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This vid is dedicated to my buddy Deputy P. Whitney Richtmyer, who recently passed away from the true killer of LE, CVD. I attempt a big picture view of the problem and give general advice to avoid it using slides and article.

  1. Lynn Mckinney 3 years ago

    Hello. My name is Lynn McKinney, and I am a former student of Northwest school of massage. When I was a student there, Whitney was recovering from a torn gracilius and a subscapula injury, from doing a cold catch. We had to do 50 hours of practice massage at the school, And Whitney would book me several hours a day several days a week. He taught me a lot about passive resistance stretching. I was thinking about him the other day, and found out that he had recently passed away from your website. I also saw that his leg was broken when he was hit by a Lexus in south center by a shoplifting suspect. I am heartbroken. He was definitely dedicated… and that shouldn’t have happened to him. The one thing I wanted to mention is that Whitney had told me during our sessions that he had had his gallbladder removed. My mother had her gallbladder removed in her mid 20s. There is a connection between gallbladder removal and heart issues. The doctors don’t tell you that! That’s why I regularly do gallbladder flushes… something I learned about at the Northwest school of massage. Whitney taught me so much… more so than some of my instructors on stretching and massage techniques. Thank you for remembering him and thank you for your website.

    • Author
      Will Brink 3 years ago

      Thanx for the nice post Lynn. I’m still shocked he’s gone. I forget and wonder why I have not see him post on FB and such. Then I remember and go “Oh crap.”

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