Folks. Did an interview with Tom Venuto. Covers topics such as denatured proteins, waxy maze starch, fish oil vs flax, and other topics of interest. Part One:
Part One

1 Comment
  1. Ronald S. Lockwood 15 years ago

    The problem comes when writers take the term Author Bio too seriously and begin to tell the reader all about themselves and their accomplishments.
    This is great if you are looking for an ego stroke but it’s a disaster if you are wanting to create traffic, build your list and make profits. Another trap here is believing that the Resource Box is the place to convince the reader that you are an expert.
    Here’s the bottom line – if you have not convinced the reader in the body of your article that you are an expert, it’s way too late by the time they are reading the Resource Box, if they are reading it at all.
    Think of it this way – if you begin the Resource Box with information about you, it’s like announcing to the reader “The article is now over and you can go away.” Not quite the outcome you want, right?

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