Check out my latest vid on whey: Isolates vs. Concentrates!

  1. Jay 13 years ago

    Hi Will,
    If I want to add whey into my cooking, for example, making oat flapjacks with some extra protein in I’ve read conflicting arguments on the denaturing of whey during cooking. If this is the case am I wasting my time adding whey to baking? I was also wondering whether it made a differnece if I used Concentrate or already processed Isolate? Many thanks, looking forward to hearing from you.

    • Joe 12 years ago

      Did you ever get an answer to this? I searched Will’s site, read his articles, & I couldn’t find one.

  2. mark grove 10 years ago

    Hi Will.
    For me personally, Whey Concentrates work just fine. Always did.
    And, you are right that concentrates aren’t much different in their effectiveness to help you recover from workouts,boost immunity and give you extra amino acids and vital minerals and vitamins that help even further. I love whey! Sometimes I swear it’s a magic pill! Yet I don’t even take vitamins.
    Thanks Will.
    Mark Grove

  3. Doug Martin 2 years ago

    Hi, This video isn’t coming up. I am interested in it, but also would like to hear what you think of new amino acid mixes appearing on social media. Things like “Pure Amino” and “Optimal Amino”, which claim to be 10 times as utilized and beneficial as whey protein. You must have an opinion! Thanks.

    • Author
      Will Brink 1 year ago

      I generally prefer whole protein sources, but individual AAs cane have their place too.

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