red cuffee cup full of coffee beans on a mountain of coffee beans
After my review of the popular coffee concoction making the rounds with generally unsupported claims, I was asked what would I recommend for a “bio active” coffee that really delivered as promised. The result is Bomb Proof Coffee. Part I covers what’s in Bomb Proof Coffee and why those ingredients used, and Part II covers how to make it, doses, sources, etc. If you try it, make sure to report back with your experience! If you want to know the science behind Bomb Proof Coffee, the full write up is HERE.
Part I, what’s in BombProof Coffee and why:
Part II, how to make BombProof Coffee, doses, and sources:
See Also: The Science of Bomb Proof Coffee

Will Brink is the owner of the Brinkzone Blog. Will has over 30 years experience as a respected author, columnist and consultant, to the supplement, fitness, bodybuilding, and weight loss industry and has been extensively published. Will graduated from Harvard University with a concentration in the natural sciences, and is a consultant to major supplement, dairy, and pharmaceutical companies.
His often ground breaking articles can be found in publications such as Lets Live, Muscle Media 2000, MuscleMag International, The Life Extension Magazine, Muscle n Fitness, Inside Karate, Exercise For Men Only, Body International, Power, Oxygen, Penthouse, Women’s World and The Townsend Letter For Doctors.
He’s also been published in peer reviewed journals.
Will is the author of the popular e-books, both accompanied by private members forum access , Bodybuilding Revealed & Fat Loss Revealed.
You can also buy Will’s other books on Amazon, Apple iBook, and Barnes and Noble.
I am a bonafide coffee nut. I use the french press and chemex method. I only buy locally roasted beans. Have a $200 grinder. So yeah, I take my coffee making seriously like you. But I am inclined to try to keep my anything out of my coffee that affects flavor. I like it to be pure black.
Nevertheless, I will try this when my beans get too old. Thanks for the vid!
My personal experience, and that of others to date is, what’s added either has no impact on the taste, or improves it. Your mileage may vary. If black coffee and black only is what you like, you may not find it up to par with your usual coffee, but I doubt you’ll hate it either.
NutriBio has L-tyrosine and N-Acetyl L-tyrosine. Does it matter which one is used? Info says that the second is more easily accessible absorption-wise (but it’s more expensive).
The difference appears minimal, but it’s a moot Q. The Acetyl version will taste terrible in coffee likely.
Hey Will,
Nice vid. I have been doing something similar although I use chocamine. I can find any info on how processed this is. Also I used to use L Tyrosine but my current one, Acetyl Tyrosine tastes really bad! Is there any benefit to this version, I didn’t notice when I bought it. thanks.
See above comment on the Acetyl version.
This is very similar to my coffee, minus the tyrosine – thanks for the tips Will.
do you recommend the L-tyrosine or the or the n-acetyl l-tyrosine-thanks
Answered above…
oops, ma bad
Great information! I happen to be one of those people who seem to require dextrose with my creatine for a positive effect. Will this combination effectively eliminate that need, or should I continue as I was? Thanks!
In this formula you are taking creatine mostly for it’s cognitive/neurological and health benefits, not for it’s effects on strength or performance per se. Dextrose is not needed for those effects.
Thanks, so if I was also taking creatine for strength/performance effects, I’d take another 2.5 grams with dextrose at another point during the day, correct? Or, if I wanted super sweet coffee, I could add the dextrose to the coffee and have it all in one cup?
You could take that additional dose of creatine post workout sure. Might be best of both worlds.
I’ll be trying this tomorrow morning, Will, thanks! Only question is on daily amounts – would you not recommend taking this more than once/day?
thanks for this and all you do,,
That’s up to you and your tolerance for caffeine etc. I have one big mug in the morning on an empty stomach while my oatmeal and boiled eggs cook. That’s it for me, and all I need. I don’t tend to drink coffee past noon or so personally. Some people I know can drink a half pot of coffee and go to sleep.
Thanks so much! I have a very high tolerance for coffee, but I guess we’ll see how the additives affect that.
Should I wait an hour or so after breakfast before drinking bomb proof coffee to get the full effect of the tyrosine?
