After a long break not seeing each other,   the conversation between our well informed intrepid hero and the clueless kid who falls for every new over hyped products that comes along….Same as before: before you watch this understand , this comes with an “adult” rating , don’t watch it then moan to me that I swore in it.

If you have a Youtube account do me a solid and rate it for me, if you have a twitter account or facebook account then retweet this or Facebook it , thanks.

Bodybuilding Supplement Animated Video – Enjoy


Shameless Plug Time..

For those looking for  some real information, (not forum chit chat B.S) on what actually works in terms of nutrition, supplements and training, then check out my Muscle Building Club called Bodybuilding Revealed.

You pay a one off fee of just $47 and you get lifetime access to my private forums, interactive tools, pre made diets, my comprehensive e-book which covers everything you need to know and access to my team of professional advisors, it’s the best kept muscle building secret on the net.

More details can be found here


  1. Hugo Rivera 15 years ago

    I love it! "Uranium is you want to eat the stuff?" LOL! Great stuff! I almost died from laughter listening to this video! Nice way to get the points across.

  2. Marshal 15 years ago

    OMG!!! Will, that was sooooo funny!!! Eating tiger penis, I have never heard of such a thing

  3. MaryLF 15 years ago

    Fantastic, funny and sad at the same time video. Shameless plug – forget about it! Your programs and the information provided through your member sites are worth a gold mine. Absolute best money I ever spent and I cannot thank you enough. You and Elissa are my heroes and the information I have learned, from you and your moderators, has literally changed my life.

  4. Brian 15 years ago

    Great use of humor to educate the masses by discounting the tremendous amount of bunk out there. Now if only the airheads who sincerely believe these product claims would get a clue.
    Keep the humor going, Will–this stuff is hilarious!

  5. Harry, from Greece 15 years ago

    I was supposedly working on my laptop but your hilarious video made me LOL and now everyone in the office knows I wasn't really doing work!
    …and the cross-dressing… you crack me up!!! 😀

  6. Author
    willbrink 15 years ago

    I'm glad the movie critics have enjoyed my film! B)

  7. Joseph Piscitelli 15 years ago

    Hey Will, this is good stuff! It made me smile. I especially like the part about the Chinese. Keep this up, I need a good laugh now and again.
    Thanks Joseph from Philly

  8. Scott I 15 years ago

    I really think you could do something with this series. I don't know much about the software but the adventures of the guy who falls for the hype at least some of the time and the guy who is smart enough to not do so. The old "hey rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat" sort of stuff. Destroy lots of old wives tales. Its great fun as well as making points. I'm a fan! And you could steal some old standup to really zing it good. 😉

  9. makster 15 years ago

    Great vid as always Will. The bra, lipstick and eyebrows are a hoot!!!!
    Keep-um comin!!

  10. simon 15 years ago

    lol, classic, good stuff Will.

  11. fairlane 15 years ago

    "No, no, and added No!" HAHAHA 😉

  12. Jenny 15 years ago

    Funniest one yet…love it!

  13. Erik T 15 years ago

    “ get your science from forums from members using broscience…” hahahahaha

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