You’ve heard the saying; if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. And a simple way to fail on your weight loss effort is to let the fast-food burger joint have its way with you.  One of the best ways to circumvent the nagging desire for the  donut/cupcake/candy bar/chips and salsa (insert personal craving here) is to prepare meals in advance and keep your fridge stocked with meals that have a long shelf life.

Thankfully, the recipes included here don’t require much skill or particular fondness for cooking (though it helps to be creative), nor require you to be in the kitchen too long. I’ve tried to include recipes that are big on flavor and easy to make. And because I live in Austin, TX there’s a definite nod to the local taste preferences, and because I’m from India, you’re going to see the requisite curry recipe.

If you don’t already have one, a kitchen scale will  be a useful tool, in addition to your measuring cups and spoons.

Breakfast Recipe 1: High Fiber, High Protein Pancakes

½ Cup Fiber One Pancake Mix (180 cals)
1 Scoop of Muscle Milk Light Vanilla Flavored Whey Protein (100 calories) Note: You can use any vanilla flavored whey protein of your choice, but try to match the calorie content, give or take 20 calories.
Walden Farms Zero Calorie Pancake Syrup
Mix together pancake mix with whey protein and gradually add water stir to achieve the desired consistency.  Coat a non-stick pan with a spritz of Pam so that pancake batter doesn’t stick. Mixture will make 3 servings.  Pour mix and heat and cook evenly on both sides.  Top with Walden Farms Zero Calorie Pancake Mix or Sugar-free syrup if desired.
280 calories
18 g protein
42 g carbohydrate
6 g fat

Breakfast Recipe 2: High Fiber, High Protein Breakfast Taco
1 High-fiber Tortilla or Wrap (e.g., La Tortilla, Mission, or Flat Out Brand), 100 calories or less.
½ Cup All Egg White Egg Substitute (50 Calories)
¼ Cup Fat Free Shredded Cheese (45 Calories)
1 Small Chopped Tomato (25 calories)
3 slices of sliced, extra lean ham or turkey (70 calories)
1 cup of raw spinach leaves (7 calories)
Salsa, if desired.

Cook eggwhite mixture on a nonstick pan using Pam or nonstick spray if desired.  Add chopped tomatoes, spinach, ham, and shredded cheese and fold over omelette. Heat tortilla briefly in microwave or on a pan, according to package instructions. Fill tortilla with egg, ham, veggies, and cheese mix and roll up into a breakfast taco. Top with salsa, if desired.
Calories: 300
36 g protein
36 g carbohydrate
3 g fat

Breakfast Recipe 3: Egg and Cheese Sandwich
4 Egg Whites (70 cals)
1/8 Cup Skim Milk (12)
1 Slice Ezekiel or Whole Grain Bread (70 cals)
3 Slices Lean Ham (70 cals)
½ oz Low Fat Cheese (25 cals)

Take 4 eggs whites and beat them in a coffee mug with a little skim milk. Place the mug in the microwave and cook for about 2 minutes on half power, stopping midway to stir mixture. While that is cooking, toast bread in the toaster and cut in half. Place the cooked egg on half the bread, then a couple of thin slices of lean ham, 1/2 oz. of lowfat cheese, and then put the other half of the bread on top.   Place prepped sandwich in microwave for 20 to 30 more seconds and…voila!…excellent breakfast sandwich, or lunch or snack.
Calories: 243
32 g protein
17 g carbohydrate
4 g fat

Breakfast Recipe 4: Chocolate Berry Parfait
1 Scoop of Whey Protein Powder (Chocolate Flavor, e.g., Optimum Nutrition Brand or Designer Whey Protein Powder) 100-120 Calories
1 6-oz container of Nonfat Greek Yogurt (100 Calories)
½ Cup frozen berries (any kind) (40 calories, depending on berry mix)
Splenda if desired

Blend nonfat plain Greek yogurt with 1 scoop of Chocolate Protein Powder, and 1/4 cup water. Spoon half the mixture into a glass, reserving the other half to top parfait. Next, in a magic bullet or food processor, blend frozen berries and splenda or artificial sweetener until till pureed.  Spoon blended berries on top of the chocolate protein+yogurt mixture and then top with the remaining chocolate protein+yogurt mixture. Keep in refrigerator until ready to serve or enjoy right away.
254 Calories
32 g protein
23 g carbohydrate
4 g fat

