“Bio Identical” hormones are being marketed strongly as a safer alternative to other forms. What is “bio identical” testosterone? In this vid, I explain the facts behind supposed bio identical testosterone.

  1. Tim 12 years ago

    Thanks for clearing that up Will. Good info.

  2. Jim 12 years ago

    As usual I agree with what you are saying Will, with one possible exception.
    I don’t have a problem with the use of bio identical as it relates to testosterone. We both agree that most physicians are remarkably uninformed in this subject matter. The general public, many of whom need testostosterone replacement, is uninterested or doesn’t have the time to fully research this material. This combination can result in an androgen supplement being being prescribed that is FDA approved but not bio identical. Nandrolone, oxymethalone and oxandrolone are a few examples. I know that some physicians (thankfully not mine) are doing this. As I’m sure you know, in some disease states these medicines are appropriate.

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      I know of no doctors that prescribe Nandrolone, oxymethalone and oxandrolone and other AAS for TRT. None, and I know a lot of docs and communicate with a lot of docs, people on HRT. etc.
      None of those AAS are approved or indicated for TRT, so it would be VERY unusual (even even illigal in some states) for a doc to prescribe those AAS for TRT.
      They are some times indicated wasting diseases and such, but not as TRT.
      Nothing is impossible, but it’s a non issue in my book at this time.

      • Jim 12 years ago

        I know eventually I would find something we disagree on…
        Unfortunately it’s happening, typically as an adjunct (I don’t have direct evidence of this, just what others have told me – nandrolone specifically).
        My point is that the general public generally doesn’t care to understand this material and there are a number of conditions where androgens are indicated. I don’t see the downside of being precise by calling testosterone bio identical. This may open dialog between the doc and patient so that the side effects are better understood when an androgen other than testosterone is prescribed.
        I agree that in the vast majority of replacement cases calling it bio identical is redundant, I don’t quite follow your thinking in why this is a negative. I guess it makes sense if the patient is familiar with replacement therapy, understand that their condition is not replacement so bio identical might not be applicable, I just don’t see this case as being common.
        Don’t forget that women also require minimum levels of testosterone. There are many, many woment with breast cancer that are on androgen therapy that are taking non-bio identical formulations.
        I get that you are talking about replacement, however removing the term from replacement effects the other indications i mentioned above.

        • Author
          Will Brink 12 years ago

          You’re missing the essential point Jim: it has nothing to do with other AAS
          being prescribed (which as already explained, is very rare anyway), but some
          claiming the testosterone being produced by X compounding pharmacy is
          “bio identical” and the other T offerings are NOT.
          That’s the claim being made and it has nothing, zip, nadda, to do with other AAS
          but an attempt by some docs and other commercial interests to make people think
          the T ester for example they may get from their doc is inferior to “bio identical”
          T which is as outlined in the vid, complete nonsense and a marketing ploy
          vs science and is bad medicine as it’s a flat out lie.
          I suspect some making the claims lack a basic understanding of steroid bio chem
          and actually believe it, while others may actually know it’s BS, but use the term
          for $$$ reasons, and you know that does not sit well with me…

          • Jim 12 years ago

            OK. One thing is certain, if physicians don’t understand the material, then the majority of the public won’t either. I haven’t seen this kind of bad behavior on the part of the compounding pharmacies, however I do trust your judgment and believe you that it’s happening.

  3. Kent Ingram 12 years ago

    Thanks for this follow-up, Will! What I get from both videos is that I need to consult my doctor, first, to get the necessary testing and, if needed, proper dosing. What I need to do less of is give too much serious consideration to the Low-T marketing campaigns.

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      Kent, I’d say you have a good handle on the overall message being conveyed. 🙂

  4. Mike 12 years ago

    I’ve been on injection therapy since 2007. However, my level has never “tested” over 800ng/dl. Now I’m seeing an endocrinologist and he thinks he may be able to turn me back on (test wise) but he says my biggest problem was sugar. or my body’s inability to handle sugar based upon my 2007 original blood-work. So I’ve been Test Injection free (and sugar free simple carb free) for about 3 months and about to find out if I’ve kick-started back through the use of clomid daily. Look that up. Natural has to be better, but like you said, the benefits of injections is well worth any negatives if I need to go back to injections. I caution those that if your doctor only gives you the testosterone and doesn’t manage estrogen levels somehow, better look at a new doctor. Thanks for the update Will….good information.

    • Jim 11 years ago

      1. Clomid use is well known. Those of us familiar with corrective hormone therapy don’t need to look it up.
      2. Why do you think natural is always better? Hurricanes and arsenic are natural. I do agree that bio-identical is wisest choice in nearly all patients.
      3. Of course your endocrinologist thinks the problem is sugar. He’s not really endocrinologist but rather a diabetitician.
      4. There isn’t one decent study with large population describing optimal testosterone levels in healthy aging men. The range reported on your lab form is nothing more than that labs 95% confidence interval for their reference group. Since old sick people generally get these tests rather than young men in optimal health, the data is skewed toward those that are ill and elderly.
      5. If your low information endocrinologist manages to “restart” your testosterone production and claiming that your levels are normal when you are in the low end of the reference range, then he has just done you a serious injustice.

    • Author
      Will Brink 11 years ago

      “look that up”? That’s a joke yes? “Natural” has to be better? You are under the impression Clomid is some how more “natural” then T injections? Sorry, but I think you’re off base here Mike. Uranium is also “natural” but you don’t wanna eat the stuff 🙂
      BTW, If you have been on TRT since 2007, it’s unlikely Clomid alone will get your HPTA back up and running. The correct use of Clomid, Tomox, and HCG, in correct doses and schedule can get some people’s HPTA back up and running or “re booted” in some cases.
      Good luck!

  5. don slater 12 years ago

    Will: I need to lose 30 pounds and have sucessfully lost 20 pounds of fat with better food and weightlifting. Last year when I took creatine my muscles swelled up and I got stronger and bigger. I like the way I look in the mirror and my concern is that If I take creatine now will my fat cells also swell up.

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      Did you check out the vid on whether creatine can slow metabolism below this vid on the main page? That should answer the Q.

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      Not sure what this has to do with the topic of the vid….

  6. Sidney Allen 11 years ago

    Great video that presents a thoughtful take on bioidentical hormones and the ones used for low T in general. I actually follow bioidentical hormone replacement therapy closely and feel that while those for low T are still experimental and questionably effective, there are some that work, such as for low estrogen. We probably disagree, and I admit that there have been problems as well. Nice post!

    • Author
      Will Brink 11 years ago

      Not sure what there would be in my vid you could disagree with. If you can supply and or direct me to any info that counters what I have stated in the vid, I’m happy to take a look at it. I say that knowing full well you will not be able to BTW…
      Note not one single doctor or other medical professional or scientist who knows that topic has attempted to debate or counter me on that one.
      The silence often says more than any direct response in my experience. 🙂

    • Jim 11 years ago

      Sydney, you note that you “feel” T therapy is experimental. In science we follow the scientific method, not feelings. That’s likely the source of your scientific prejudice.

  7. Kent Ingram 11 years ago

    This is a subject that I have great concern and interest in. I need testing, to be sure, and I intend to do that. I appreciate that you, Will, have opened up the information to an older guy like me and alleviated my worries. Thanks a bunch! I want to feel physically healthy, again, and have some of the vitality I used to have. These articles are very helpful. Take care.

    • Author
      Will Brink 11 years ago

      My article “It’s In Your Blood” gives specific advice on testing. Give that a read for more info.

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