Sign Up Here For The Tactical Athlete, performance/fitness summit

Folks, I’m currently putting together a one day seminar called:

“The Tactical Athlete, performance/fitness summit”

This one day summit will be similar to what I have done in the past (1,2) but with added speakers and topics. Right now, I am looking at dates in June. Would probably be held at the Excel Sport & Fitness in Waltham, Massachusetts, a great facility, and where a summit for MMA fighters was held in 2009(3).

I wanted to call it the “Tactical Officers Performance/Fitness Summit” but don’t want to exclude those LEOs not in tactical units, Mil, etc who might want to attend.

The topics will cover the specific needs/interests of the tactical athlete (e.g., tactical LE, Mil, etc) as it relates to training, nutrition, injury prevention, and other topics.

I will draw from my affiliations with people in LE, SOF Mil, MMA, Medicine, etc, community for speakers. However, if you have an expertise in this area, feel free to contact me about being a speaker. No, you will not get rich from doing it….

I’m still developing this seminar, so I will be posting more specifics (topics for each talk, actual dates, etc) as it develops. I plan to keep it affordable for attendees. You all can also assist in development by letting me know what type of topics you would want to see covered if you attended (and I hope you can attend!) such a seminar. So, feel free to throw out your ideas on that, and I will incorporate them if possible.

This seminar will be either as a parallel project to my courses at S&W (4) or a fallback/alternative, depending on how budgets (which I know are bad right now…) fall out which will dictate whether or not my course gets off the ground this spring. This seminar/summit may be in conjunction with the S&W Training Academy, but that has yet to be fully figured out…

That’s what I have planned. Your feedback, interest levels, etc are welcome, and I will add more info as I get it. A general sign up/comment/interest page starts here, so post below!

Stay safe!

(1) Tactical LE/SWAT Seminar 1

(2) Tactical LE/SWAT Seminar 2

(3) MMA Summit

(4) Smith & Wesson Training Academy Course

1 Comment
  1. walk in jetted bathtub 15 years ago

    Love the information here. This content is extremely helpful. Keep it up =)

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