Training after 40 and beyond! I get asked all the time about training after 40;  asked if I would do a vid or write an article on what, if any, differences people over 40 years old should focus on regarding their training. I cover the topic below in this latest vid. 🙂

  1. Beau 13 years ago

    Y’know, the video stuff can be a major drag for those of us stuck in the boonies with slow connections. I can read the whole article in less time than the video takes to load . . .

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      And for those who have high speed lines, it’s much faster (and preferred these days it appears..) to watch a 5 minute vid. Can’t make everyone happy, nor do I try. As for me, it’s much faster for me to make a vid then write an article which = more info getting out to people, which is my general goal. I hope you get a higher speed connection to better enjoy the vids I make. Meanwhile, there’s no lack of articles to read here to keep you busy and informed 🙂

  2. pete 13 years ago

    once again, will great job no bs just straight understandable facts

  3. Cityferg 13 years ago

    Right on Will! Your message boards really helped me in my 40’s. The first adjustment was going to a rest day after every training day. Strength actually improved and I hit some PRs in my mid-forties. I also benefitted from your testing advice on Testosterone. Now I am closing in on 50 and have caught the cross-fit bug. I did the “SEAL workouts” years ago and liked the GP aspects so now I kicked it up to a multi-disciplined approach. I have never enjoyed the class training environment where we all follow a instructor so I will need to get through that aspect. I will say I enjoy learning new exercises and it seems to be helping the muscle imbalance from years of powerlifting. This is one old black iron guy who enjoys learning new things.

  4. paul 13 years ago

    any special advice for those of over 60?

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      Paul, the advice applies to *everyone* over 40 regardless of how far past 40 they are, but variables specific to the person have to be taken into account, which I can’t do in a vid…. The advice actually applies to those under 40 too indirectly, but some will not realize it. Kids today! 🙂

      • Darrell 13 years ago

        Hey Will, Great video as usual. Im over 50 and starting to want to get back into lifting again. I’ve lifted for years off and on but never very long at a time. This time I plan on this being a rest of life thing as long as physically able. My question is what is your opinion on a couple or 3 supplements that someone older could benefit from. If I took everything I read in magizines I would take a pill every 10 minutes. Can I still build some muscle? I’ve never taken any thing including creatine or seldom even vitimins for that matter. What about L arginine? or glutemine? I value your opinion very much, Thanks

        • Author
          Will Brink 13 years ago

          Darrel, there’s a metric ton of free info on the site here covering all manner of supplements, free reports, vids, etc. I would start there.
          I do cover just about every supplement on the market, as well as training and nutrition, in my Body Building Revealed Program, which will save you years of wasted time and $$$ if interested.
          Good luck getting back to the gym and making it a regular on going part of your life. 🙂

  5. Doug 13 years ago

    Thanks for covering this and for all your great work. I wish I could get some hard copy of your stuff. I am not good with computers nor do I want to be and I won’t bore you with the reasons. How about recovery times at 40 and beyond?

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      You can always simply print out the books and many have. As you are on the comp posting this, we know at the very least you can navigate. The books are also one part of a larger program, which includes private forums, meal planners, etc, so it’s not just a matter of hard copy vs ebook per se.
      Recovery time increases with age, but as touched on in the vid, learning the essentials of programming/following programs that account for some of the variables touched in the vid, is the way to make continued progress as we age.

  6. tim 13 years ago

    Your site (or insight) has been very helpful I am a new member and plan on buying allot of your information. i am 46 and active yet i have struggled with getting my core into good shape. I have found allot of helpful info on your web site over the last 2 weeks (I just joined). i will be spending the next 9 months taking (HRT) hormones to increase my testosterone, thyroid and gh levels- currently – 220t and 110g and estro is high normal but thyroid is very low. Hoping to hit 700t and 250gh while keeping estro in normal range. i am also on t-4 due to a low thyroid issue. All that to say thanks for being an information site that addresses athletes and professionals in our age class with aggressive yet conservative view. I have spent well over 100 hours in the last 6months researching 100’s of web sites on the net and have paid 2 different doctors to write scripts. And the information on your site is objective and amazingly balanced for those of us that want to enjoy being young in our 50s. (my hrt; – 250 test eth/prop p wk, 50mg of deca p wk, 2iu of hgh eod, 100mcg of t-4, nolvadex 10mg daily, b complex im 2 p wk. with healthy supplements) in oct I will do post cycle recovery for 12 wks then next winter do my blood work (direct labs) to see how I did. I will be studying your site and updating progress (I started at 215 w/ 24% body fat)….i am a corporate event host, and team building coach that likes to race motorcycle’s and play racket ball. I have committed a large amount of money and time for one yr to check the value of making this a life style. I will keep you posted and buy your articles…… I have already been blessed from your free information. It helps clarify how to differentiate between a youthful body builder and a well-aged athlete/professional……I have been on hormones for three months and it has been huge gains in so many ways, I will share later on o how to save a ton of money and not get scammed by shifty doctors – if your interested)…. Tim Dec 26th 2011 – S Cal

