In this latest vid, I’m inspired by a study just published that shows some pre workout NO supplement was more effective compared to placebo. What you need to know on how studies may not always be what they appear to the untrained eye…

  1. Max 13 years ago

    Great video Will! You raise a number of really important points about not just accepting at face value what you hear in those neat little round ups of research. A lot of the time research is being funded by pharmaceutical companies / nutrititional nutritional companies so they’re going to be want their results to be portrayed in a positive light. This doesn’t mean that its necessary a bad study, but it will often be written with some kind of bias.
    Again great stuff. Love what you’re doing!

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      Glad you enjoyed it Max! I hope it helps people to see how things really work! 🙂

  2. willy 13 years ago

    glad to see my desk is not the only one that is “organized”…kidding….good info,thanks

  3. pete 13 years ago

    great way to let us know what going on will , good job

  4. Micael Brunzell 13 years ago

    You are right on the money Will, a lot of people spend alot of money on preworkout supplements
    when they can get the same results or even better with plain creatine/very informative vid thanks

  5. Dr. Robert Oliva 13 years ago

    One of the best things I learned in graduate school was how to interpret research studies. It has served me well for many years. A very large number of research studies are fraudulent, ill designed and self-serving. Well done science is much less common than most of us think. Dr. John Ioannidis has studied contemporary research and has concluded 80 percent of non-randomized studies (by far the most common type), 25 percent gold-standard randomized trials, 10 percent of the platinum-standard large randomized trials turned out to be wrong. We must be very vigilant when looking at findings.
    Thanks for your intelligent discussion.

  6. Scott I 13 years ago

    The NO issue is not my concern here. It is questionable. But if one has a good study on a subject, one might add a few more than are not as clear in order to help add more weight to their claims, Since we have FDA and other enemies who insist there is no scientific basis for anything, especially nutrients. So one ought to be skeptical about performance enhancers but one also has to realize that supplements do have many enemies that look for any excuse to find fault with published suggestions. Hence, one must supply lots of studies to reinforce legitimate claims. Let the buyer beware!

  7. Liam 13 years ago

    we need to shake the attitude that nutrition and progress comes in liquid form, i’ve only been training for 12 months yet i’ve wasted so much money on overhyped crap that to be honest food is just so much easier to get right. Supplement companies are great at “polishing a turd” in a pretty package, although some companies like AST and Saotori have restored my faith in humans somewhat.
    I’m a big fan of beta alanine VS NO as nitric mixes mess up your stomach after prolonged use and nitric combined with creatine might as well be a laxative. Great article. love your work Will!.

  8. Jeff 13 years ago

    physicist Lawrence Krauss makes a point in the Wall Street Journal about the “Lies of Science Writing”

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