picture of a UFO

Two topics I have followed in one way or another for over 40 years is near death experiences (NDE’s) and extraterrestrial non-human intelligence, overly simplified as UFO’s or UAP’s. Evidence, such as it is, suggests to me that consciousness is possibly a non-local field or dimension that exists outside spacetime and is thus not impacted by the known limitations of spacetime. Tangential, I suspect an advanced (non-human) intelligence has access to that field or dimension. If this type of ‘way out there’ topic is of interest to you, stick with me here, and I will explain how I think they may actually converge. Obviously, this is all highly speculative, but make no mistake, science exists in some highly speculative realms. The “trick” is to be honest about the fact it’s highly speculative and not try and pretend otherwise. With that in mind, let’s proceed…

“Where are you getting this crazy stuff from Will?”

I can hear my readers and friends asking. I’m not just pulling this from my you-know-what and am basing these ideas, or at least my understanding of them as a mere mortal, from the work of people like Dr Hoffman, Dr Penrose, Dr. Parnia, and Dr Greer, to name a few. There’s no way I can do any of their work justice in an article such as this, covering just one of them in any depth is beyond the scope of this article. I will summarize briefly, and link to useful info for those who want to dig deeper. I have always been fascinated by NDE’s and the fact they indicate consciousness may persist after biological death. My mother took me to a matinee on a Saturday afternoon a kid in the late 70’s of a cheesy movie called “Beyond and Back” and I was fascinated by it. Thus began a lifelong interest in the topic of NDE’s and consciousness after biological death after seeing a terrible pseudo-scientific “documentary” at twelve years old.

Realize that until fairly recently NDE’s were fairly rare. The reason for that is when most people died they stayed dead. Modern medical technology is now capable for bringing people back from biological death at much higher rates after extended periods of time. That brings us to Dr Parnia, who is as a critical care and cardiopulmonary resuscitation specialist and the director of the Human Consciousness Project. He’s convincingly demonstrated that human consciousness persists after biological death, at least up the time people have been dead and returned, which has been over an hour!  He’s written several books on the topic and has been interviewed online and so forth. He’s studied NDE’s like few others have, but he’s far from alone in doing so.

Dr. Hoffman is a Professor of Cognitive Sciences and has gotten a great deal of attention for his work suggesting that there’s something more fundamental to consciousness than what exists in spacetime as we exist in four dimensions*, and he supplies compelling evidence for it. His book “The Case Against Reality” is the best place to start for those interested, but his interviews, for those who prefer videos, are great.

Finally, Nobel Prize winning scientist, a giant in the field of cosmology and other topics, along with Stuart Hameroff, respectively, put forth the hypothesis that consciousness happens at the quantum level. A brief summary their theory of consciousness called “Orchestrated objective reduction” is a “…theory postulating that consciousness originates at the quantum level inside neurons (rather than being a product of neural connections). The mechanism is held to be a quantum process called objective reduction that is orchestrated by cellular structures called microtubules. It is proposed that the theory may answer the hard problem of consciousness and provide a mechanism for free will. The hypothesis was first put forward in the early 1990s by Nobel laureate for physics, Roger Penrose, and anaesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff. The hypothesis combines approaches from molecular biology, neuroscience, pharmacology, philosophy, quantum information theory, and quantum gravity.”

To be honest here, I’m not entirely clear if their theory posits consciousness is a non-local (not existing only in the brain) phenomena or not, but if it’s happening at the quantum level, then my interpretation is that at least some part of it is not exclusively taking place in the brain. One review paper examining the issue of non-local consciousness summarized it thus:

“The nature of consciousness is considered one of science’s most perplexing and persistent mysteries. We all know the subjective experience of consciousness, but where does it arise? What is its purpose? What are its full capacities? The assumption within today’s neuroscience is that all aspects of consciousness arise solely from interactions among neurons in the brain. However, the origin and mechanisms of qualia (i.e., subjective or phenomenological experience) are not understood. David Chalmers coined the term “the hard problem” to describe the difficulties in elucidating the origins of subjectivity from the point of view of reductive materialism. We propose that the hard problem arises because one or more assumptions within a materialistic worldview are either wrong or incomplete. If consciousness entails more than the activity of neurons, then we can contemplate new ways of thinking about the hard problem. This review examines phenomena that apparently contradict the notion that consciousness is exclusively dependent on brain activity, including phenomena where consciousness appears to extend beyond the physical brain and body in both space and time. The mechanisms underlying these “non-local” properties are vaguely suggestive of quantum entanglement in physics, but how such effects might manifest remains highly speculative. The existence of these non-local effects appears to support the proposal that post-materialistic models of consciousness may be required to break the conceptual impasse presented by the hard problem of consciousness.”

OK, so I have attempted to distal a massive amount of information about what is literally one of the most complex topics humans study now and for thousand of years prior, so it’s safe to say I’m leaving a good bit out. My only point was to hopefully convince the reader my views that consciousness may be (1) persistent after biological death and (2) may be partially due to consciousness being a non-local phenomena that exists outside of our brains and spacetime restrictions and influences (3) I didn’t just pull the idea out of thin air per se.

Obviously this is way ‘out there’ science, and we are a long way off from confirmation of the accuracy and validity of it all. To be clear, I’m not a dumb man but I’m no theoretical physicist who can confirm or debunk what someone like Penrose has put forth either. It is, as they say, above my pay grade.   I will say it’s tip of the iceberg as to all I have read and researched on the topic that makes me personally solidly in the belief we are not just a function of our meat brains and there’s far more to it. As you’d expect, most traditional scientists and medical professionals are either not even aware of this topic, or reject it as too far out and lacking in sufficient evidence. They may be right, only time will tell.

On To The Aliens!

So if consciousness is a non-local dimension, or field, that exists outside of spacetime, what does that have to do with aliens? Dr. Greer is a controversial figure both inside and out the UFO community. He’s either the most talented of UFO grifters who ever existed or he knows more about UFO’s than anyone alive. I vacillate back and forth on that one, but I digress. Regardless, I find his insights into how a highly advanced species might travel between locations makes sense in as much as it explains some things, such as how they simply appear and disappear at will, trans-medium travel, appear as either balls of light or solid craft, and of course how traverse distances seemingly outside our solar system. According to Greer, advanced civilizations that visit earth do so by “trans-dimensional physics” of matter manipulated by consciousness itself. That is, they’re shifting between dimensions separate from normal spacetime using conscious thought that can manipulate matter itself via their technologies.  What if consciousness, as a dimension is multi layered, or that consciousness is one of multiple dimensions? That is, when we die our consciousness ends up in one unique dimension while an advanced civilization able to enter and exit these dimensions operate in a different, yet similar, dimension outside the limits of spacetime? I see similarities there if they can access dimensions outside, or separate from, spacetime. FYI, the term “Outside” may have no actual reference points to spacetime, it’s just a word used for convenience.

Obviously, this brings up more questions than answers, but make no mistake here, it’s not as wild as it may seem in terms of where science is headed with realizing spacetime is not the most fundamental aspects of the universe and a deeper reality exists; that’s where it gets really wild when it gets to the quantum level stuff. Again, I’m not just inventing this seemingly wild stuff about spacetime not actually being our fundamental reality as we have been led to believe for almost 100 years. For example, via the recent Scientific American article “What Is Spacetime Really Made Of?”:

“A growing number of physicists, working in different areas of the discipline with different approaches, are increasingly converging on a profound idea: space—and perhaps even time—is not fundamental. Instead space and time may be emergent: they could arise from the structure and behavior of more basic components of nature. At the deepest level of reality, questions like “Where?” and “When?” simply may not have answers at all. “We have a lot of hints from physics that spacetime as we understand it isn’t the fundamental thing,” Paquette says.