I’d recommend before breakfast. First thing I do is make the Bomb Proof Coffee and drink that while I’m doing other things, making breakfast, etc, so it usually ends up being 30-40 mins between drinking the coffee and eating something.
Thanks, Will! My wife and I love it! I think adding Saigon Cinnamon adds flavor. Does it have additional health benefits? Could it undermine the effectiveness of the other ingredients?
Shouldn’t do any harm and Cinnamon contains beneficial compounds. But, I always recommend people try a formula exactly as written to assess, then add additional ingredients if needed,
Interesting video. I will have to give it a try.
To be pedantic, I think the scoop measurements given are incorrect.
When you use a scoop you are measuring by volume not weight (or mass). Those small scoops are probably 2.5ml, not 2.5g. If one litre of powder/liquid weighs one kilogram (water for example) then 2.5ml is equivalent to 2.5g.
I’ve got my ingredients (took time to research, find and purchase) and will have my first coffee tomorrow. I am curious as to one thing. Since the L-Tyrosine should not be taken with proteins to ensure proper uptake, how long before ingesting protein after having a Bomb-proof coffee? Is 30 minutes okay or longer?
30 mins should be fine.
Could cacao be used instead of cocoa?
I have not tried that yet, but it should be fine. I’m still looking into cacoa in terms of beneficial compounds, etc.
Thanks Will
I picked up all the ingredients (except for the coconut oil) and have been enjoying a Bomb Proof Coffee first thing in the morning. Thanks Will.
Here is a small, simple modification for people who do not have a giant coffee mug. Pour the coffee into the mug till it is just 2/3 full, add the ingredients and use the stick whisk. Then top up the coffee till the mug is completely full.
The alternative “Bullet Proof Coffee” claims that it helps you lose weight. But I did not realise that they recommend you have the coffee instead of breakfast – no wonder you lose weight. I’m not looking to skip breakfast, I have the coffee first and breakfast later.
Minus the coconut oil you will not get the emulsion that adds both taste and possible functionality, so add the small amount of coconut oil to your mixture using your method and see how that goes. No giant coffee mugs? I got a few at the dollar store for…well…a dollar! I fill a big mug approx 2/3 full which allows room for the whisker and emulsion without spillage.
The Mayo Clinic says that mixing creatine and coffee is maybe not so good:
“Caffeine may counteract the benefit of creatine on intermittent exercise performance. ”
The Mayo has some good info on health conditions but their info on supplements often outdated or just wrong. I cover that topic in my creatine vid series under topics if interested. What did all the early studies that found benefits of creatine mix it into before drinking? Tea and coffee…I consider it a non issue at this time.
PS, go look at the Mayo list of side effects of creatine if you want a good laugh.
Ok, cool!
Hi will,
Someone already posted on 2014 if cacao could be used as cocoa. And you said it would be fine.
It seems as a redundant question, but the best i could found in several stores, is 100% cacao powder. no cocoa without dutched or sugar added.
At date, could i used it instead? have you got newer research?
Many thanks JP
Nothing new on cocoa vs cacoa research wise.
I’ve read some studies that seem to show a history of helping with inflammation, specifically cinnamon and ginger. There are some others that don;t seem to be a researched and depending our your individual taste don’t contribute flavorwise. What are your thoughts on these ideas and they could be incorporated into helping with training recover? What would the pros and cons be to addiing these types of ingredients to your bombproof coffee recipe?
I inadvertently hit the send button on me original comment so let’s try this again:
Over the years I’ve read some studies that seem to show a history of some select natural herbs helping with inflammation, specifically cinnamon and ginger. Turmeric also comes to mind.
There are some others that don’t seem to be a researched and depending our your individual taste don’t contribute flavor wise, such as Matcha green tea powder.
What are your thoughts on these natural supplements?
Are they something you recommend to incorporated as a way to help with training recovery and the temporary inflammation commonly experienced after a good muscle challenging workout?
Have you ever considered adding these types of ingredients to your bomb proof coffee recipe? What would the pros and cons be?