My super simple and effective method of using a tennis ball (or Lacrosse ball) to reduce sore stiff muscles, rehab/pre hab, and improve mobility! Also mentioned in this vid and recommended, Joe DeFranco’s “Limber 11” and The Rumble Roller.

  1. Roman 10 years ago

    Nice video, but rumblerroller has invented the Beastie ball. A very intense way of releasing knots and tight muscles, even more so than a LaCrosse ball.
    I have bought the x-firm and original beastie, bought the hook (amazing) and the beastie bar/stand. I have yet to buy the wall track, but these beastie balls are just insane! They complete my soft and firm rumble rollers.
    Very worth their price!

  2. Jeff 10 years ago

    My physical therapist had me doing the tennis ball against the wall for a shoulder problem and it was highly effective. The one thing I did differently was put the tennis ball in the corner of an old pillow case, twist the opposing corners around the tennis ball and grab the two ends of the pillow case and use it like a rope with a ball in the middle. One end over one shoulder and the other behind the back. Then you can more easily position the ball without it falling to the ground.

  3. Phil 10 years ago

    try using a glass door for demonstrating – film from behind ?

  4. Dan 9 years ago

    Good stuff & well presented. Thanks & best, D

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