  7. Dennis 13 years ago

    ….been looking at the x-rep boys. I think they have some good stuff. Been at this for about 45yrs and not much of what is out there is worth the time it takes to fart. What I ‘m trying to say is your info is among the stuff that people can count on if they’re looking for real stuff. Thanks again and keep up the good work.

  8. Dave 13 years ago

    Suggestion: it might be helpful to hang some sound-dampening materials on your walls, to significantly enhance the audio of these recordings (a *lot* cheaper than messing with different mic setups). For me, the echoes detract from the overall message at times. I hope that this helps!
    Otherwise, keep up the great cause!

  9. W. Jerald Cole 13 years ago

    I didn’t start working out until I was almost 60, and decided I wanted to get into shape to enjoy my retirement. Lost 55 lbs, and put on some muscle. Although your video touched on some basic I wish I would have none then, I would add a little bit. 1 – If you are starting up after a long lay off -(mine was about 30 years), start off really light, easy, and short, and gradually take on more. 2 – Make sure to rotate between muscle groups, giving yourself at least a week before taxing something that you have worked to the point of soreness – yes, your really do need more time to recuperate.
    Appreciate your tips.

  10. Eivind Jessen 13 years ago

    Hi Will,
    Re: the drop in hormone production after circa age 40 – I have read about one of the benefits of anaerobic excercise being that it can increase the natural production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) by as much as 5 times the normal amount which aids in muscle building weight loss and hormone control. I usually don’t see this mentioned in other articles and wondered if this might be worth exploring in one of your articles. For your reference, I picked this up from a book by Phil Campbell, “Ready, Set, Go!”

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      Various hormones are stimulated by exercise, one of various reasons to exercise in the first place, but age related decline in various hormones will happen anyway, and regular testing lets one know/rule out, hormones as an issue.

  11. Sean 13 years ago

    Thanks for the video. I’m soon to be 47 and 6 years ago I switched to a higher rep/ lower weight circuit based training and love it. Stronger with more stamina then ever before and almost zero minor injuries in joints etc. How do you feel about changing up the types of workouts after 40?

  12. Michael 13 years ago

    Hi Will:
    You recomend everyone over 40 get hormone tested. How do I go about this? Can my GP order this or should I go to a special hormone treatment facility?
    Love the vids;

    • tim 13 years ago

      To Michael; you can try (if you don’t have insurance) they have a male hormone panel that is a great and cheap (just need to go to any blood draw lab –like lab corp)……you will need to find a competent person to help you read it. You can go online and learn to read it yourself; Thyroid (t3 n t4), testosterone- free and binding, libido, estrogen, growth hormone, and basic blood, liver, hart and kidneys…… good luck and have fun trying to figure it out I am in the middle of my journey and only wish I started to discovery my biological shortcomings sooner……..blessings

      • Michael 13 years ago

        Thanks, Tim. This is great. I am having fun learning about fitness and health. It’s amazing how little things make a big difference.

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      Various ways. Your GP can do it. Whether he/she will or not is another matter, and it depends on the GP. Some are very open to that, some are not. Some may refer you to a specialist (endocrinologist), some may simply refuse, which means you need to find a doc willing to work with you. You can also get tests done via places like the Life Extension Foundation. They have various packages for blood work, and can help understand the results. Working with a doc is the best route in my view unless you have experience reading lab tests. More info on blood work can be found in my articles (such as “It’s In Your Blood”) and vids here on the site.

  13. crvjim 13 years ago

    Excellent and true.I am 60 and now do 40 minutes on the tread to get warmed up first.When I was younger I would do 1 to 2 reps and did end up with bursitis and having a back disc removed.

  14. Jose Antonio 13 years ago

    Age doesn´t forgive. In any case, you need more time to recuperate, only that. Workout must be the same. Nothing else.

