up all your reserve energy. Maybe something like chronic fatigue syndrome, or just no energy.
I experienced that condition of “No energy” last spring for a few months. By early afternoon I did not have enough energy to lift my hand if I was sitting in the sofa chair.
But I also am in the condition where I cannot get my body to lose weight.
Most people eat way more than I do and they are slim and I am close to obese.
It seems like everything I eat and even small amounts of food goes straight to putting on weight.
I am not a diet junkie or an exercise fanatic, (I have a hard time sticking to any regime) but I am health conscious, and cook most of my of food from scratch. I am 60.
But I want to live as long as possible and very interested in life extension data. If I could live another 100 yrs, or more, then I want to do so. There is no scientific reason why we should get old and die. The reason (in my opinion) is that we just do not know how, or break all the rules.
As I don’t know your nutrition or exercise program, it’s impossible for me to really comment. When I see people in person who are seemingly doing everything correct and should be losing weight and are not, and or, they have symptoms such as you describe, I recommend they get a full hormonal profile done to see if any of the major hormones are in need to addressing.
You will find a number articles and vids here addressing that topic (especially as it relates to testosterone in men) and my article “It’s in your blood” is a good place to start to see which hormones to have tested.
Good luck!
So I rewatched the video to see EXACTLY what you said. “Thyroids are mighty strong and bounce back from all manners of abuse. This is true to an extent. If you’re thyroid is becoming mineralized and slowing down then yes it could “bounce back” IF you did a heavy metal detox specifically targeting fluoride or your glands.
The fact that you’ll recommend blood testing for hormones and then say that I’ve made no good points when I talk about known hormone disrupters like BPA is laughable.
In the beginning of the video you talk about the human metabolism being very complex and hen commence to boil the whole issue down to calorie restriction. No mention of the toxins we’re exposed to everyday or vitamin and mineral deficiency. Nope no critical though here, just you’re typical meathead answer to everything “EAT MORE!!!”
Last chance for you, then banned. This discussion is narrowed to one and only one topic: highly restrictive diets and excessive exercise leading to what some call “metabolic burnout” which they often claim is permanent.
That’s it. The discussion is not expanded to other influences you keep attempting to bring into the discussion and is another topic totally, a topic I do cover in other articles etc.
Now, either speak to that specific issue of the vid, or go away.
Even for you, that should be very clear at this point.
I’m sure this is very frustrating for you since you have all the answers and some of us refuse to agree with you.
What I see is that you are filtering everything through your limited scientific knowledge and political/world view. It doesn’t really matter what anyone says here because you are not open to other ideas, regardless of the evidence refuting your position.