A common strategy used by supplement companies is the “proprietary blend” which has some valid uses and some not so valid uses. In this vid, I give you the straight scoop on this common supplement company strategy. If views want more info, see my article on the topic with additional details HERE.

  1. fairlane 15 years ago

    Awesome info Will. Yet another video I can point people to when I get asked questions like the one’s you’ve answered. 😀

  2. Kevin Levrone 15 years ago

    You're the man Will Brink. I have been trying to figure out how to perfectly convey this message for a long time, but you just did it perfectly. I will send lots of people to this video of yours. Peace, Kevin Levrone

    • Author
      willbrink 15 years ago

      Thanx Kevin. Just trying to get the truth out, and perhaps help the industry to police itself, in spite of itself. 😮

  3. makster 15 years ago

    Another great video Will. You have talked about proprietary blends for a while now. It seems like most companies now a days use them for their products. Like you said "buyer beware".

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