  15. Tom 13 years ago

    Why didnt your really suggest a testosterone booster

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      That’s because I consider them a waste of $$$. I have a long article on T boosters here on the site, as well as a vid, addressing that. I do however suggest ways one may boost test “naturally” which will only get one so far if their T levels (or other hormones) are low due to age related changes.

  16. Joe 13 years ago

    Will what you recommend as good herbal or supplement to increase testosterone?

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      Did you look above where I answered that exact same question?

  17. jonty 13 years ago

    there is a problem in that we watch your casts and expect some great revelatory insight into training but as always it goes back to do what needs to be done, do it. Stripping back to the basics and keeping things uncomplicated to me is always the way.Pick it up and put it down ( 4x slower) is all you need but look after your foam roll and yoga mat and stretch and warm up and swim and cool down and just understand that it is a holistic way of being.
    more babes training.

  18. Sean 13 years ago

    I’m hard of hearing. The transcribe audio on youtube is waaaaay off the topic. It was talking about China, Korea, and stray dogs. I was hoping maybe in the future you can make a closed caption for the deaf people. Thank you and have a wonderful day. =)

  19. Rick Almand 13 years ago

    Will, first, thank you for continuing communications to your audience about the importance of physical health. The key for everyone to understand is that taking care of yourself physically is paramount if you want to thrive in the second half of the journey. As a 63 year old personal trainer who started his career after the age of 50, I constantly see my baby boomer generation perform remarkable turnarounds with good nutrition and fundamental exercises, particularly in strength training. If I could point out one absolute when starting a workout regimen after 40 or 50 (or 60) >> Start low and slow. You have to retrain the body to work as a coordinated unit. Trying to jump in with both feet in the beginning can be discouraging and dangerous. Give yourself 30 days to allow your body to adapt. Read how you feel the next day to determine if you did enough or too much the day before, then adjust the next workout accordingly. This is the first critical step in regaining your physical confidence. As I would tell a 53 year old client who decides to hire me, “You have 47 more years to workout. Don’t be in a hurry”.
    PS: Training tip to personal trainers >> Start all your older clients with pushups off the Smith machine, usually no lower that the 6th notch from the bottom. This recruits the same muscles as pushups off the floor but as a safe, reasonable first step. That person will come away having done something they thought they would never be able to do again, particularly the ladies.

  20. eldon raison 13 years ago

    Thanks for the advice Will. I’m 55 years old and have trained steadily since my early 20’s. I had lower back surgery 11 years ago from a squating accident. I also had surgery on my right knee (miniscus tear) and now face deterioration in my hips. You’re right when you say to change nothing. I still lift relativly heavy ecept now I train only in a rep range that gives me the best of gaining strength and size. I no longer do things like forced reps, extended set, supersets, etc… . I have found the biggest change over the years is in recovery (resting) and my diet. I can no longer eat like a mule and keep from putting on unwanted weight. I have also lowered my carb intake ang get more protien from shakes and bars. I still eat rather clean, just not as much. Also, being retired military, I can afford to take short naps throughout the day. I still use free weights a lot. But I no longer can do squats, deadlifts and things like cleans. But I have been able to find machines that work almost as well as long as I pay attention to how I perform the moves. I do get my hormone levels checked at least once a year like you said. I am on Test Cyionate injections once a month and it does indeed help. Tanks again Will for taking the time to address this area of concern for many guys that just can’t seem to quit the iron game. See you soon.

  21. Rouge 13 years ago

    Rude self like it will

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      Just keepin’ it real 🙂

  22. warwick abbott 13 years ago

    Hi, could you write an article about shoulder impingement syndrome. Or an article about weight traing injuries. What types are common, how long will one be out of traing for, supplement to aid recovery. what to watch out for. I read always about how to train and nutrition and techniques but when you get an injury as i did then i am lost. I have diagnosed my self as having a shoulder impingement injury (syndrome). its also something about the bursa.
    But this injury does not seem to heal, like others in the past, thats why i started to look into it as it has ruined my training and i feel helpless.
    hope you get this comment thanks

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      Did you try a search under the term “shoulder impingement”?

  23. Mike Spitzer 11 years ago

    As Will stated, there are many variables – but on average, if a person does everything properly in terms of lean protein diet, resistance training and cardio — you should be able to see a major improvement that others will also notice in the 12-16 week timeframe
    Michael Spitzer
    FITNESS at 40 50 60 and BEYOND

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