It’s not often I come across a new piece of training equipment that makes me say “I wanna try that!.” Most of what I see for “new” training equipment is either a rehashed concept, or more a novelty.

The Slayer Barbell is a new design that has merit, so I decided to get my hands on one and try it. I also left it at my gym for other members to use, and it’s quickly become one of the most popular training tools in the gym. Below is a vid I made with a few friends using the Slayer.
Although the “bread and butter” of this bar is arm training, one can do a surprising number of effective exercises with it in a very small footprint  as well as a few specialty exercises, such as bridges. See an example of whole body training I did with fitness model Kelly HERE.

As with any training tool, it’s a tool in the tool box. Not going to change your life and make you “a mass monster in 20 days and give you a body of a God” or any such nonsense, but I think it makes a great addition to a home gym or commercial set up. There’s more that can be done with this bar then my simple vids shows.

PS, they liked my video so much they asked permission to use it on their site, so you’ll see the above vid their too 🙂

  1. Pete K 12 years ago

    Benefits are not as obvious as with the Prowler. Appears to effectively isolate muscles. Since you encourage us to be educated consumers, what compels your recimmendation based on a limited trial?
    It does look like a good tool to add to the collection.

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      Not sure what you mean by limited trial. I have been using it for a few months now, and have used it with various others, and left it in the gym for members to use, and feedback and personal experience has been very positive. Some of the possible benefits are outlined on the web site.
      The Prowler is THE single best whole body strength and conditioning tool on the planet in my view, but not everything is going to be at that level. Prowler is also maybe 4-5X the price, and used for different effects, goals, etc. Also, see some additional comments to others comments here.
      No, it’s not gong to change your life and no, you don’t “need” it per se, but I’m finding it an excellent tool so far and will update as more is done with it.

  2. Mortarman 12 years ago

    OK Will… So…cool, but could you please give us a few pithy words about the “why”?
    I mean, aside from the clear isolation benefits, any other reasons you’re such a big fan? No concerns about secondary effects from the trapping of your grip in that fashion? No concerns about the impact to wrists from the design, which appears to place stress on your wrists and forearms during the transition through horizontal?
    It’s a pretty cool looking piece of kit, but I’d like to know more, please, about all of the above, and quite frankly, I’m used to seeing more from you than what appears to just be a shill for some gear. And just to be clear, I don’t believe that’s what you’re actually doing, but I think your long-time followers are used to getting more from you than a, “Hey, look at this!”, and a video.
    Sorry; don’t mean to be harsh but this was less than your usual standard.

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      “OK Will… So…cool, but could you please give us a few pithy words about the “why”?
      I mean, aside from the clear isolation benefits, any other reasons you’re such a big fan? No concerns about secondary effects from the trapping of your grip in that fashion? No concerns about the impact to wrists from the design, which appears to place stress on your wrists and forearms during the transition through horizontal?”
      No, it reduces stress on the wrists. Dr Chiang, who is in the vid, specializes in sports injuries and rehab (see his other posts here on BZ), and noted he thought it could be an excellent choice for those with various injuries/tendon issues. A far as “pithy” words, Hard to describe ’till you try one. Can’t use the usual weight yet you feel it more in the target muscles due to the offset of the weight. Another tool in the tool box however that will fit the wants/needs of some, but not for all.
      Ever use a trap bar for deadlifts? You can do deadlifts with a standard O bar for sure, but using a trap bar adds new dimensions, alters recruitment patterns, etc. It’s kinda like that…
      Reduced stress on your wrists (and many have tendinopathy in their wrists as I have over the yeats) and sort of feels like a machine and free weight combined, improves mechanics of the exercise, etc.
      “It’s a pretty cool looking piece of kit, but I’d like to know more, please, about all of the above, and quite frankly, I’m used to seeing more from you than what appears to just be a shill for some gear. And just to be clear, I don’t believe that’s what you’re actually doing, but I think your long-time followers are used to getting more from you than a, “Hey, look at this!”, and a video.Sorry; don’t mean to be harsh but this was less than your usual standard.”
      I can’t please everyone all the time, nor is that my goal. I find what I think is interesting and or of possible value, and pass it along, and hope others feel the same way. Sorry if you didn’t find this one up to standards. We aims to please… 🙂

      • mortarman 12 years ago

        THAT’S more like what we’re used to seeing! 😀 Thanks Will!!

  3. Ron Fuller 12 years ago

    Not much of a range of motion for triceps work with this bar. I do like the bar for curls and reverse curls.
    I like using the dumbbells for Lateral Raises and twisting or Zottoman curls. Better range of motion for triceps exercises too.

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      Range of motion has been more than sufficient for me and others, but depends of course on the width and length of the arms. Short thick stumpy arms will get reduced range of motion vs thinner longer arms, but it does not seem to reduce the effects. I agree however, my favorite for sure is the reverse curl and I have never used anything else that worked so well for a reverse curl.

  4. madeline 12 years ago

    i like that piece, how much is that going so far?? and what company made this product? do they have a web sight?

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      Below the vid it says “More information and 10% off Click HERE” which takes you to the web site. End of the vid also gave web URL also. Either one will get you there. Good luck.

  5. Jeffrey. Duplechain 12 years ago

    This bar looks pretty impressive as for as isolating some arm exercises.

  6. Jeff 12 years ago

    I’ve been using the Slayer barbell for several weeks. I wrote a lengthy review in the BBR members forum…in short I’d recommend people try this before they buy it – maybe at a trade show or somewhere where they are promoting it. I couldn’t find a return policy on their website — in case you bought it and didn’t like it. It’s definitely not a must-have piece of equipment, and it has a unique feel. The only exercises I use it for are the “down under” grip curl and the reverse curl.

    • Author
      Will Brink 12 years ago

      I wouldn’t say it’s as must have per se no, but I have one in my home gym and find it does a lot more then the one exercise you’re using it for personally (see my other vids for ideas) and at Golds the other day, I did squats with standard O bar and bridges using Slayer, which is a favorite. At the recent Arnold Classic (see vid posted) is was very popular with people using it and they sold a ton I was told. No doubt, getting to use a unique bar such as that is helpful to knowing it it’s something you want.
      Me, I’m impressed with the many exercises that can be done in such a small foot print and like the unique balance and feel, and find it reduces stress on my joints. It’s been a worthy addition to my home use and gym
      You may want to try and use it for some of the other exercises it’s good for. 🙂

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