These radical notions come from recent twists in the century-long hunt for a theory of quantum gravity. Physicists’ best theory of gravity is general relativity, Albert Einstein’s famous conception of how matter warps space and time. Their best theory of everything else is quantum physics, which is astonishingly accurate when it comes to the properties of matter, energy and subatomic particles. Both theories have easily passed all the tests physicists have been able to devise for the past century. Put them together, one might think, and you should have a ‘theory of everything.’”

 Two, as wild as it all sounds that I have presented here, it does not break the fundamental laws of physics as we currently understand them. While our everyday existence happens in four dimensions (three dimensions and one for time*), supposedly, the quantum world is not restricted to so few dimensions and time itself may not exist at the quantum scale, but that’s a whole other rabbit hole and discussion. I will link Dr Greer’s explanation from his appearance on the Shawn Ryan show if readers want more details where is discusses how he envisions an interface between consciousness and technology that assists highly advanced beings to transport where ever they wish to go.

 Bottom line is I suspect the highly advanced civilizations appear to be visiting us may be doing so while manipulating the dimensions of consciousness we all tap into that potentially exists in both life and death, and utilized at some level by beings far more advanced than we are.


If one is of a religious bent, there’s additional layers that could be discussed, especially where NDE’s are concerned. I chose not to and remain agnostic about such things. I know some will find this article outlandish, but it’s probably not as outlandish as one might think. I’d highly recommend checking out some of the linked content. Now you have a good idea of why I also write science fiction which can be found on Amazon HERE!

Side Bar: “So Aliens are real Will?”

Is the obvious question some may ask of me after reading this article if you made it this far. I never thought I’d see the day when the whole UFO topic was mainstream and without the stigma of a “conspiracy theory” it once had. While there’s many conspiracy theories surrounding the UFO topic, I don’t see the topic itself as a conspiracy. While the U in UFO remains for me, there’s something in our airspace – and oceans apparently – with performance characteristics like nothing human’s possess that appear to ignore the very laws of physics as we currently understand them. The evidence for that is undeniable in my view. They could be extraterrestrials, time travelers, inter dimensional travelers, or something we can’t even imagine. Some people think they’re demonic entities. What they are in unclear, that they exist is not conspiracy theory at this point in my view. It’s amazing to me how many legit researchers are now openly discussing this topic casually as if it was no big deal. For example, a most interesting paper titled “The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” from several Harvard based authors published posits the possibility of the “cryptoterrestrial hypothesis, namely the notion that UAP may reflect activities of intelligent beings concealed in stealth here on Earth (e.g., underground), and/or its near environs (e.g., the moon), and/or even “walking among us” (e.g., passing as humans).” Even I was surprised by that one! That’s actually a very in-depth paper on a wide variety of UFO/UAP topics worth a read if one want to get a sense of it all beyond the silly headlines in tabloids or clickbait videos and such. The paper also talks about the possibilities mentioned above in this article, the inter-dimensional hypothesis. A paper like that would have been a career ender for any serious academic not long ago.

(*) Spacetime = three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum is what our everyday existence consists of.

  1. Ivor Williams 8 months ago

    Great thought provoking article Will. Really enjoyed it!

    • Author
      Will Brink 8 months ago

      Glad you enjoyed it. I’d recommend following up on some of those links if you you want to get deeper into the topics presented.

  2. Ken Jensen 8 months ago

    I love your sharing of this side of yourself Will!

    I’ve been with you since your Supplement Bible came out.

    Experimenting with these ideas in public is a very interesting turn to take and one I enjoy fully! I like learning how my mentors think about topics not directly related to why I became a fan in the first place. Gives me a more rounded out view of the person.

    I’ve been clinically dead more than once. Had some interesting dreams while “away.” But having survived as I’ve done led me to explore this area more deeply myself. You wonder “why?” after surviving such. Makes you explore new territory as a result.

    Keep these coming.


    • Author
      Will Brink 8 months ago

      Glad you enjoyed it. Did you have a classic NDE? Something else?

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