Lunch/Dinner Recipe 5: Fat Free Vegetarian Cheese Enchiladas (Makes 2 servings, each serving is only 172 cals):

2 oz of Fat Free Cream Cheese (60 cals)
1/2 cup of Fat Free Shredded Cheese (90 cals)
2 green onions or 2 TBSPs chopped onion (10 cals)
1 cup of finely shredded spinach leaves (10 cals)
2 Tortillas (try to find a brand like the one I suggest, or use Mission’s brand of low-Carb tortilla at 70 cals per tortilla)
1/2 cup salsa (30 calories)

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix cream cheese, shredded cheese, onions, and spinach thoroughly by hand or beat lightly. Spread down center of tortilla and fold/roll up.Top with salsa and cover. Bake for 20 minutes, rotating about half way in.
Calories: 172 calories per serving (makes 2)
18 g protein
25 g carbohydrate
2 g fat

Lunch/Snack Recipe 6: Tuna Rollup
A very SIMPLE recipe is below, and if you can’t stand tuna, canned chicken breast or turkey breast will do.  The recipe makes enough for 3 meals, and clocks in at under 230 calories/ serving.
6 ½ oz of canned tuna (water pack) or canned chicken breast,
drained and broken into chunks
1 hard-boiled egg, chopped
1/4 cup chopped dill pickle, if desired
1/4 cup finely chopped celery
2 tablespoons fat-free or light mayonnaise
1 1/2 teaspoon prepared mustard
Chopped lettuce/spinach
3 small pita bread rounds, halved. I like Flat-Out brand, Anything around 80-90 calories per pita. A Tortilla will work too, if you’d rather wrap your meal. Stick with something in the same calorie range.
In a small mixing bowl combine tuna, egg, pickle, celery, mayonnaise, and mustard; mix gently.
Divide into 3 portions. Will store up to 3 days in the refrigerator.
For each serving, pack lettuce/spinach and 2 pita bread halves (Or 1 whole pita or tortilla) in separate containers. You can pack the tuna mix separately if you don’t want to eat soggy pita.
To serve, place some lettuce and tuna mixture into each pita bread half.
Makes 3 servings.
Calories: 228/serving (makes 3)
23 g protein
18 g carbohydrate
6 g fat

Dinner/Lunch Recipe 7: Chicken Tortilla Soup
6, 6-inch corn tortillas ( I use Mission Low Carb; 80 cals/serving)
1 onion, diced
2 tsps minced garlic
2 celery stalks, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
1 small jalapeño, stemmed, seeded and minced
1 teaspoon chili powder
1   teaspoons cayenne pepper
2 tablespoons coarse cornmeal
6 cups low-sodium, no-fat chicken broth
6 boneless skinless chicken breasts (about 2.5-3 lb. total)
1 15.5-oz. can black beans, or pinto beans, drained and rinsed
salt and pepper to taste
Chopped fresh cilantro

For the Tortilla Strips:
Slice tortillas into thin strips. Line a baking sheet with foil, spray it with nonstick cooking spray. Layer strips and baked at 325 degrees, and rotate pan to evenly brown and crisp. Cook for about 5-7 mins.
For the Soup:

In a large stock pot, spray non stick cooking spray, add veggies and garlic and sautéed for about 3-4 mins. If the veggies start sticking add some water, about 1/8-1/4 cup. Add cornmeal and spices and cook for an additional 2 mins. Add chicken broth set to boil and add the raw chicken. Add a small handful of chopped cilantro. Let it cook for about 30 mins at a slow rolling boil. The chicken should be cooked through at 30 mins. Remove all the chicken and allow to cool for about 15 mins. Shred the chicken with a knife and fork to whatever size you like. Add the chicken back to the pot and add the beans. Let the beans and chicken reheat through for about 12-15 mins.
Serve the soup with tortilla strips and lime for garnish. Enjoy!
Calories: 330
33 g protein
40 g carbohydrate
4.5 g fat

