This is a fun highlight vid from 2008 training, from the 12 weeks I worked with them for the CT SWAT Challenge, the third largest such competition in the country. I didn’t produce this particular vid. One of the guys on the team used footage I had taken to make this vid which does a nice job of summarizing the hard work we did.
Anyway, 2009 training gets underway soon (May 2009) and I plan to take it to the next level, hit the ground running this year, and generally step up the training. Like most guys on RRT/SWAT teams, these guys have full time jobs, families, etc, and this is done on their own time, so it takes a lot of dedication for them to do this type of training for 12-14 weeks leading up such a comp. Of course it ultimately leads to improving their abilities for the job, so it’s time well spent.

  1. Yagnaroopaya 16 years ago

    Hello webmaster I like your post

  2. Beverly Aldridge 16 years ago

    amsure that ou give out excellent health inforation. However, I have wealth o healt inrmatio right in myown home..twohlden wh aredoctos aso one son-in-law, plus a father-in-lawm and a brother-in-law.
    So, please tgake me off your list.
    Thank you.
    Beverly Aldridge.

  3. Matt 16 years ago

    Jesus- Bevely Aldrige needs to go back to school and learn how to spell. I don’t remember seeing that many spelling errors in a four line post. Hell, she may have spelled her own name wrong.

  4. Matt 16 years ago

    For the record- I spelled Beverly’s name wrong on purpose- maybe she gets as annoyed as I did when I read her post.

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