Per a prior vid using some of the same tools (TRX), I decided to do a new vid with more details on how to get an effective workout at home using simple tools, such as a TRX Trainer, SandBags, etc. For me, this type of workout is more a supplement to what I do in the gym, outside, etc, but it’s a perfectly good workout for many, depending on your goals, etc. People are always looking for new whiz bang fancy program or piece of equipment, etc when they can get a better workout using a simple program using these tools.

If you want more information on TRX, sandbags, etc, see the Recommended Products section of the site.

  1. james hanley 14 years ago

    great system will nice to see a trainer who does nt bull and force you into buying expensive equipment.
    thanks will

  2. Tyrone 14 years ago

    Will, love your website and all the research you put into your articles and videos, I mean you really dissect it for us. Your in depth knowledge is second to none. It's great to have someone as honest as you. You save us a lot footwork. Keep up the great work, we're out here listening.
    New York

    • Author
      willbrink 14 years ago

      Thanx Ty! B)

  3. Nico 14 years ago

    Thanks – info helps and motivate alot and would like more on video that shows you train. That gives us an idea on the speed and technique etc.

  4. Kevin 14 years ago

    Couldn't agree more, Will. For reasons of cost and convenience, I've been a "basement athlete" for years now, and the TRX was one of the best investments I ever made for my home training area. When time is tight and I want to do a combo strength/conditioning workout, the TRX fits the bill perfectly.

    • Author
      willbrink 14 years ago

      Thats how it works for me too Kevin.

  5. Mike Mcilroy 14 years ago

    as always… solid no b.s. info thank you Will.

  6. Jim 14 years ago

    Will, you are so right when you say that a simple workout program using basic equipment can produce very effective results.

  7. Angel 14 years ago

    There is always room for improvement but, I got a great bod by using methods discussed then I worked my way up to eventually going to home gym….. I got in the best shape of my life though by the methods discussed.

  8. Terry Mulholland 14 years ago

    Your blog is awesome. Thanks for making it. Have a nice day. 🙂

  9. Charlie 14 years ago

    Is that a hula hoop behind the treadmill? How do you use that in your workouts? Is there a video of you hula-hooping? I think we would all like to see that… 🙂

    • Author
      willbrink 14 years ago

      Yes, that is a Hula Hoop! You are the first to notice that. The GF purchased it as a goof, and uses it occasionally…Maybe it will make a come back as the new Shake Weight replacement. B)

  10. Stepanie Stenger 14 years ago

    Dziesiątki jak nie tysiące gier online oraz gier opartych o przeglądarkę do Waszej gry. Od ręki możesz zmierzyć się z wirtualnym wrogiem i pyknąć w dobre gry online istniejące na Ziemi! Nie wierzysz, że takowe możemy wam zaoferować? Udowdnimy ci to już teraz odwiedzając nasz serwisu! Całkowicie wszystko w stu procentach za friko.

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