Dinner/Lunch Recipe 8: Lean Meatloaf
1 lb ground extra lean turkey
½ cup chopped peppers (green, red or yellow)
1 egg
½ cup uncooked oats
2 TBSP onion
½ TBSP garlic
1 tsp of Italian Seasoning
1 TBSP Low Sodium Soy Sauce
Salt and Pepper to Taste
¼ Cup of Low Sugar Ketchup
1 TBSP mustard (Yellow, Dijon, etc)
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Coat a 5×9-inch loaf pan with nonstick spray like Pam. Mix all ingredients (not sauce ingredients) together and place in loaf pan and press into loaf shape.  Mix ingredients for sauce together and spread on top of raw meatloaf. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until meat is no longer pink in center.
Calories: 265/serving (makes 8 slices)
37 g protein
10 g carbohydrate
7.5 g fat

Dinner Recipe 9: Clean Chicken Curry
1 lb chicken breast, cut into strips or chunks
¼ cup nonfat plain greek yogurt
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cumin powder
½ tsp coriander powder
½ tsp turmeric powder
¼ tsp chili powder
¼ nutmeg powder
¼ tsp cinnamon powder
For the cooking portion:
½ cup chopped onions
1 tsp garlic, chopped
1 tsp ginger, chopped
1 chopped tomato
Coriander leaves to top

Marinate the chicken in the yogurt and spice mixture for at least 6 to 8 hours.  This is KEY to ensure proper flavor.  Heat a nonstick pan on medium heat (spray with Pam) and saute onions, garlic, ginger, and tomatoes.  Once cooked, add the chicken and save the marinade.  Cook for 3-5 minutes and then add the remaining marinade. Cover pan and cook on a low fire for a few minutes, checking occasionally for doneness. When done, top with coriander leaves.
Calories: 220/serving (makes 3 servings)
40 g protein
8 g carbohydrate
3 g fat

Desert Recipe 10: Peanut Butter Chocolate Pudding Cup
1 cup of ready to serve sugar-free Chocolate Pudding (60 calories)
2 TBSPs of PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter (45 calories)

Mix ingredients together for a sweet treat that tastes kind of like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. Hey- you’re still on a “diet!”
Calories: 105
8 g protein
20 g carbohydrate
2 g fat

  1. Bruce 12 years ago

    Hi Will, thank you for the continued excellent info updates. Also, I am not able to access your recipe book at your web site, any suggestions? Thanks again.

    • Will Brink 12 years ago

      Bruce, the recipe book and other reports are sent when people sign up for the mailing lists per the link above. You should have gotten all 5 reports when you signed up.

  2. Ken 12 years ago

    With all the research and information out there about the dangers of artificial ingredients, I’m surprised that you are recommending recipes with artificial sugars or Splenda in them. and Muscle Milk products, which Consumer Reports tested to be contaminated with heavy metals as well as artificial sugars.
    I love great recipes though the ingredients in some of these recipes are unhealthy.
    I’m curious to hear your response.
    To your healthy future,

    • Will Brink 12 years ago

      I didn’t write the recipes as you can see. However, I’m also not worried about artificial sweeteners as a rule and no, most data does not show dangers from Splenda, unless you’re getting your info from alarmists like Mercola and the ilk depend more on pseudo science than reality.
      If people wish to avoid the sweeteners due to (generally overblown) fears of artificial sweeteners, that’s fine by me, but I have yet to see a conclusive study in a respected peer reviewed journal showing moderate intake of these sweeteners poses a hazard to humans. If you have solid data that shows otherwise, I’m happy to look at it, but I don’t get my info from sources other than primary science/med journals so please don’t use some web site (Mercola and the ilk) as a legit source on the topic.
      People’s fears of these sweeteners are FAR overblown to what the actual science has found.
      Heavy metals in protein powders I address in a video here on the site, which you can find by typing “Consumer Reports” into the search box in the upper right hand corner of this site to get my take on that one.

    • NJJoe 12 years ago

      Anything “artificial” made in a lab, would cause me to give it pause. We are surrounded by, and bombarded by toxins everyday. I think it prudent to limit exposure/ ingestion wherever possible. Will an occasional diet soda hasten your life? Probably not. That doesn’t give us license to “big gulp” a diet soda daily. Just because a study is “non conclusive” doesn’t mean you can… draw a conclusion from it, right? When artificial sweeteners become as well studied as say, coffee, I’ll use more of it. What I won’t do, and this is just me, use any supplement labeled “health” with the word “artificial” in ANY of its ingredients; that’s just far too contradictory for me.

  3. Christian Pafford 12 years ago

    Thank you very much for posting such great and easy-to-prepare recipes! I am a mom on-the-go, and I seriously need all the help I can get. 🙂

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