Using a GymBoss Timer for GPP/Conditioning Day!
Per my write up of my current GPP/Conditioning day using the GymBoss Interval Timer in a recent blog, I decided to make a vid of the actual workout, which was fun to make, not so much fun to follow! I’m no cross training/endurance
God I can assure you, and brief, intense workouts like this are how I prefer to get in my conditioning workouts. Try it, you’ll enjoy it. OK, you wont “enjoy” it in the classic sense, but you’ll know you have been through a workout! If you do, let me know! For more specific info, additional instructions, etc on the workout, click Here. You can find the Timer listed in the Recommended Products section of the site also.

Will Brink is the owner of the Brinkzone Blog. Will has over 30 years experience as a respected author, columnist and consultant, to the supplement, fitness, bodybuilding, and weight loss industry and has been extensively published. Will graduated from Harvard University with a concentration in the natural sciences, and is a consultant to major supplement, dairy, and pharmaceutical companies.
His often ground breaking articles can be found in publications such as Lets Live, Muscle Media 2000, MuscleMag International, The Life Extension Magazine, Muscle n Fitness, Inside Karate, Exercise For Men Only, Body International, Power, Oxygen, Penthouse, Women’s World and The Townsend Letter For Doctors.
He’s also been published in peer reviewed journals.
Will is the author of the popular e-books, both accompanied by private members forum access , Bodybuilding Revealed & Fat Loss Revealed.
You can also buy Will’s other books on Amazon, Apple iBook, and Barnes and Noble.
Hi Will,Ye good to see you pushing yourself with the workout,I will give it a go next time out,I’m looking forward to it all ready because it’s something different from the norm.
Report back how it goes for you Billy.
Nice vid, have been looking to put more cardio in my training in the form of GPP. Sick of sitting on a bike at the gym. Have got a 2nd hand rower at home and a bag as well. The neighbours think I am mdd anyway so now they will think i am nuts.
Will this looks like a great exercise program most of all with the weighted ball that has to be a serious upper body workout. I have an eliptacal but not the bag or ball. I think next time i get out i will look for those two items. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication for helping teach the art of well being and good health. HAVE A GREAT DAY!
Hi Will,
Great video. I am an advocate of interval training. Very few gym junkies do it because of the fear of ‘losing too much muscle from too much cardio’.
Chris, read the write up lined at the vid regarding the value of GPP, as well as article by Simmon’s on the value of GPP training, and he knows a thing or two about muscle…
Very good video Will – extremely helpful. I assume the ambulance was called afterwards……
Ambulance was called! 🙂
Years ago, I was in charge of a gym which ran a ‘circuit-training’ conditioning program in which you had to work against pneumatic resistance for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds rest allowing you change to a different station, and so on. The time intervals, were marked out on a suitably interrupted music audio tape. Crude, but effective. What you could not do, was alter the time intervals if you wanted to modify the program. That’s a big advantage the Gym Boss makes possible.
Good stuff Will. Nice open palms and elbows. Have any Wing Chun
training? If you want to look like a boxer you have to train like a
boxer right. If you want to look like a bowler you…
Erich, funny you mention that, others have also asked about Wing Chun. I have dabbled (and I do mean dabbled…) in various MA, but never Wing Chun. Always wanted to as it looks right up my ally, and many consider it one of the more practical forms of MA. I always attempt to work what are simple, effective, movement patterns that can be repeated quickly and reflexively. I wish I had spent more effort in MA as a kid honestly, but only so much time in the day! No doubt, a true boxer, MA, etc would make my bag work, etc look slow and soft, but as mentioned in the vid: although there is obviously some self defense intent in the movement patterns used, it’s about conditioning for the non MA/non boxer looking to use a heavy bag, which is one of the most underrated conditioning tools on the planet!
Rich, med ball floor mash is great alternative. However, that particular med ball aint going to bounce off the floor no matter how hard you smash it. There are med balls perfect for that however, and you can see one being used from the Female Functional Fitness vid. So, the idea is a good one, but it’s a matter of the right med ball and of course the right floor. Those old school heavy leather jobs, bounce like a lead balloon 🙂
Ah, Sisters of Mercy, time to go dancing again! 😀
Sisters is old school! 🙂
If you don’t have a long enough concrete wall to do the lateral part of the med ball, would it be acceptable if you just stood in one place?
Fairlane, do it as it works for you. Depending on the med ball, you could alternate between wall smash, and floor mash etc. which I bet would be tough.
Watching you do this had me ordering the Gym boss (Cos I’m sick of watching clocks or timers when I do HIT), plus this weekend will get a heavy bag and med ball….I do all my training at home and get fed up of just doing HIT on the elliptical trainer….also trying to get the wife to do anything is hopeless, but I might get her to do 10 mins on a heavy bag if I put a picture of me on it…..LOL I’ve heard many vets say heavy bag is superb for fat burning and I could already feel the burn from that med ball push. Made me tired just watching you ….gotta get down to 8-9% without my losing my mind.
Gareth, try the program and report back with your results. 🙂
Just got a chance to watch the vid. Great workout. Gym boss timer is a go for me. I can see how it helps, and not looking at the clock would be great.
Like the med ball throw, will give that a try.
Will, great video. I use the gymboss timer all the time for my training. However, I think you may have just given me some awesome ideas for interval training. I love the tips for the heavy bag work but the lateral med ball against the wall is outstanding, in fact brilliant. Thanks for the great information
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