Not everything that gets posted to the BrinkZone is about fitness or bodybuilding or nutrition. Some times it’s food for the mind & soul 😉

My father was a well-known violinist in his day, and he sent me some CDs of Mozart and Bach Sonata’s to upload as I told him it was a way to reach many who had never heard his music. He’s 88 now, and does not do concerts any more, but still teaches privately on occasion. He still practices the violin every day and has for over 80 years now.

He has no ‘net access, but he’s excited a new group of people world wide might get exposed to good classical, and his playing. I put up a YT page for him:

Robert Brink Violin

Here’s a Mozart Sonata in E Minor, K. 304 Movement I. Movement II is linked at the end of this vid and can be found in his YT page above. Enjoy!

I am planning to put up more music for those who love good classical, and  my fathers specialty and personal favorite, is Mozart. Although he’s recorded 30+ albums, I believe these recordings have not been heard outside their original venue ’till now.

  1. John 13 years ago

    Wow, Will! What a brilliant idea – I’d just finished a kettlebell 20 min high intensity session when your email popped up … the shower had to wait! You’re fortunate to have a very talented musician as a father – the interpretation of the Mozart Sonata is one of the lightest and most effective ones I’ve heard.
    Many thanks for giving it a wide airing.
    Kind regards,

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      Glad you enjoyed it. Did you hear movement II? Personally I like it even more than I. A critic wrote that he considered my fathers interpretation of the Mozart Sonata’s the best he’d ever heard, but my father specialized in Mozart (his personal favorite composer ) and probably had 50 years of playing at the time of the recording 🙂

      • John 13 years ago

        I agree with you about movement II and the critic abotu the interpretation. Many thanks for posting it.

  2. Jeff Nelson 13 years ago

    Refreshing. A great way to start the day. Thanks, Jeff

  3. Beverly 13 years ago

    Wow! (growing up in your household must have been interesting!)
    Thanks for posting these. And thank your father for providing them. Looking forward to more.

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      I should have others up fairly soon, thanx

    • Author
      Will Brink 13 years ago

      Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. David Kroeger 13 years ago

    I really enjoyed the music, it is nourishing food for the brain.

  5. Penne 13 years ago

    Simply beautiful! Thank you for sharing. Lucky you to have him be able to play for you while growing up!

  6. harold 13 years ago

    Is there any high energy classical music that i can work out to?

  7. dean 13 years ago

    I really enjoyed the music your father played, It was soothing and gave me a good feeling like after a good workout. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  8. JD 13 years ago

    I played the violin for four years in school so while I appreciate classical music I don’t love it and I certainly don’t listen to it very often. Thanks for the post!

  9. adnan 13 years ago

    Hello, have you heard about “Musclegion” (do a Google search for it)? On their website you can watch a nice free video demonstrating the right way to gain noteworthy muscle fast. This helped Devan to break through his body building plateau and then grow chiseled lean muscle free of fat fast. Hopefully it helps you as well…

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