Picture of a bottle of alpha joe

After various delays, AlphaJoe (previously Bomb Proof Coffee) is now being offered in limited quantity HERE.

For over 10 years, I have been using that formula and recommending it to others, now able to offer it as a single source product!

Picture of a bottle of alpha joe
30 day supply of AlphaJoe!
1 Comment
  1. Jim 1 year ago

    Hey Will,

    My wife was just reading up on the benefits of L-Tyrosine (ingredient in your Alpha Joe). Obviously lots of good stuff there. One thing that is a red flag for me, is the effect on the the thyroid. I take meds to regulate my thyroid, it packed it in about a decade ago. Millions of folks are in the same boat. I am just asking the question…does any of your literature indicate that folks who have thyroid issues should stay on top of their blood work monitoring for thyroid functioning when taking Alpha Joe? What about folks taking drugs for Parkinson’s? She also read that these folks should not be supplementing with L-Tyrosine at all. I have not read all of your literature, so I am not coming down on you. Please don’t take that as my intent. More to let you know of my wife’s quick Internet lookup. You are likely way ahead of the game on this knowledge. I suspect that many of your followers, including me, would never do this research on their own, so hoping you include some of this info for them, as they otherwise may not know, and more than likely, will rely on you and not do any research on their own. In any case, thanks again for the formula for Alpha Joe! I am in Canada and have been waiting for and hoping you will ship AJ here, but understand shipping over the border can be a hassle, so I am really glad to have the opportunity to try it for myself. All the best, Jim…

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