A regional RRT group in the New England area invited me to do a seminar, and I brought John Sullivan – a trainer for Optimal SWAT – along with me to help out. The seminar was followed by a group competition using low-tech functional exercise challenges. They were broken up into teams of 10, and were timed on a long course of rope climbing, obstacle course, chain drag, keg run, farmers walk, phone pole run, truck push, tire drag, and more! Alone, one of the units was not terribly challenging, but strung together and done continuously, the difficulty mounted quickly! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZg1CKoGZes&feature=channel_page[/youtube]
As you can see, being creative with low-tech stuff found all around you is one way to develop a challenging circuit of exercises that are functional in nature and job applicable. Obviously, when working with a group this large, you will have a wide range of fitness levels, so you have to account for that fact and take into account not everyone is a cross training God or in Olympic Tri-athlete condition. These are real people with real jobs and responsibilities, not some kid who has all day to workout, so that has to be taken into account also. Anyway, it’s a short fun vid that may give people some ideas they can use in their own workouts, dept, or unit.
Just low-tech, good old fashion hard work and some fun!

  1. Steven Mosley 16 years ago

    Great stuff. Thank you so much for sharing. Best wishes,

  2. Author
    Will Brink 16 years ago

    Glad you enjoyed it Steve. More vids on the way!

  3. weight loss slim 16 years ago

    Didn’t know about it. Very nice information. Submitted this post to Google News Reader.

  4. Eliza Speedy 15 years ago

    Hi there, nice site with good info. I really like coming back here often. There’s only one thing that annoys me and that is the misfunctioning of comment posting. I usually get to 500 error page, and have to do the post twice.

    • Author
      Will Brink 15 years ago

      Eliza, always posts first time for me. Anyone else getting an error page when trying to post?

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